Yes, now that we have made our werewolf, how do we unmake it you ask?
First, you must place a large pan on the stove top. Add 1 quart of water. Bring to a boil. Then add the following in equal parts, wolfbane, vinegar, bleach, dishwasher soap, borax and some muriatic acid. Allow the mixture to simmer for 45 minutes. While the mixture is still warm take it to your bath area. Obtain a wire brush and enter your tub, shower, etc. Take a sponge and place it into the mixture and rub the mixture all over your body (yes, even there). Then take the wire brush and scrub your body with enthusiasm and vigor. You will soon remove all traces of the werewolf and you will be werewolf free. Yes, it works, just trust me!
23:37 Mar 18 2010
Im thankful .... finally Ill be able to sleep during the full moon !
07:02 Nov 05 2011
you're funny
17:06 Sep 25 2012
Perhaps it's dark humor, but I wonder if some idiot actually tried this...
23:22 Jan 09 2013
I doubt they would live long enough to tell anyone if they did... XD