LordFangor's Journal

LordFangor's Journal


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37 entries this month

A Clown Convention

15:28 Jul 31 2023
Times Read: 221

thank you Lincoln Project





Mango Whines About Jack Smith

23:26 Jul 30 2023
Times Read: 234

Donald Trump cried “prosecutorial misconduct” again this weekend while denying new allegations from federal prosecutors, who say the multiply indicted former president and his team tried to destroy surveillance footage from his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.

“MAR-A-LAGO SECURITY TAPES WERE NOT DELETED,” Trump declared in an all-caps rant posted to Truth Social on Sunday. “THEY WERE VOLUNTARILY HANDED OVER TO THE THUGS, HEADED UP BY DERANGED [special counsel] JACK SMITH.”


In his next post, Trump accused prosecutors of targeting him with “fake crimes,” writing: “Same as the Russia, Russia, Russia HOAX.”

“They knowingly accuse you of a fake crime, a crime that they actually make up, you fight these false charges hard, and they try and get you on ‘obstruction,’” the former president wrote. “We are dealing with sick and evil people!”

According to the federal investigation, the National Archive first became aware of missing Trump administration documents in May 2021. After Trump and his lawyers allegedly failed to return the materials, the FBI executed a search warrant on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago property in August 2022.

Federal investigators say some 13,000 government documents were recovered, 337 of which were classified.

Three new charges were added to Trump’s case on Thursday, accusing him of further efforts to obstruct an investigation into his alleged mishandling of classified documents. He pleaded not guilty to 37 related charges last month.

Investigators say that Trump, currently the front-runner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, ordered aide Walt Nauta and Mar-a-Lago property manager Carlos De Oliveira to destroy a server with sensitive video surveillance on it.

Trump denied the accusations in a statement to Fox News Digital on Thursday, saying: “This is prosecutorial misconduct used at a level never seen before.”

“If I weren’t leading [President Joe] Biden by a lot in numerous polls, and wasn’t going to be the Republican nominee, it wouldn’t be happening. It wouldn’t be happening,” he went on. “Hopefully the Republican Party will do something about it.”

Trump appeared resilient at a campaign rally in Erie, Pennsylvania, over the weekend, telling cheering crowds: “Any Republican that doesn’t act on Democratic fraud should be immediately primaried.”


lol... tell it to the jury Mango




These White Christian Nationalist Want To Stone Adulterers--- I Bet They Think It Will Be Mainly Women

22:00 Jul 29 2023
Times Read: 247

The podcast setup at first appears familiar: a pair of white dudes, mic’d up at a table, wrestling out loud with big ideas. But the conversation between the two men veers, without guardrails, into a dystopian vision of a Christian nationalist America, in which the laws of the Old Testament have been substituted for the constitution and the community is responsible for executions, including for people who cheat on their spouses.

Those executions, the men propose, should be done by stoning, the public act of hurling rocks at a condemned person until they are bludgeoned to death.

“Stoning is appropriately barbaric,” argues Luke Saint, the author of the Sound Doctrine of Theocracy and a recent guest on the podcast of the Lancaster Patriot, a far-right publication based in Lancaster Pennsylvania, an hour-and-a-half drive west of Philadelphia.

“That means there’s no closed doors. There’s nothing in the back room, where you’re just executed quickly and quietly — out of the sight of the public,” he adds. With stoning, Saint advocates, “Everyone knows who the accuser is. And everybody knows who the victim is. Everyone knows who the perpetrator is. Everything’s out in the open.”

“Nobody wants to do it,” Saint says. “And that’s the way it’s supposed to be.”

Foes of Christian nationalism are frequently derided as hysterical when they compare the movement to the Taliban, or the fictional Gilead of The Handmaid’s Tale. But as this podcast illuminates, there are factions of Christian nationalists who don’t just want to take America back to its supposed Christian origins. They seek to jettison our constitutional system of checks and balances in favor of a government based on biblical law, including reviving punishments that clash violently with modern notions of human rights.

Saint is an extremist, but he’s not a nobody, and he’s not alone. His interviewer is the Patriot’s managing editor, Chris Hume, who has editorialized that America’s path forward must be “blazed by setting a clear course towards a Christian society, based on the Bible and biblical law.” (Hume also believes that the GOP’s current crop of far-right candidates are far too squishy: “Until politicians like [Doug] Mastriano and [Ron] DeSantis begin operating on a platform of biblical law, they will only propagate the problems.”)

Saint’s book purports to answer the question: “If Christians were to be presented with an opportunity to create a new government, what would we create?” He is also the chairman of the Mid-Atlantic Reformation Society (MARS), which touts that the Bible provides “all necessary directions and instructions for a just, happy, and productive society.”

Hume sets up the conversation with Saint about stoning, hyping “a great part of your book” that may be “controversial, perhaps” for listeners. “Biblically,” Hume says, “you have a system where the citizenry is responsible for seeing that justice is done, right?” He adds: “Society itself has to be the one to purge the evil.”

For Saint, a key part of this revived biblical justice, is recognizing what trespasses truly merit this death penalty. “First off,” he says, “we need to realize that whatever sin requires stoning is more barbaric than the act of stoning itself. Christians have lost that idea,” he argues. “We’re like, ‘Oh, stoning is worse than adultery.’ No, no, no! Adultery is worse than stoning.”

The two men agree that stoning is not “an anarchy” or “mob violence” because civil “magistrates” would be involved in the process. And then the trial participants would have to carry out the judgment. “Those same people have to throw the stone. It makes it difficult,” Saint says, calling stoning a “high maintenance event.”

In fact, the true reason stoning will be hard to revive, Saint suggests conspiratorially, “is because it makes innocent blood a difficult thing to access.” He adds of our nation’s leaders: “They want to kill people, and they don’t want to have to bear the consequences of it.”

Saint did not respond to an interview request.

Hume answered questions from Rolling Stone via email. Asked to explain his biblical worldview, Hume insisted: “The Bible not only offers a better path to a just society than our current American system does, but it offers the only path to a just society.”

When pressed on the horrific nature of stoning, he conceded: “I also find the notion of taking up stones in the form of capital punishment against duly convicted criminals to be a shock to my modern sensibilities.” But he insisted, “it is not unjust,” and added: “The requirement that those bringing the charge must be first to put the convicted criminal to death serves as a safeguard against baseless accusations.”

As for making the non-crime of adultery a crime punishable by death, he wrote: “there are other things that the Bible classifies as crimes that a loving society would recognize if transformed by the gospel, for the good of neighbor and the glory of God. Adultery,” he insisted, “is one of those crimes, and many early American communities recognized that.”

