Lovebyblood's Journal

Lovebyblood's Journal


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15 entries this month

15:36 Feb 27 2009
Times Read: 565

today is a sad day...

last night,my cat destroyed the source of my life...

the earphones to my ipod.

well actually only one but you get what i mean right?

i got so pissed i literally threw him off my bed.

am still pissed.stuck having to listen to them through one ear

*sighs*this really sucks...

that little monster better not be in my room when i get home...

i just found out that one of my friends on here whom i kinda had a crush on him and his gorgeous(XD) locks is having ome problems right now.probably explains why he hasn't been online all this time.

and when i saw his message,my heart just twisted and ached before i even read it because now i know that he didn't get on just because he wanted to stop talking to me

i missed him a lot too...

i hope things work out soon and i could talk to him again

does this make me sound selfish...?




15:31 Feb 26 2009
Times Read: 571

i'm in school right now...

i forgot my bookbag

it's green and heavy...

how the heck do you forget something like that???



17:03 Feb 26 2009

Trust me, it's easy. I did that countless times. Heh. I also forgot to go to school too..... ;)


20:14 Feb 24 2009
Times Read: 574


level 5:caitiff

yea yea i know'its just a level get over it'

and i'll agree with whoever says that in the next 5 minutes

but i've been waiting too long to get to level 5 so im so stoked right now

when i first got to level 4,it said i was 90%done

and after a while when you try to do so many things just to get off the 90%

and it doesn't work...

you tend to get a lil antsy about it

thats how i was






15:40 Feb 23 2009
Times Read: 576

so yea umm...

crazy weekend i had

not that i'm saying it was bad or anything...pretty awesome actually heh.

one of my friends that i had a huge crush on asked me out.never actually thought it would happen because i feel like i dont stand a chanc with him.

also because the fact that he's frickin hot!i mean smexy haha

anyways,he told me he always thought i didn't like him and that he didn't stand a chance with me.

shocker there.

but he was actually serious and he really does like me a lot.

the problem was about all this was that he really doesn't want to hurt me because he has this little problem with making out with hot people(he's bi) and he's lost lots of friends,boyfriends,girlfriends because of it too.

so for right now,we're having sort of an open relationship

i trust him.he doesn't want to intentionally hurt me...

i'm so happy about this

i don't even think a swarm of cannible ducks can ruin this

haha and i call him duckie XD




06:29 Feb 21 2009
Times Read: 578

not really sure what it is or was exactly(my sickness i mean),but i think its getting better.

thats a plus.but the minus to all this,i got a new addition to everything.

i won't mention it though haha

well i know this is "vampire rave"

and i should probably be able to know at least a few vampires from on here

so far,i only believe one guy that says who he is.

thanks a bunch VR

but anyways,a long while ago(maybe 2 or 3 months ago)i made a quiz because i wanted to actually know a vampire.real one of course not fake.so i waited

and waited

and waited

haha u can go on forever

but anyways,i put my email address in the result so they can message/email me from theirs if they had one.

so today i got online to check my messages(i got yahoo),and i see i got a friend request.but i think nothing of it and just accepted it.

so about a half hour ago,they came online.they apparently weren't from the same website i usually get my requests from.and then they said they took my vampire quiz.

this shocked me because my quiz isn't something that is common to see on that website when 100 poeple make quizzes every 15mins.

so this person actually found it somehow.they claim to be an actual vampire(rather have the term Sang than vampire).

well anyways,i'l just show the conversation instead.well what's there so far.

i'm off for the night/day.

Conversation(i am Jamear84):

[c=#1BB412]Atavia™[/c=#8B1EB5]: Hello there

Lovebyblood: hi

[c=#1BB412]Atavia™[/c=#8B1EB5]: How are you?

Lovebyblood: lil sick but ok

Lovebyblood: you?

[c=#1BB412]Atavia™[/c=#8B1EB5]: I am alright myself

Lovebyblood: cool

[c=#1BB412]Atavia™[/c=#8B1EB5]: I think I got your email off of Quizilla, lol

Lovebyblood: lol really?

Lovebyblood: wow

[c=#1BB412]Atavia™[/c=#8B1EB5]: Yeah, off of some quiz that gave your email at the end xD;

Lovebyblood: lol cant remember...

Lovebyblood: have any idea what it was called?

[c=#1BB412]Atavia™[/c=#8B1EB5]: It was some vampire one.

Lovebyblood: oh really?

Lovebyblood: so are you telling me you're a vampire then?

[c=#1BB412]Atavia™[/c=#8B1EB5]: I prefer just Sang, but yes.

