My wife mailed the money order yesterday lol could have used the credit card if we had saw that option on the first page, she had already brought the money order then we click add to cart and see credit card option lmao that sucked, I could have had it the same day. I guess I will have it in about 2 days and I can't wait I have some serious plans for my page. I'm gonna feel sorry for dail-up users going to my page, lol shit I feel sorry for them now. I am always hooking other ppl's pages up, it's about time I put that hard work into my own VR page! Yayyyy....
Four days later after I wrote about how romantic my wife has been lately. She still is making me blush and overloading my system with to much love lol. Of course, it's never to much though heheh I can handle it. Unforunatly my wife got sick the other day and so did I except I also had some really bad stomach pains too. We took care of each other until my pain became more than i could bare. Even though my wife still has a cold she still took care of me. She would lay next to me and massage and rub my tummy. She made sure I was comfortable and she fixed me some good hot meals. Yesterday she left out for a bit but when she returned she had chocolates and a very sweet and beautiful card for me. The teddy bear she just gave me a few days ago was good enough to keep me happy for awhile but she is still laying on the charm and romance.
Maybe it is cause of the good news she has been receiving lately that has her in such a great mood. A few producers want to work with her on her demo and she is about to move near me next week. I am so happy for her and so proud. It's the first step before we can get a house together and i hope it doesn't take to long. I can't wait till I can wake up everyday next to her. We do see each other a lot and get to spend the night together often but it still isn't good enough, I need to be with my baby everyday.
I hope this sweet loving she's been giving me isn't temporary, I'm getting used to it and it's nice being spoiled this way. She always did spoil me and is romantic but not this much and I am really enjoying it.
First I must say this is very serious to me and the words I am about to say comes completely from my heart. (I'm trying not to cry right now hard to see the keyboard that way lol)
I joined this site almost 2 years ago and I didn't know what to expect, lol I was just doing my normal research on vampires surfing the web and *bam* VR. It sparked my interest and here I am.
I could have never predicted how active I would be on this site or how close I would become with so many wonderful ppl. My third day here I met someone who now I consider to be my closet friend, my best-friend Tammy. I don't think she even knows how she saved my life one day when I felt so alone and ready to die. There was so much drama going on in my life and she stayed up all night talking to me and helping me see the positive. She gave me strength. If it wasn't for VR I would have never met someone so wonderful and many more just as special and as close to me as she is.
Not that long ago I found myself unemployed and nearly homeless. The only person in my life that did what ever it took to help me was my wife Natalia (VampiressNatalia) but I also had so much love and support from my VR family. This was my only escape from the stress and pain. Even though I had lost my computer, every time I manage to scrap up a few dollars to travel to look for jobs and go to the library, I made sure to check in on VR and see my friends. My wife made sure I had a cell phone to help me out. So even though I couldn't get online as much as I was before, I even had friends here that offered their phone numbers to me just so they could be there for me in case things got to hard and I needed a friend to listen. Things are so much better for me and my wife now and I am so thankful for those that care about us so much. (You know who u are, we love you)
This place is my home and where my friends and extended family dwells. I am so happy I found this site and I hope it stays around for a very long time.
Wow I don't know what has gotten into my wife this week but I like it! She has been spoiling me so much. The other day she made my favorite, lasanga and it was awesome, even though it was her first time making that, you would have never guessed it. I told her she has to make that for me at least every 2 months which might be too long lol. I had to give her a reward for that meal and damn, did I! She said it was the best sex I ever gave her, it topped all I've done before. She flipped it around back on me though, and gave me the best sex she had ever given me too. She said she had to go all out after the loving I had just gave her lol it almost felt like a competition.
Yesterday, she brought me the cutest white lion stuffed animal. I love it! It looks cute sitting next to "Cherry" the big white and red bear she got me last year.
My baby even wrote me another poem and she wrote a song for me. lol I'm starting to feel like the feminine one, she is taking my manhood from me lol. I have to step up my romance and I sure will. I got to sweep her off her feet like I used too.
