This is pretty cool, i figured out how to log on Vr from my cell phone. I've practiced how to get around the site fast and how to read and reply to messages. Thats the best part cause i missed chatting with my friends. I cant access profiles guess cause there's to much on most pages lol. I still visit the library as much as i can. Hope i have a place soon and i sure will save for a new comp.
lol It sux only being able to log on during the day. All my friends are mostly on at night but I dont have access to a comp. at night *sigh*. Well I hope to see everyone soon and I hope they haven't forgot about me or my wife cause we sure haven't. We miss our friends here sooo much.
Well quick run down of my life so far....This is why I havn't been on VR much.....
My mom lost her house and because of the bad things my mom told my family about me, no one would let me stay with them. Oh, and of course my mom doesnt want me at her new place and doesnt care. Good news my granddad let me stay with him, bad news its a apartment where junkie crackheads stay, I'm afraid...
While moving I lost ALL my IDs and is having trouble replacing them because I cant find things to ID myself with. That means I cant get a new job to save up and move yet.
Of course my wife is working hard for both of us. She's wonderful as always. She's doing good with saving money and helping me out too. I love her so much.
Please keep me and my wife in mind and in your hearts. We miss all our VR family and ask for your support and prayers.
Much love to all,
Lucky and Natalia