My brain is bleeding, fucking open it up, and behold! The thing that should not be there....
A million maggots feasting on my sanity...Kisses, and promises, desires, heartache, love, and hate....fucking internal hatred....for her...
Liar...soiled decietful cunt...Did she always act this way as she manipulate and stolen my feelings, my things, my trust and respect?
To play me like she did takes fucking guts cause now I loathe her..She's like all other liars.
The world is cruel, and the only morality in a cruel world is chance.
Swirling black and gray chemical sickness in my brain so foggy and thick...and she took that all away.
She cheated and stole, nothing but greed is what she is! I should've known it wasn't true that I could find a friend, a woman who would have loved me...Should've known I couldn't trust her...liar, cheater, MURDERER of my fucking trust, my respect!
This is reality! NOT a fairytale! I can't fathom how I believed her lies when I looked into her eyes.
She enjoyed causing this anger...and getting into chaos. I will write in her fucking journal to ''STEP INTO MY HELL!'' in big bold bloody letters so I can split her forked tongue, to just burn out her betraying ears. I piss on her false tears...Do not ever believe...filthy human waste...
Of anything she could have done all she could have said how could she dare to even say I would waste my last breath?
I pity her...for she will never understand what it means to feel true love and have good friends. Because she throw it all away and cover it with ash.
They say memories won't haunt you if you forget them. I forgot those memories, but now I only hold no trust in her, nothing....I thought she were a friend, something more even...Oh so wrong I was..I thought I could trust her. Lie.
This is all a lie, it must be true. I never could...really hate her. Even though she tainted my soul, ripping out my heart With her selfish greedy lies. I never can look away, because I really did love her. That's why I could never hate her...
But in those whispers I heard them uttering their famous fibs. Their unnatural untruths. Their little lucid lies.
I hate liars. Period!
I cut myself open with my spear, and reveal my naked, defenseless heart. Then they spit on it. How do you think that feels?
I never lie about feelings.
I know the heart of darkness. I've delved into the spirits of solitude and hate, and I know how much the fragile mortal heart can take before finally giving in. I know the aftermath, the numbness of being full of shadow to the point no one can see it, to master it, to keep a smiling face, an honest laugh on the outside, and knowing these gestures only scratch the surface.
I pick up my pen, and write verse after verse of dark requiems of my imagination and dreams. I do this of my own free will. I have nothing to regret, nothing out of the pages of my past to fear, worship, love, or hate. Yet, I'm full of this darkness. Why?
I know why. I chose to be this way. I chose to let the dark feelings creep within me. I sacrificed myself for inner knowledge, to see the full edge of the human spectrum. I've spent my childhood encased in a brilliant beam of light which governed and protected me. I wanted to feel more, I wanted to see the rest of the world, feel it. I wanted to know the world inside, and outside.
I tapped into the feelings that is said to be present in every human being alive. Anger, hate, jealousy, etc... the dark matter of the human psyche. Before long, the feelings began to reach deep inside me, and I stopped. I was too young to really know what I was getting myself into. After a few years, I found the small taint I received as a child grows. I was no genius, no master of the human mind to know anything of the matter. Before long, hate and anger grew within me, and I realized that I could fight it, and suffer, or delve deeper into myself, and know the full capacity of the human mind.
So I did, and became who I am today. I know little anger, little hate. I know the capacity of the killer instinct of every human being, perhaps even how to bring it out... but I've never been able to really know that. I know my limits, with it, I was able to form my values, my loves, my hates.
So with this, I delve the secrets of my darkness, why I can give writings, and appreciate writings that aren't tainted with a light heart, and thrown into the chasms of mediocrity.
As a child, I knew only the innocent pleasures in life. I didn't know much of hate or anger, and discrimination was hidden from me. I was happy. I was happy, and dissatisfied. For I knew at an early age that an ignorant existence is an empty existence.
I withdrew from the journey I had set out to do before. Because of the feelings I had achieved, for no reason, over shadows that were never really there. I saw no reason to go on. I carried on for a few years as a child like any other, there was nothing special about me. I knew to a small extent my new feelings, but they didn't much worry me.
As I went on, my darker feelings sent chills through me, it began on very rare occasions, and then it became more and more frequent, until not feeling them was a rarity. I knew perfectly well what I had done to myself, and was not ready to turn back. During my years of growing up, I had a lot of time to myself. It had become apparent to me that these people I had come to know wouldn't accept me as their own, so I kept to myself. I entered myself to uncover the other side of myself, the darker influences that tread through mine and every other human soul alive. I came out changed.
A curtain of light had been replaced by a curtain of darkness. I saw only the darkest in everything, and it tore me apart. I had known only anger, and I was more than ready to give it up. I consulted a place which had held my life in the perfect happiness for so long. The church. Hopefully, they could right the wrongs I had committed unto myself. In the end, I abandoned the church. It did nothing for me anymore, but only to remind me of the ignorance that once held my life in hollow bliss.
I was searching for a way to express the anger, the hate, the darkness, and be not rid of it, but at least give a place in my soul for light. I met many people during this time, all of which knew nothing of this. The awakening, in particular, showed me the medium which began my recovery. It had begun a phase in me which continues today. I can become the woman of light, shrouded in darkness though her deepest emotions found in a strangled peacock. When I broke free of darkness and light, I had seen, felt, been much more than I had ever anticipated.
The veil of light and shadow had been lifted from my eyes, and I was able to see every side of the spectrum, the joy and the sorrow, the love and the hate, life and death. I had sold my soul for knowledge, and gotten what I paid for.
