A 'glorious' thing has happened! I have found within my Barren, Cold heart a glimmer of hope, a sparkle of love. I have been once again drafted by Cruel Love's army, and am wondering what to do. Should I tell him my feelings, or let him make the first move, as he so wishes? The difference in age startles me, but I try not to think about it. Love is blind, they say, and they are very wise to say so. However, I can't let my heart run away with me, and then be crushed if it is unrequited love. I must play to my strengths in this dangerous game, and stay ever vigilent,never losing myself again to love.
Today is a day to mourn what is lost, to lament the loss of innocence, the loss of a child, the loss of love, the loss of happiness, the loss of one's mind. It is also a day to rejoice, for life, for newfound love, for a newborn child, and for chains that link us to those we care most about.
Love is like a flower that has been picked. It will last briefly, become stale, wilt, and complete the process of dying. It is condemed to death from the moment it starts. Love has no chance in a world that is as heartless as the one we live in. It is too sweet, to brief, too painfully blissful to go through.