The podcast aired several weeks ago, but has not been previously reported. This week the Lancaster Patriot has a new story promoting Saint and an upcoming Future of Christendom Conference sponsored by MARS. That conference will feature a public debate: “Is ‘Gay Christian’ a Biblically Acceptable Identity for a Member of Christ’s Church?”


Ok.... before it was the little fucker Rick Fuentes as parking lot marksmanship... you can add these fuckers to it. Pic on the link....




Former GOP Congressman Says Mango Running To Avoid Prison

13:30 Jul 29 2023
Times Read: 253

Former congressman Will Hurd was effectively booed off stage for criticizing Trump.

Hurd tore into the former president at the end of a speech in front of Iowa Republicans.

The crowd made clear their displeasure with Hurd's claim that Trump 'is running to stay out of prison."

Former Congressman Will Hurd on Friday received a very vocal reminder of former President Donald Trump's stranglehold on the Republican Party.

Hurd, who is running for the GOP presidential nomination, did something few of his fellow challengers would do in going after the former president by name at the Iowa Republican Party's Lincoln Day Dinner, a major fundraiser and cattle call for candidates.

"Donald Trump is not running for president to represent people that voted for him in 2016 and 2020," Hurd said. "Donald Trump is running to stay out of prison."

read it here https://www.yahoo.com/news/former-gop-congressman-hurd-gets-012150147.html




Desantis Hit Over Slavery Having Benefits

11:53 Jul 29 2023
Times Read: 255

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) is facing a growing chorus of criticism from Black conservatives over his state’s new education guidelines, which include the requirement that students be told about how Black people benefited from slavery.

Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.), who is Black, sparked an online feud with some of DeSantis’s allies after he criticized that part of the guidelines.

The Black Conservative Federation also condemned the policy, while Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), who is running against DeSantis for the GOP presidential nomination, responded by saying “there is no silver lining in slavery.”

“Slavery was really about separating families, about mutilating humans and even raping their wives. It was just devastating,” he said.

The backlash poses a challenge for DeSantis and his presidential campaign — particularly in winning over Black voters in a general election if he does with the GOP nomination.

“If the only way Gov. DeSantis is able to garner attention from the masses is when he enrages the Black community, I don’t see that as a winning strategy for his presidential campaign,” Whitely Yates, director of diversity and engagement for the Indiana Republican State Committee, told The Hill.

“There are prominent Republicans, both Black and white, that see and take issue with the wording of this section and I think that they are well within their rights,” she added. “No one looks at other marginalized groups and genocides and attempts to pick out the silver lining in the genocide, the silver lining of the atrocity.”

Controversy surrounding Florida’s education policies has been building since DeSantis signed the Stop “WOKE” Act into law last year. The legislation prohibits teachers from teaching anything that could make someone feel “personal responsibility” for historic wrongdoings because of their race, sex or national origin.

Although that legislation received backlash mainly from Democrats, the provision about people benefitting from slavery has drawn bipartisan criticisms.

Donalds has hedged his criticism, saying the standards overall are “good, robust, & accurate.” But he said the part of the guidelines that “attempt to feature the personal benefits of slavery is wrong & needs to be adjusted.”

“That obviously wasn’t the goal & I have faith that FLDOE will correct this,” Donalds posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, in a reference to Florida’s Department of Education.

Jeremy Redfern, press secretary for DeSantis, hit back at Donalds, saying he shouldn’t “swing for the liberal media fences like @VP.”

Congressional Black Caucus Chairman (CBC) Rep. Steven Horsford (D-Nev.) told reporters Thursday that while he and Donalds don’t always see eye to eye on policies, his response to the guidelines should be acknowledged.

“I saw Rep. Donald’s response,” said Horsford. “While I do not agree with a lot of his positions or his votes, on this issue of calling out the Governor and the board of education for standards that would in any way indicate that slavery was a benefit should be condoned.”





A Superceding Indictment Spells Fucked Some More

11:56 Jul 28 2023
Times Read: 270

Special counsel Jack Smith expanded his classified documents case against former President Donald Trump, making significant new allegations that Trump and his employees attempted to delete Mar-a-Lago security footage sought by the grand jury investigating the mishandling of the government records.

The new charges were presented in what’s known as a superseding indictment that was handed up by a grand jury in Florida on Thursday. A third defendant, Mar-a-Lago employee Carlos De Oliveira, was also added to the case. He is accused alongside Trump and Walt Nauta of obstructing the investigation with the alleged bid to delete security footage at Trump’s Florida resort.

Trump also faces a new charge stemming from the allegedly mishandled classified documents that are at the core of the case, with prosecutors identifying a new document – reported by CNN to be possible Iran attack plans – that they say Trump unlawfully retained.

Trump and Nauta pleaded not guilty to the initial round of charges Smith brought in the case last month.

The filing of the new charges illustrates the depth and breadth of legal jeopardy that Trump finds himself. A potential indictment against Trump in Smith’s election subversion probe continues to loom against the former president and possible charges are expected in weeks to come in the Fulton County, Georgia, investigation into Trump and his allies’ post-election conduct as well.

Here’s what to know about the new charges in the classified documents case.

Trump ‘requested’ deletion of security footage
The indictment accuses Trump of being part of the effort to delete security footage from Mar-a-Lago after it was subpoenaed, saying that Trump “requested” that a resort employee delete footage in order “to prevent the footage from being provided to a federal grand jury.”

The newest defendant in the case places the former president in the middle of the attempts to delete the security footage. According to the indictment, De Oliveira told another Trump employee, who was director of IT at Mar-a-Lago, “that ‘the boss’ wanted the server deleted,” according to the indictment.

This happened in June 2022 after prosecutors had subpoenaed for the security footage.

When the unnamed Trump employee, identified as Employee 4, responded that he would not know how to do that and did not believe he would have the rights to do that, De Oliveira pressed him further, again referencing “the boss,” prosecutors said.

“De Oliveira then insisted to Trump Employee 4 that ‘the boss’ wanted the server deleted and asked, ‘what are we going to do?’” the indictment alleges.

According to the indictment, De Oliveira asked the IT employee how long the server retained security footage. He was told it was approximately 45 days. De Oliveira also said that the conversation “should remain between the two of them,” according to the indictment.

De Oliveira also spoke by phone twice with Trump after Trump’s lawyers were notified of plans to subpoena the security footage.