Lovebyblood: sanguarius?

[c=#1BB412]Atavia™[/c=#8B1EB5]: Sanguinarian

Lovebyblood: right.

Lovebyblood: hmm...

[c=#1BB412]Atavia™[/c=#8B1EB5]: Yes

[c=#1BB412]Atavia™[/c=#8B1EB5]: Lol

[c=#1BB412]Atavia™[/c=#8B1EB5]: Was there anything you wanted to know?

Lovebyblood: hmm...not really

[c=#1BB412]Atavia™[/c=#8B1EB5]: Hahaha, then why the quiz?

Lovebyblood: well i mean yea there are things i do want to know,but mostly the idea to actually know a Sang

[c=#1BB412]Atavia™[/c=#8B1EB5]: Ahaha, oh I see

[c=#1BB412]Atavia™[/c=#8B1EB5]: Well

[c=#1BB412]Atavia™[/c=#8B1EB5]: If you would like to know anything

[c=#1BB412]Atavia™[/c=#8B1EB5]: Ask away

Lovebyblood: i'll be sure to

Lovebyblood: well i gotta ask how old you are

[c=#1BB412]Atavia™[/c=#8B1EB5]: 15

Lovebyblood: years???

[c=#1BB412]Atavia™[/c=#8B1EB5]: 16 in May

Lovebyblood: 16...

[c=#1BB412]Atavia™[/c=#8B1EB5]: Lol, no, centuries

[c=#1BB412]Atavia™[/c=#8B1EB5]: Of course years xD

Lovebyblood: hmm....

[c=#1BB412]Atavia™[/c=#8B1EB5]: Any other questions?

[c=#1BB412]Atavia™[/c=#8B1EB5]: Lol

Lovebyblood: the years...

[c=#1BB412]Atavia™[/c=#8B1EB5]: Ummm o.o What about them..?

Lovebyblood: they just dont seem to fit with you being a vampire.

[c=#1BB412]Atavia™[/c=#8B1EB5]: Yes, it happened when I was around 13.

Lovebyblood: oh

any comments?feel free.im curious to see what i get about this




12:26 Feb 19 2009
Times Read: 586

maybe its not appendicitis...

seeing as im still alive

good guess though...



16:01 Feb 19 2009

yes that ,s good but if it,s not that then what is is?


01:01 Feb 19 2009
Times Read: 587

thought i was going to get better...

why aren't i then????

got another fever

and then pains...





15:44 Feb 17 2009
Times Read: 591

results of appendicitis symptoms:

got everything except vomiting(a fear you can say about me lol)

so...should i go to a doctor/nurse?

yes or no?

need answers quickly



17:08 Feb 17 2009

Can we say YES!!!


15:24 Feb 17 2009
Times Read: 594

got a stupid fever over the weekend

been sick for almost two weeks

my side is hurting like crazy

red flag up for anyone?

maybe its appendicits(?)

never had it before(well duh!)

gonna go check out the symptoms if there are any besides a hurting side




23:47 Feb 14 2009
Times Read: 598

i haven't gotten a sick in a while,so being sick right now is kind of a shocker(brit style lol)

i've been like this for lmost two weeks i think.when i think one thing's getting better,another gets worse.

pretty annoying if you ask me.

my chest is starting to hurt now

is it my heart...?





15:33 Feb 12 2009
Times Read: 603

i've been crying for the past two hours...and still am.

because of a lady with no heart or soul at all.

her main purpose is to just make people get in trouble and ruin their lives.

my mind couldn't take what was happening.so i kept hitting it against a wall in the stall of a bathroom.i wanted to just die right there...

but all i could do was curl up and cry....




15:27 Feb 09 2009
Times Read: 607

note to self:

if someone gets on my nerves today,be sure to put them on my "list"

yes...a list.

then throw that list away

wait...before i do that,i'll title my list as "Souls"...




15:54 Feb 09 2009

This is curious. What does it accomplish?

15:26 Feb 17 2009

i have no idea.

hmm...ask me that later and i'll find an answer to that



22:16 Feb 08 2009
Times Read: 609

i just don't understand people sometimes...i only exist to make people happy in any way i can,i would give them my mind, body, and soul just to please them.be their slave if thats the case.

but the fact that i have to also go through pain for trying to help them...its just too much for me too handle sometimes.

i hate it.but deal with it anyways...

oh well




15:25 Feb 05 2009
Times Read: 611

i am really thirsty right now...

can't do nothing about it though.




06:16 Feb 01 2009
Times Read: 616

if i ever thought i was so angry and pissed and sad at the same time before,i was so wrong...



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