I had coffee with a strong flavor last evening. Bitter, sort of piercing through the milk. I'm unsure of what kind it was. Supposedly, it's sweeter than other drinks that were on that restaurant's menu. I wasn't worried about having it so late since caffeine has a delayed effect on me. Then I missed the interval where I can sleep well. Eh, it happens.
The flavor was at least interesting. I can't say I've felt that strongly about coffee on its own. Most likely the blend that's in the house has a mild taste. I've never gone out of my way to try other ones because coffee is just not one of my interests. Or my taste buds might just be too weak to fully appreciate it.
I also read a good portion of the VR Manual. About halfway. I'll be finishing it sometime this week. I should also get around to returning profile ratings, since it gives some bonus. If the profile has something, it should be good to go.