Trump and Nauta had already been charged with obstruction over the moving of boxes, but now the latest charges add a new dimension to the obstruction case that goes beyond hiding the documents themselves.

Trump’s alleged mishandling of an Iran attack plan adds to the charges
The new indictment brings the number of counts Trump faces for retaining national defense information to up 32, with prosecutors adding a new count to the 31 they previously brought for a classified document described by prosecutors as a top secret “presentation concerning military activity in a foreign country.”

Trump allegedly touted the document – which CNN previously reported related to Iran attack plans – in a taped July 2021 interview with biographers at his Bedminster, New Jersey, golf club.

The new changes and details in the superseding indictment contradict Trump’s past denials about the document in question. Trump had previously denied that the document he discussed in the audio tapes was a government document, describing it instead as a news clipping.
“There was no document,” Trump told Fox News last month. “That was a massive amount of papers and everything else talking about Iran and other things.”

“And it may have been held up or may not, but that was not a document. I didn’t have a document, per se. There was nothing to declassify. These were newspaper stories, magazine stories and articles,” Trump said in the interview.

A new defendant
The new court filings lay out the role De Oliveira allegedly played in an attempt Nauta and Trump made to delete footage that was being sought by a grand jury subpoena. De Oliveira, 56, was also charged with making false statements in a January interview with the FBI, when he was asked about the movement of boxes at the Florida resort.

Prosecutors describe the new defendant as Mar-a-Lago’s property manager who previously worked as a valet at the resort.

After the FBI executed a search warrant on Mar-a-Lago last August, Nauta discussed with an unidentified employee De Oliveira’s loyalty, according to prosecutors, and requested that the employee confirm De Oliveira’s loyalty in a group signal chat with a representative for Trump’s political action committee.

“That same day, TRUMP called DE OLIVEIRA and told DE OLIVEIRA that TRUMP would get DE OLIVEIRA an attorney,” the indictment says.

What happens next
De Oliveira is scheduled for an arraignment on the new charges in Miami’s federal courthouse on Monday morning, set to take places before Chief Magistrate Judge Edwin G. Torres.

It’s not yet clear how the new charges will affect the pace of the case against Trump and Nauta. Currently, the trial – which is slated to take place in Ft. Pierce, Florida, in front of US District Judge Aileen Cannon – is scheduled to start in late May 2024.

But even before the new charges were unveiled, it was possible for that trial date to be pushed further back.

Thursday night, Trump told Fox News that the new charges amount to “election interference at the highest level” and “prosecutorial misconduct.” He also claimed that his position in the 2024 presidential election polls has made him a target of the Justice Department.

Attorneys for De Olivera and Nauta have declined to comment.


lol..... So.... Nauta is going to the joint as is De Oliveira and hopefully Mango too. Even this Mango friendly Judge Cannon is going to have issues with this.. assuming she has read the statute.

Think back to Watergate and the coverup... the 18 minute gap in the tape of Nixon.... and now flash forward where someone refuses to delete a tape. As far as this guy Calamari, the so-called chief of Security for the Mango Crime Family..... well, I suspect he will be either a defendant at some point or a witness for the prosecution




Meanwhile Idaho

16:15 Jul 27 2023
Times Read: 288

Ammon Bundy, the Idaho-based anti-government activist who captured national attention seven years ago when he led an armed occupation of federal land in Oregon, has been ordered to pay $26 million dollars to a Boise hospital, its CEO, a doctor and a nurse practitioner.

Bundy had accused them of malpractice when a grandson of a friend was treated at St. Luke’s Meridian Medical Center after the child was taken into protective custody by police. Bundy led protests in front of the hospital that resulted in him being arrested for trespassing.

The child, described by police as “suffering from severe malnourishment” during previous medical care, is the grandson of far-right activist Diego Rodriguez, whom Bundy described as a “very good friend.” Rodriguez was also named as a defendant, and the jury ordered him and his Freedom Man organizations to pay $26.5 million.

The $26 million judgment against Bundy was split between compensatory and punitive damages, and includes not only Bundy personally, but also his failed gubernatorial campaign and his political organization, People’s Rights Network.

“People in a jury deciding how much St. Luke’s is going to take from those who exposed the truth about them is a mockery to justice,” Bundy said in a Twitter post Tuesday following the verdict.

Both defendants refused to appear in court, resulting in a default judgment against them. Bundy wrote in an open letter to the hospital and state officials before the jury’s decision that he could not pay any judgment because he had the legal battle had forced to “liquidate all my assets except a few.”

St. Luke’s said any money that they or their CEO are able to collect in the case will be donated to their program that serves children who are suspected to be victims of neglect or abuse.

Bundy is best known for leading an armed occupation of the federal Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in 2016. A federal jury found him not guilty on all charges.

In 2022, he ran for governor of Idaho as an independent and received 17.2% of the vote.


lol... Have you all heard of this bozo. He and his daddy and their followers do not believe they are subject to the laws of the State or Federal Systems. He has dodged subpoenas, threatened law enforcement, threatened witnesses. But here you go.
Will the verdict hold up? Who knows..... but I'm sure the point was driven home to that right wing lunatic.



21:46 Jul 27 2023



Ron Has Strange Twitches

02:42 Jul 27 2023
Times Read: 311

lol.... here you go




Ohio GOPQ Is Pissed

13:41 Jul 26 2023
Times Read: 322

Early voting figures for the Ohio Aug. 8 special election are surpassing even the most optimistic expectations. Through seven days of early voting more than 116,000 Ohioans have shown up at their local board to cast a ballot. Another 38,000 have absentee ballots have made their way in as well.

As Secretary of State Frank LaRose noted in a press release, it represents a “five-fold increase” in compared to last year’s August election.

For additional context, the sum total of early in-person votes cast in last year’s May primary election — which included a hotly contested GOP U.S. Senate primary — was only about 138,000. The current trajectory of early in-person votes is on track with or even surpassing the 2022 general election. Through nine days of early voting, roughly 136,000 voters cast a ballot for last November’s election. That’s only about 20,000 more than the votes compiled so far in seven days. On average, another 16,000 ballots are cast each day polls are open.

The constitutional amendment, Issue 1, has apparently struck a chord with Ohio voters. The proposal would raise the threshold to pass any future amendment from a simple majority to 60%. In addition, it would require initiative backers meet signature requirements in all 88 counties rather than the current 44-county standard. Also, organizers would only get one shot, as the amendment eliminates the period for making up any shortfall in signatures.