Today, I know who I am, and I now walk around the streets, the world, with no shame in my shoulders, because I had seen both sides of the world, and knew I belonged in neither. I am my own mistress, and neither God nor Satan has a say in it. I swear allegiance to no one but those very real people whom have touched, and continue to touch my life. That is who I am, and I don’t regret doing what I did to find that out.
Peacock. What a vainglorious animal... a beautiful, rich, prosperous, and vainglorious animal... How ironic.
.. a certain commonalty of thought springs to mind when I read this.
What thoughts would that be? Please tell me, and don't keep it waiting....
Beautifully written. The content within, reflex the beginning of a new life with no attachment to the world. You are an Individual with your own individuality. Congratulation and may end of your journey brings peace and happiness into yourself.
The journey is only the beginning...
The past I remember is mine, but is it just a figment?
I ask for stories I swear I've been told, but the people I ask never remember, say I heard wrong or that it never happened. What does this mean? It's such a strange thing when I dream about people in my past life.
I swore I knew those once, truely knew them. They were my friends. No longer.
All these questions swarm me as I try to work, and do my singing. I want to do everything but what I've been told to do, anything but the conformity that threatens to stifle me. I don't look like you. I don't breathe like you. I don't sleep like you. I am not your normal breed of human. I am me.
But who am I? All these false memories, they seem so real.....
Did I want to hide something from myself? Did I just forget and alter and change and regret? Is the pain I know from so many things even mine to feel? Did it really happen, or am I living in some paranoid dilusion?
I get these chills, and I dream these dreams. Sometimes the dreams aren't so bad, just mindless premonitions, but others, they scare me so. They are the harbingers of death, and I know them for what they are, but there is nothing I can do. Time and time again they torment me until it's too late. They bring foreboading and tension into my already drifting life, I have given my life for a family that I served to protect, flesh and blood, a spear to sharpen will and might.
The dreams I have cast me further away from humanity, and I wonder if anyone can really reach me here in this place. If anything can pull me back. It's so dark here, in this void, so listless, full of sound, and despite the darkness, full of lights and garish colors.
I don't let anyone see the torment it brings to my soul. I thought to save my soul, fought to do so, and yet it feels just as lost as the rest of me. I believe, I repent, I ask, I beg, I plead. My cries go unheard, or at least, unreplied to.
I have never heard the voice of God, but I have felt the searing heat of his hand upon me, as I have felt the cold chill of the evil one trying to crush this heart that beats so irregularly within my chest.
Am I demon? Angel? Hybrid? Mortal gifted? The product of all four? Something in between? Something that can never be saved? Perhaps. Perhaps I am more than mere mortal, and perhaps I am but a lunatic.
Does it truely matter what the nature of a mortal is in truth? We all face the same fate in the end. That is the curse of our mortality, and from that, there is no escape.
I hear the voices in my head, as chaos follows me. He and I are one and the same, and yet I am also unity. He and I are partners, lovers, enemies. I am the shadow in the dark, and the brightness of the day. I am everything and nothing, sane and inane. I have seen the world, in its dementate state and I have laughed, and taken my spear then seen the same conditions and cried.
And yet, through all this, I remain without an identity. I live without cause or reason. I exist....
But for what purpose?
very revealing . . .dont give up cuz god didnt answer. . . .others here will reply to you in need. .
While memory brings us the benefit of accessing lessons learned, and wisdoms gained, being able to remember also allows too much of our past to haunt our present and stifle our future.
Memories can be deadly weapons. If in the wrong hands, memories can break the strongest of will, sever the purest of souls, and shatters the mightiest of hearts. Memories bring nostalgia and longing for what can never be again. Nostalgia brings false hopes and naive wishes.
Memories and nostalgia are dangerous things that slither into your mind when your back is turned and tantalize you with good feelings. You stay up at night drowning in those feelings and soon, in your tears.
I wish it could end, but I have trouble sleeping from these.
Excellent first journal entry! I look forward to more.
Thank you.
Maybe someone might come across it and appreciate it, alongside with you. Understanding my feelings, cheering me on.
The world is not only filled with cruelty. A murderer's eyes may be cold and full of hate, but they are still eyes. No matter what, they...we are still human.
it seems you are close to a new understanding of yourself. it is very well written, and speaks much about the soul of the writer.
keep writing.
Of course, not....
You are a mirror. But no ordinary one. You seem to have captured and hold onto past reflections, impressions in glass and memories of things that you have seen through your eyes. You are a guardian, you see things and watch over them. The past things you see are things you are supposed to remember and use in this current life you have been given. All things that have been of special meaning to you in your glass mirror are for you to know and understand. To be inside a mirror is to be in a place without time or boundaries. You see the past, present and future in your dreams, your only escape. Someone will join you, someone who understands this, how it works.
As far as you're purpose, you are meant to guide, to teach from your experience. You keep watch over those you love and through you something great will come. A guardian pours their life into another and sends them off to continue their work. Whoever this person is, they shall be your life's work. And they shall be important and close to you.
By any change, are majoring in Philosophy? I asked, because your writing is not from our actual time, is something sensual and Gothic. Keep writing and I will keep reading. Thanks for a wonderful time.
Thank you, and I do not take in Philosophy, but I do like it...
03:38 Nov 26 2009
such solid rising emotion....
the cause was bad, true, but to pull that sort of raw passion out of it might be a blessing....
apply it to your music. if you write, apply it to that.
it will give you power, and take the power away from the one that hurt you.
00:36 Nov 29 2009
I empathise with every line uttered.