Tonight I contacted a few record labels in my area and even a few producers. I found a guy who owns a label and studio that said he would help my wife out with her demo music for only $25 a hour. That's fucking awesome! I wish I could do a few background tracks for my wife but I'm not good with producing R&B sounds. Now if she ever wants to try some Rap, techno or house music I'm the one to call lol. She said she could sing slow over a fast beat plenty of songs are like that and I agree but that's not the style of music she wants to do professionally so i feel there is no point of me doing that. I know a few good producers here in MD that can help her and won't charge much. I have all faith in my wife and I know she will make it in the industry if she really wants it and tries hard. She stick with me and trust me to handle the connections, she is going straight to the top!
Things didn't go exactly the way we planed, well at least not the way we wanted to start the night off anyway but it ended perfect. We didn't have any money like we expected to have but that wasn't going to stop our fun. We decided we would at least go check out the fireworks downtown. We ended up making love and things got a little intense, we lost track of time. We couldn't ride with our friends because the car was to full so we had to take the bus and time was running thin. We quickly get dressed and run outside just in time for the bus but it was raining. I was afraid there wouldn't be any fireworks plus since we were broke I wanted us to just sit downtown at a nice spot and chill for a bit with some friends that were going to meet up with us. We quickly agreed maybe going there just to see the fireworks and head back home wasn't good enough to travel downtown. So we headed back inside the house lol.
My baby made me some New Years dinner and we sat and ate while talking about how our year was together. We reminisced on a few things. Then we turned on the TV and watched the fireworks. Later she put on some smooth jazz and told me to dance with her. We danced staring into each others eyes and passionately kissing in-between. I felt so happy that I got to see another year go by with my wife. Of course, all this romance led to some great love making. Even though we didn't get to party with our friends it still was a awesome night because we were together alone all night enjoying each other.
Well Me and Natalia's day started out pretty good until my lil brother took us to meet one of his chicken heads. I knew it was a bad idea from the beginning I just got a negative feeling over me soon as he asked us to ride with him over there to chill with him and this slut he calls his girl.
But Natalia said we should go so I can have some sister and brother time with him without my father around. I thought that sounded cool, plus the puppy dog look and begging my brother was doing didnt help me say no either.
We take the long ride over to the eastside of the city from the westside. Soon as we get off the bus I take one look around and wonder if i will leave there alive or with all my stuff.
We get to the girl house and as soon as we walk in I couldnt believe how disgusting it was. Now I must back track, my bro was yelling at the girl to get up and clean the house before we get there and she said she would. So after looking around I'm wondering, if this is whay she calls clean then what did it look like before we got there. Then I look over at the couch and there is a fucking junkie passed out or maybe even dead lying there, i couldnt tell if it was a man or woman, all I could see was arms and legs hanging off the couch. He/she arms and legs were so nasty I could see black marks all over them.
My brother tells us to follow him to his girl's room. We walk in the chick's room and her fat, nasty, lazy ass is lying in the bed. Great first impression.
Natalia has a short convo with the girl and I can already see she is not that bright or wrapped too tight because she says she is 27 and my lil brother is only 19. That tells me right there she isnt much of a real woman. You are near 30 and you are messing with a teenager.
Anyone that know me know I hate bugs and this bitch had plenty of them running around. I felt so uncomfortable, I started having some serious anxiety, I felt like I was itching all over and like bugs were crawling on me. I couldnt stay sitting down I just stood there next to Natalia. Her family kept walking in and out of the room looking at me and Natalia like we were the finest things they ever saw. I bet they never saw ppl that looked liked us that wasn't on TV lol. Damn I know they were hating on us hard.
Then it gets worst. I see a condom on her table so i make a joke about her and my bro using it. This nasty hoe says to me, "it ain't mine I never use condoms". WTF, you nasty, dumb ass, fucking slut. Me and Natalia just gave each other a look of disgust. That was the last straw for me.
I grabbed my coat and told Natalia to come outside with me because I wanted to talk to her. We get to the door but I noticed she didnt have her coat, I told her to go get all her stuff because I was staying out side until we were ready to leave. Natalia got a bit mad with me because she felt I was being rude by leaving the house and we had just got there. She didnt really know what i was feeling so i told her some of the reasons I didnt ant to stay there any longer.
Eventually my brother comes outside looking for us. I went off on him, I kinda regret it now but I had to tell him how I felt about this shit. I even asked him was he trying to get aids or some shit. My bro is young and I guess he is just a horny thing that is happy to get what he can get. I hope he don't get a disease or get that nasty ass bitch pregnant. I hope that talk me and Natalia had with him got into his head.