Critics blasted Republican lawmakers for advancing their constitutional amendment, Issue 1, during a traditionally low turn-out, odd-year special election. They further criticized lawmakers for reversing course on a law passed just months earlier abandoning August elections.

The measure got the required votes in the Statehouse to make the ballot without a single Democrat’s support. Many of the proposal’s backers — though not all — were animated by an attempt to thwart a potential abortion rights amendment in November. Meanwhile, Issue 1’s opponents include a vast array of state and local organizations as well as current and former politicians from both sides of the aisle.


Now for those of you who don't get it.... the GOPQ in Ohio went nuts when they saw sevceral states enshrine a woman's right to an abortion in their respective state constitutions. So they came up with a plan to raise the percentage required to pass an amendment from a majority to a supermajority meaning 60%. And as this article indicates the turnout in early voting has been massive. My bet is this does not pass.

Next up on November's ballot is the actual abortion amendment. Polling there indicates that almost 60% of those polled believe a woman has a right to an abortion and will vote for said amendment.




Jan 6 Iowa Man Pleads Guilty To Filming In His Tanning Salon

12:37 Jul 22 2023
Times Read: 353

An Iowa man who did jail time for taking part in the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol will be incarcerated again after pleading guilty to secretly recording women in a tanning salon he operated.

Daryl Johnson, 52, of St. Ansgar was charged along with his son Daniel for taking part in the Capitol riot after officials said they entered the building and helped break through a police line keeping another door closed to more intruders. Johnson eventually pleaded guilty and was sentenced in June 2022 to 30 days of incarceration.

Johnson's defense attorney during his Capitol riot case stressed Johnson's family's history as small business owners, operating laundromats in Minnesota and Iowa as well as a car wash and a tanning salon. Johnson's arrest in January was on state charges alleging that, while running the iSun Tan 24/7 in Clear Lake, he secretly filmed women who were changing clothes or using the tanning beds

Johnson ultimately was charged with offenses related to multiple women, and pleaded guilty to four charges of invasion of privacy, an aggravated misdemeanor. On Tuesday, he was sentenced in Cerro Gordo County to consecutive terms of 45 days in jail on each charge, for a total of six months. He also must pay nearly $4,000 in fines and sexual abuse surcharges, and must register as a sex offender, according to court filings.

An attorney for Johnson did not return a message seeking comment.





00:47 Jul 25 2023

ugh an icky guy...


Fake Electors Whining

10:49 Jul 22 2023
Times Read: 354

Tell it to the jury.....




Tuberville's Home State Ignores U.S. Supreme Court Ruling

10:32 Jul 22 2023
Times Read: 356

Alabama GOP Gov. Kay Ivey on Friday approved a new congressional map with just one majority-Black district, despite a court order calling for the redrawn lines to create two majority-Black districts or “something quite close to it.”

The state’s Republican-controlled legislature gave final passage to the remedial map earlier Friday, just hours before the court-imposed deadline. The map must now be approved by a federal court, which has set a hearing for mid-August.

“The Legislature knows our state, our people and our districts better than the federal courts or activist groups, and I am pleased that they answered the call, remained focused and produced new districts ahead of the court deadline,” Ivey said in a statement after she signed off on the map.

With no Democrats voting in favor, the legislature passed a remedial map that includes one congressional district that has around 50% Black voting age population and a second district with roughly 40%.

Read it all here https://www.yahoo.com/news/alabama-gop-controlled-legislature-approves-225909097.html

mmmm can you say mugwumps ?




Fla. Has New Guidelines on Black History- They Owe It All To the White Man

13:28 Jul 20 2023
Times Read: 369

The Florida Board of Education approved a new set of standards for how Black history should be taught in the state’s public schools, sparking criticism from education and civil rights advocates who said students should be allowed to learn the “full truth” of American history.

The curriculum was approved at the board’s meeting Wednesday in Orlando.

It is the latest development in the state’s ongoing debate over African American history, including the education department’s rejection of a preliminary pilot version of an Advanced Placement African American Studies course for high school students, which it claimed lacked educational value.

The new standards come after the state passed new legislation under Gov. Ron DeSantis that bars instruction in schools that suggests anyone is privileged or oppressed based on their race or skin color. DeSantis has used his fight against “wokeness” to boost his national profile amid a national discussion of how racism and history should be taught in schools.

The new standards require instruction for middle school students to include “how slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit,” a document listing the standards and posted in the Florida Department of Education website said.

When high school students learn about events such as the 1920 Ocoee massacre, the new rules require that instruction include “acts of violence perpetrated against and by African Americans.” The massacre is considered the deadliest Election Day violence in US history and, according to several histories of the incident, it started when Moses Norman, a prominent Black landowner in the Ocoee, Florida, community, attempted to cast his ballot and was turned away by White poll workers.

Similar standards are noted for lessons about other massacres, including the Atlanta race massacre, the Tulsa race massacre and the Rosewood race massacre.

“Our children deserve nothing less than truth, justice, and the equity our ancestors shed blood, sweat, and tears for,” Derrick Johnson, president and CEO of the NAACP, said in a statement condemning the new standards. “It is imperative that we understand that the horrors of slavery and Jim Crow were a violation of human rights and represent the darkest period in American history.”

ok. read the rest of it here https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/20/us/florida-black-history-education-standards-reaj/index.html

Praise be the slavers who brought the chained,beaten and whipped slaves to the White Christian land known as America.

Well, that sounds to me like what the Dept of Education and the GOPQ controlled legislature and Duhsantis himself is saying.




More On Fake GOPQ Electors

13:27 Jul 19 2023
Times Read: 380




And In Michigan -Republican Fake Electors Charged

02:11 Jul 19 2023
Times Read: 387

Michigan’s attorney general filed felony charges Tuesday against 16 Republicans who acted as fake electors for then-President Donald Trump in 2020, accusing them of submitting false certificates that confirmed they were legitimate electors despite Joe Biden’s victory in the state.

Attorney General Dana Nessel, a Democrat, announced Tuesday that all 16 people would face eight criminal charges, including forgery and conspiracy to commit election forgery. The top charges carry a maximum penalty of 14 years in prison.

The group includes the head of the Republican National Committee’s chapter in Michigan, Kathy Berden, as well as the former co-chair of the Michigan Republican Party, Meshawn Maddock, and Shelby Township Clerk Stan Grot.

In seven battleground states, including Michigan, supporters of Trump signed certificates that falsely stated he won their states, not Biden. The fake certificates were ignored, but the attempt has been subject to investigations, including by the House committee that investigated the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

“The false electors’ actions undermined the public’s faith in the integrity of our elections and, we believe, also plainly violated the laws by which we administer our elections in Michigan,” Nessel said in a statement.

