So here are the pictures I promised last night. I don't have any images in my possession of during the tattooing, Kristen has some from the beginning. But here is right after I got home and did all the care stuff. And I must give Kristen a BIIIIIG Thank you for taking me to get it and being such a great and awesome person and friend.
Brightly now!
Now for some close ups. :)
What do you think?!?
I just got my first tattoo!!!
I'll edit this entry once I get my photos loaded up onto photobucket.
Chris is moving to New Mexico. My favorite brother, my top family member and one of my two favorite people in the world is moving very far away.
I am sad, but I don't think I'm gonna cry when he leaves, but it is going to make me very upset. But like my honey said, it is just more motivation to leave where I am at now.
As for things with him, I'm insecure. He's been busy lately, and I've been paranoid, for no reason. Like, he said he wanted to do something today.. and didn't specify, and I thought about all the things he -could- be doing. I feel terrible about it, and ignored his phone call after I texted him, telling him we didn't need to talk about it because I'm just being insecure and paranoid.
I'll be honest, I sometimes text him about sensitive subjects when I want to say what I need to, without hearing the disappointment or whatever emotion I think I hear in his voice. But he calls, and I panic. We talked this morning, then we hung up. A few minutes later I texted him and told him my paranoia. He called me and I ignored the call, thinking it was going to end.. like he was going to tell me what I suspected, or that my paranoia and insecurities were just too much and he was going to leave me.
My faults, my dependency in some areas, my damage, they've been the end of 3 of my relationships.
Somehow, writing this has brought my mood up slightly, but I know it's not going to last.
It never does.
So..yeah..I got it.
I go next week for the review for my Silver award, then on the 26th, I get my Silver.
On a side note, I go for my eye appt, 2 months late... on Friday.
I am sooo gonna be President of Crew. I KNOW it!!!!
*crosses fingers and dances*
05:40 May 25 2009
I think it's really pretty!!! Nice colors and nice placement. I have 13 tattoos and counting. Yours is very nice.
05:46 May 25 2009
Thank you!
20:01 May 26 2009
I love it!!!!!!!
05:44 Jun 07 2009
Kick ass ink
07:27 Jun 12 2009
looks great