Damn me and my wife had a great time at Gay Pride this year! We spent the whole weekend together and partied like crazy. Shit we spent the first two days (friday & saturday) drunk as hell. Friday, was girls night at the Seoul plaza. There were lots of hot strippers, women of course, they had everyone acting a fool. I made some videos of them but of course can't upload any on the net LOL, for my personal use only. My wife kept most of my attention, she danced on me the whole night, lol even when I was sitting down, mmm those lap dances she gave me woo! OMG, Eva Pigford was there looking sexy as ever, damn she really is as hot as she looked on America's Next Top Model. I wonder if she's bi or what cause she was watching those dancers just as hard as I was LOL. I wanted her to come home with me and my wife but those damn body guards wasn't letting any of us get near her LOL.
Saturday, was the block party! Let's of preforming drag queens and dikes in leather, sexy LOL. We had a blast and met some really cool people, I have pics of them in my portfolio. This year was the best "Pride" ever!