The 16 individuals are set to appear for arraignment in Ingham County at a date provided to each by the court, according to Nessel’s office.

Phone and email messages seeking comment Tuesday from several of the people charged were not immediately returned.

One of those charged, John Haggard, 82, of Charlevoix, told The Detroit News on Tuesday that he he didn’t believe he did anything wrong.

“Did I do anything illegal? No,” Haggard said.

GOP state Sen. Ed McBroom, who chaired a GOP-led Senate panel to investigate Michigan’s 2020 presidential election that found no wrongdoing, said he previously spoke with one of the fake electors. It was clear, McBroom said, that the effort was organized by “people who put themselves in a position of authority and posing themselves as the ones who knew what they were doing.”

“They were wrong,” McBroom told The Associated Press. “And other people followed them when they shouldn’t have.”

Berden and Mayra Rodriguez, a Michigan lawyer who was also charged Tuesday, were both questioned by congressional investigators as part of the U.S. House panel’s investigation into the Jan. 6 insurrection.


Well now they can tell it to a jury... lol




Mango Gets A Target Letter

01:57 Jul 19 2023
Times Read: 389

lol..... so the orange jesus is going to be indicted lol again..... And the GOPQ congressmen/women are already howling.....




Mango Intends To Create An Authoritarian Presidency

13:21 Jul 18 2023
Times Read: 401

well here you go.......




Fuentes, Mango's Dinner Guest, Calls For Jews To Die

02:32 Jul 18 2023
Times Read: 412

White Nationalists like to portray themselves as tough guys. But there are some interesting details about whiny anti-semite Nick Fuentes. He has said, "We need to return to burning women alive." And much to no one's surprise, he's an admitted virgin who believes that men "dating women is gay." Over the weekend, Fuentes said that his ideal future wife would be 16 years old.

You would think that no one would take that chud seriously, but he's gotten enough attention to be seen dining with former President Donald Trump and raging anti-Semite Kanye West at Mar-a-Lago. He's drawn the attention of College Republicans, too. He hangs out with members of Congress as well.

That said, at last night's America First rally, Fuentes called for a holy war against Jewish people, vowing that he and his followers would "make them die."

"If a Gentile beats a Jew, he must be killed," the little creep said. "But, when a Jew murders a Gentile, there will be no death penalty."

"Do you think it might be a problem that the people that are running your banks, that are making the movies your children watch, do you think it's a problem that they believe that all Christians must die?" he asked.

"Yeah!" the crowd responded.

"It's a big problem," the little shit insisted. "It's a huge problem. We're in a holy war, and I will tell you this, because we're willing to die in the holy war, we will make them die in the holy war. We will make them die in the holy war."

"And they will go down, we have God on our side, and they will go down with their satanic master," he continued. They have no future in America."

The crowd erupted in applause.


So Fuentes wants jews to die
He wants to marry a 16 y/o.
He wants to burn women alive

So does anyone want to run this little fucker over? Please do so. He is a threat.. Just like Mango




America Under Threat

16:08 Jul 17 2023
Times Read: 428

He is telling us what he is going to do.... And if elected ,he will not leave office..... and the GOPQ will allow it. You see they are afraid. They are afraid of of people who are different. They are afraid of women who vote. They are afraid of college students. They are afraid of any non christians. They are afraid. They will go along with him.. They will open the camps.... Elections will be canceled....

Take him seriously




Lincoln Project Sums Up Mango

23:56 Jul 16 2023
Times Read: 438




GOPQ Attempting To Gut Public Education

19:56 Jul 16 2023
Times Read: 448

House Democrats warned that hundreds of thousands of teachers could lose their jobs if legislation advanced Friday by a Republican-controlled appropriations subcommittee becomes law.

The panel's draft Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies funding bill for the coming fiscal year calls for nearly $64 billion in total cuts, a proposal that Democrats said "decimates support for children in K-12 elementary schools and early childhood education" and "abandons college students and low-income workers trying to improve their lives through higher education or job training."

The nonprofit Committee for Education Funding noted that the Republican proposal would impact "virtually all" education programs, hitting teacher funding, student aid, and more. The bill, one of a dozen appropriations measures that Congress is looking to pass by the end of September, would bring Department of Education funding to below the 2006 level, according to the group.

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), the top Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee, said Friday that "we are witnessing a widespread attack on public education that should shock every American family."

"If left to their own devices," DeLauro added, "Republicans would gleefully take public education to the graveyard."

The GOP legislation would slash Title I grants to local educational agencies that serve children from low-income families by nearly $15 billion compared to fiscal year 2023 levels. Appropriations Committee Democrats said the massive cut "could force a nationwide reduction of 220,000 teachers from classrooms serving low-income students" amid a teacher shortage.

The legislation would also completely eliminate funding for for a number of Education Department programs, including Federal Work-Study, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, Promise Neighborhoods, and Child Care Access Means Parents in School.

Additionally, the bill would inflict major cuts to labor, health, and medical research programs and agencies, slashing the Occupational Safety and Health Administration by $95 million, Job Corps by $1.8 billion, the National Institutes of Health by $2.8 billion, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by $1.6 billion.

The bill would zero out funding for the CDC's Firearm Injury and Mortality Prevention Research. There have been at least 377 mass shootings across the U.S. this year.

The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the second-largest teacher's union in the U.S., expressed outrage over the GOP funding measure's "deep cuts to education, healthcare, and worker programs."

"At the same time, another GOP-led committee is advancing bills to extend tax cuts for the rich," the union wrote, referring to the House Ways and Means Committee, which recently approved a tax-cut package that would disproportionately benefit large corporations and the top 1%.

"Their values are showing—and they're not pretty," AFT added.

The proposed funding cuts for labor, health, education, and related agencies are part of the GOP's far-reaching assault on federal programs as members of Congress race to approve a dozen appropriations bills by September 30—the end of the current fiscal year—to avert a government shutdown.

The debt ceiling agreement reached in late May by the Biden White House and Republican leaders set caps on non-military discretionary outlays, but GOP appropriators are working to cut spending as much as possible, targeting clean water funds, IRS enforcement, public housing, and other critical programs.


You see they want private education where the well off parents pay.... you know at white Christian Nationalist academies..... as for the poor and middle class.. welll maybe they will lower the minimum wage and abolish all child labor laws.... you know so a 12 y/o can worek until midnight at the local fast food joint.




