Remembering all the times of laughter
Remembering all the times we fought
Remembering all the times we spent together
Remembering all the good times we brought
I cant get enough
You've grown, I"m proud
That threw bad times your always tough
Even how cheezy this sounds
Knowing you'll always be ok
Knowing you'll keep your head high
Knowing you'll wont care what people say
Knowing You'll smile day or night
I look at you and think
"you grown so tall"
Yet my heart sinks
Knowing I'm still small
But its alright, Its ok
I love you anyways
You've made me proud no matter what I say
No matter how you've grown, your my Cuppycake
"You're my hunny bunch,
Sugar plum,
You're my sweetie pie,
You're my cuppycake,
Gum drops,
Snoogums boogums you're,
The apple of my eye,
And I love you so and I want you to know,
That I'll always be right here,
And I love to sing, sweet songs to you,
Because you are so dear."
I love you Angelica,
Love your favorite lovable Squishy Cuzin,
Carly V. Quevedo