Insurrectionist Sentenced to 6 Years In Federal Prison

10:25 Jul 15 2023
Times Read: 462

A woman who was charged for attacking Capitol Police officers with a flagpole during the Jan. 6, 2021, riot on the Capitol was sentenced to six years in prison on Friday.

Audrey Ann Southard-Rumsey amplified calls for revolution and violence on social media before the insurrection, according to federal investigators, including writing posts demanding to “hang the traitors.” She was also captured on video threatening then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who was inside the Capitol Building.

Prosecutors called Southard-Rumsey a “principal agitator” during the insurrection, claiming that she went on a “violent rampage” with the flagpole against police officers. She was one of the rioters who led the mob towards the House chambers, prosecutors claimed.

During the insurrection, she posted a Facebook video of herself in front of the Capitol.

“Standing in front of the capitol building, ready to take it,” she said in the video. “As soon as we get enough people up here. Storm the capitol building, it’s gonna be fun.”

At her sentencing on Friday, Southard-Rumsey was expected to read a written statement taking responsibility for her actions. Instead, she threw the statement aside and gave a list of grievances, including blaming Antifa for the violence of the insurrection, according to CBS reports from the courtroom.

“I have grievances, since they don’t listen to us at the polling place,” she said. “They don’t listen to us little people in the regular world.”

The defendent later addressed the judge, the reports state.

When you decide to throw me in prison for doing my duty. … Think of what I now have to give up,” she said.

Federal prosecutors originally requested a six year sentence, considering Southard-Rumsey’s declaration of responsibility. However, after giving her grievances, prosecutors rescinded that recommendation, upping their recommended sentence to about 10 years in prison, according to the reports.

Judge Amit Mehta sentenced Southard-Ramsey to the government’s original recommendation of six years in prison, with three additional years of supervised release and a $2,000 fine.


lol.... at time of her sentencing she blames Antifa for Jan 6 ????? What a maroon.......




FOX Sued By Mango Supporter Who Carlson Said was a Fed

02:16 Jul 13 2023
Times Read: 481

A two-time Donald Trump voter is suing Fox News for defamation, claiming host Tucker Carlson promoted a conspiracy theory that the man was an undercover government agent who tried to provoke the former president’s supporters into violence on Jan. 6, 2021.

In March, Ray Epps, who is from Arizona, demanded a retraction from Carlson, but Carlson never did. Epps filed the lawsuit Wednesday. In a statement, Michael Teter, Epps’ lawyer, said because of the conspiracy theory and attacks from those who believe it, Epps and his wife have lost their wedding venue business, they’ve had to sell their home and “they have endured significant emotional and psychological harm from the attacks.”

For years, Fox News and Mr. Carlson created and amplified conspiracy theories about Ray that lacked any foundation in fact,” Teter said in a statement. “Their lies exposed Ray and his wife, Robyn, to harassment, intimidation, and abuse – voicemails warning Ray to sleep with one eye open, bullet casings found on their property, death threats sent to their home.”

The lawsuit states that Fox News needed a “scapegoat to blame other than Donald Trump or the Republican Party” after the insurrection.

“Eventually, they turned on one of their own, telling a fantastical story in which Ray Epps — who was a Trump supporter that participated in the protests on January 6th — was an undercover FBI agent and was responsible for the mob that violently broke into the Capitol and interfered with the peaceful transition of power for the first time in this country’s history,” the lawsuit reads.

Right-wing conspiracy theorists have latched on to Epps after he was seen on video the night of Jan. 5, 2021, urging supporters to enter the Capitol the next day. On the day of the insurrection, Epps was on video trying to stop someone from attacking the police. Epps was never formally charged for his participation in the insurrection because he never entered the Capitol, leading conspiracy theorists to believe he was protected because he was an undercover government agent.

In April, Epps said Carlson was “obsessed” with him.

“He’s going to any means possible to destroy my life and our lives,” Epps said in an interview with “60 Minutes” that aired in April.

After the insurrection, police put a picture of Epps on an online wanted list, according to The New York Times. The FBI interviewed Epps in March 2021, removing him from the wanted list.

In January 2022, the special House committee investigating the Capitol insurrection said in a statement that Epps cooperated and he was not a federal agent.

“Mr. Epps informed us that he was not employed by, working with, or acting at the direction of any law enforcement agency on January 5th or 6th or at any other time, and that he has never been an informant for the FBI or any other law enforcement agency,” the committee said through a spokesperson.

Fox News did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

In March 2021, Dominion Voting brought a $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News for claiming the technology company rigged the 2020 election. The lawsuit was settled in 2023, and Fox News paid Dominion Voting more than $787 million.


Warm up the check.... because this went on for a long fucking time.



00:01 Jul 14 2023



GOPQ Candidate Says Women Are To Mouthy

10:27 Jul 12 2023
Times Read: 494

Royce White, the Republican candidate challenging Rep. Omar's MN-5 seat told Steve Bannon's War Room podcast on Lindell TV that "women have become too mouthy."

White, an NBA player who Sharpie penned Trump Won on his head earlier this year...

.discussed with Steve Bannon (yeah) how the media are describing MAGA.

Bannon expressed his displeasure with David Ignatius and Joe Scarborough, who correctly frame MAGA as only focusing on conspiratorial cultural issues.

"They continually want to say cultural issues as a code word for rube, white, rural, Christian heterosexual, male, nationalist, that are just focused on their wives being too mouthy," Bannon said.

"Well, look, let's just be frank," Royce said. "Women have become too mouthy -- as the black man in the room -- I'll say that."

"I don't know whether we're talking white men or Asian men or black men or so on and so forth, but no, I mean, I'm serious," he said.


lol... You can't make this up. This fucker says women have become to mouthy and he is running for Congress as a GOPQ/MAGA nutcase.




Federal Indictment For So-Called Whistleblower

12:46 Jul 11 2023
Times Read: 508

lol... so the GOPQ has embraced a so-called whistle blower who was arrested in Cypress in February and is on the run from the Federal Indictment. This guy is accused of smuggling firearms, and failing to register as a foreign agent .... wait for it... it would seem money laundering would go hand in hand with this... but that is just me.




Jack Smith Is Looking At the Fake Electors

09:24 Jul 11 2023
Times Read: 510




Christie Blasts Mango Crowd Claims As Lies

19:21 Jul 10 2023
Times Read: 522

Chris Christie pushed back on claims that “tens of thousands” of people still show up to Donald Trump’s rallies, calling estimates for a recent South Carolina event “absurd.”

The ex-New Jersey governor, a onetime ally of Trump’s who is now running against him in the 2024 Republican presidential primary, sounded off on the former president in an interview with Fox News’ Shannon Bream on Sunday.

Tens of thousands don’t show up anymore. That’s another one of the big lies that happen. Look, all you have to do is look at the pictures,” Christie told Bream, according to The Hill.

Christie was responding to reports, citing a local police chief, that Trump drew a crowd of 50,000 people to a town of 3,400 in South Carolina over the July 4 weekend. That claim has since been called into question.

Christie also lambasted Trump’s campaign stop in Iowa last week, where he said the ex-president “droned on for an hour and a half,” “lied” about a farm deal with China, and “spent the rest of the time” discussing his indictment.

“This is not somebody who’s fighting for the American people and their future,” Christie concluded. “This is all about his ego.”





Mango Posts Obama's Address- MAGA Trash Picked Up in The Neighborhood

13:29 Jul 06 2023
Times Read: 550

mmmmm I think the Secret Service should arrest Mango or put him in a MENTAL HEALTH UNIT..... in a Strait Jacket




GOPQ Lt. Governor Loves Stalin, Hitler, Mao

11:01 Jul 06 2023
Times Read: 554

Republican North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson’s comments that “it’s time” to start quoting dictators and mass murderers Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong have drawn almost universal condemnation.

Robinson, who is the first African-American to hold the office of lieutenant governor in the state and who last month endorsed Donald Trump for the 2024 presidential election, made the eyebrow-raising claim at a Moms for Liberty event in Philadelphia. The far-right group got the openly pro-dictator ball rolling by quoting Hitler in a June newsletter: “He alone, who OWNS the youth, GAINS the future.”

“Whether you’re talking about Adolf Hitler,” Robinson began in a clip of his speech shared to Twitter by Heartland Signal, “…It is time for us to get back and start reading some of those quotes.” He also mentioned other despots such as Cambodia’s Pol Pot and Cuba’s Fidel Castro.


Well, there you go. Many of them want the camps opened. Make no mistake, some of the GOPQ politicians, or would be politicians, will get around to saying it publicly.




700,000 Signatures Collected in Ohio To Put Abortion Question on the Ballot

02:53 Jul 06 2023
Times Read: 564

Pro-abortion rights groups submitted more than 700,000 signatures for a ballot initiative that would codify the right to an abortion in the state constitution

Ohio is poised to become the latest battleground over abortion after advocates Wednesday submitted more than enough signatures to get an abortion rights initiative on the ballot this fall.

A coalition of abortion-rights groups has submitted more than 700,000 signatures for a ballot initiative that would codify the right to an abortion in the state constitution. The submission sets up a crucial test of the potency of abortion as a political issue ahead of 2024, with vulnerable Democrats in the House and Senate attempting to cling to their seats in an increasingly red state.

It also resembles a show of force from the left in a state that voted twice for former President Donald Trump, and where the state legislature has chipped away at abortion rights since the fall of Roe v. Wade. The state currently has a 22-week abortion ban on the books.

The number of signatures submitted far surpassed the approximately 400,000 required for an initiative to make the ballot. County boards have until July 20 to vet the signatures for the secretary of state, who then has until July 25 to make the final call on the initiative’s qualification for the November vote.

Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights, a nonpartisan coalition of abortion-rights groups, submitted the ballot language earlier this year, kicking off a four-month dash to collect signatures and campaign across the state. Proponents, including state Democrats, ACLU of Ohio and Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio, anticipate spending upward of $35 million on the effort heading into November.

Opponents have pushed against the measure by arguing that it would allow for gender-affirming care without parental consent, even though such a provision is not in the initiative’s language.

“The ACLU’s attempts to hijack Ohio’s constitution to further its own radical agenda would be pathetic if it wasn’t so dangerous,” Amy Natoce, spokesperson for Protect Women Ohio, a coalition of anti-abortion rights groups against the measure, said in a statement.

Conservatives have reason to be concerned. Almost one year ago, ruby red Kansas became the first state in the nation to put the question of abortion rights directly to voters after the Supreme Court overturned Roe. Voters overwhelmingly rejected that ballot measure, which would have removed protections for abortion rights from the Kansas Constitution and given the Legislature the right to further restrict or ban abortion.

Kansas was a warning sign for anti-abortion rights supporters — one that some anti-abortion advocates waved off as a fluke. But that assertion was proved wrong after pro-abortion rights causes prevailed in states across the country in last year’s midterms and earlier this year in Wisconsin, leading to an ideological flip on the state Supreme Court. Nationally, supporters of abortion rights remain more motivated by the issue than opponents, according to recent Gallup polling.

For Democrats, the prospect of an off-year, abortion-focused campaign could hardly come at a better time. Ohio will be home to a high-stakes Senate battle in 2024, with Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown up for reelection. GOP challengers for that seat include state Sen. Matt Dolan and businessperson Bernie Moreno. Secretary of State Frank LaRose — who has been in the spotlight as his office handles ballot measures — is teasing a run as well. Over in the House, Republicans have their sights set on flipping the seats held by Democratic Reps. Greg Landsman, Marcy Kaptur and Emilia Sykes.

“Ohio is ground zero for the fight for abortion rights in this country, and nowhere is that more clear than the race for U.S. Senate,” said Democratic state House Minority Leader Allison Russo. “Next year, we have to reject whatever out-of-touch candidates make it through this messy Republican primary.”

But abortion messaging hasn’t always been front and center for Ohio Democrats. Former Rep. Tim Ryan, who unsuccessfully ran for Senate last year, mostly emphasized the economy, jobs and crime.

Irene Lin, a Democratic strategist based in Ohio who helped collect signatures for the abortion-rights campaign, said she thought that stories like that of a 10-year-old Ohio rape victim who traveled to Indiana to obtain an abortion would have moved the needle for Democrats like Nan Whaley, who ran for governor last year and made abortion one of her top issues. But it didn’t. Whaley lost by 25 points.

“There is this perception that abortion helped us during the midterms, and I agree it did in certain states,” Lin said. “If you’re in a state where there’s a lot of college-educated, a lot of suburban women, yes, it can help you. If you aren’t one of those states, … we cannot as Democrats count on it being as helpful as we would like it to be.”

Republicans are already moving to handicap the abortion measure’s chances of succeeding, putting a proposal known as Issue 1 on an August special election ballot to make it more difficult to pass constitutional amendments. If approved, the threshold for passage would be raised from a simple majority to 60 percent.

If this 60 percent threshold was in place in other states last year, the series of abortion-rights ballot measure wins wouldn’t have necessarily succeeded. Ohio’s effort is most similar to Michigan, which passed a ballot initiative in November to proactively codify abortion rights in the constitution there. That measure received around 57 percent of the vote.

And that was in Michigan, a swing state. The political environment in Republican-leaning Ohio is more favorable for conservatives.

“Ohio has trended enough Republican in the last decade,” said Doug Preisse, a veteran Republican strategist in the state, that abortion is “less hurtful to Republicans.”





Manliness Expert Lies About Henry Quote

10:49 Jul 05 2023
Times Read: 576

Sen Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) is coming under fire for a Fourth of July tweet that managed to include both a false claim and a false quote at the same time.

Hawley tweeted a quote he claimed to be from Founding Father Patrick Henry saying the United States was founded “on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Just one problem: Henry ― a slave owner perhaps best remembered for his “give me liberty or give me death” quote ― never said it.

The United States was not founded as a Christian nation ― the First Amendment makes that clear ― and Henry, while deeply religious, didn’t say anything of the sort.

Nor did any of the other Founding Fathers.

The quote is actually from a 1956 magazine article that discussed Henry’s faith.

Hawley, the self-appointed expert in manliness who saluted the Jan. 6 mob with a fist pump only to flee that same mob hours later when the rioters invaded the Capitol, was called out on Twitter:

Some of the comments in the article are really funny. I especially like the one that suggests Hawley's former professors at Stanford shudder whenever he opens his mouth.




Bad Week For Mango Mussolini

23:17 Jul 04 2023
Times Read: 583

I like The Lincoln Project




Clarence The Corrupt

23:11 Jul 04 2023
Times Read: 591

Ok..it's a year old... and what has transpired since, the dealing Clarence the Corrupt has with a right wing billionaire. This guy has been given hundreds of thousands in gifts, vavations, transportation on private jets etc.

Of course, it has now come to light that Alito, who by the way is more comfortable in the 18th Century, has been compromised by yet another billionaire.

Just a thought....




Proud Bois Ordered To Pay 1 Million

18:17 Jul 01 2023
Times Read: 602

Members of the right-wing extremist group, the Proud Boys, have been ordered to pay more than a million dollars as part of a civil suit judgment involving the destruction of property in December 2020 at the predominantly Black campus of the Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church in Washington, DC.

DC Superior Court Judge Neal E. Kravitz approved Friday’s default judgment against Proud Boys members Joseph R. Biggs, Enrique Tarrio, Jeremy Bertino and John Turano, as well as the group’s limited liability corporation.

In a blistering order, Kravitz described the “highly orchestrated” and “hateful and overtly racist conduct” from members of the Proud Boys during the “attack” on the Metropolitan AME church, in which a Black Lives Matter sign owned by the church was allegedly destroyed.

CNN has reached out to attorneys for Tarrio and Biggs for comment on the judgment, and is attempting to locate attorney information for the other named defendants.

A request for comment on the judgment has also been made to the Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church.

According to Kravitz’s order, on December 12, 2020, several people in Proud Boys regalia “leaped over Metropolitan AME’s fence, entered the church’s property, and went directly to the Black Lives Matter sign. They then broke the zip ties that held the sign in place, tore down the sign, threw it to the ground, and stomped on it while loudly celebrating. Many others then jumped over the fence onto the church’s property and joined in the celebration of the sign’s destruction.”

Describing the target of the attack, Kravitz wrote, “For generations, the leaders of Metropolitan AME and the members of its congregation have vocally and publicly supported movements for civil rights and racial justice,” adding, “Church leaders and congregants view supporting the Black Lives Matter movement as a continuation of the church’s mission of advocacy for civil rights and racial justice.”

In his rebuke of the Proud Boys, the judge wrote that the group has “incited and committed acts of violence against members of Black and African American communities across the country. They also have victimized women, Muslims, Jews, immigrants, and other historically marginalized people.”

The church sought compensatory damages as part of the civil suit, in part to repair the sign and increase security in the wake of the attack and due to “ongoing threats,” the order said.

“The ultimate goal of this lawsuit was not monetary windfall, but to stop the Proud Boys from being able to act with impunity, without fear of consequences for their actions,” the plaintiff’s co-counsel, Arthur Ago, said in a statement after the judgment. “And that’s exactly what we accomplished.”

In July 2021, Tarrio, the group’s leader, pleaded guilty to property destruction in a criminal case involving the burning of a Black Lives Matter banner at a different, predominately Black church in Washington, and also pleaded guilty to attempted possession of a high-capacity magazine, a violation of local gun control laws. He was later sentenced to more than five months in jail for those crimes.

In May, Tarrio and Biggs were also among a group of four Proud Boys members found guilty of seditious conspiracy by a jury in Washington for their roles in attempting to forcibly prevent the peaceful transfer of power from President Donald Trump to Joe Biden after the 2020 election.


lol... this is good. Now consider this when arrested for sedition Tarrio was selling T-Shirts on the beach boardwalk and living in his girlfriend's house. This fucker essentially had nothing. Some would be founder of the new U.S. I mean I know the plaintiff's will not see a dime in all probability.... but now they can go after any assets (yes, I know certain assets are excluded) the defendant's might have..... oh... like their fucking firearm collection.




There Was Not A Standing Order To Declassify According To Government Attorneys- Oops , Mango Lied Again

11:27 Jul 01 2023
Times Read: 607

Last year, Donald Trump argued that he had issued a “standing order” to automatically declassify any documents he took from the White House. As it turns out, federal agencies that would know about such a thing have no record of any such order, Bloomberg News reported Thursday.

In August, after Trump made the widely doubted claim, Bloomberg said it filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the Justice Department’s national security division and with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, requesting a copy of Trump’s alleged order.

Government attorneys confirmed in a letter to Bloomberg on Thursday that the agencies possessed “no records responsive to your request.”

The disclosure was prompted after a judge in a similar case in Massachusetts ordered the agencies to confirm whether records referencing the standing order exist, according to Bloomberg.

On Aug. 8, FBI agents with a warrant searched Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, retrieving boxes of secret documents the government said Trump improperly took and refused to return.

Trump immediately produced a variety of excuses. His team released a statement days later, arguing that Trump “had a standing order that documents removed from the Oval Office and taken to the residence were deemed to be declassified the moment he removed them.”

However, even officials from his own administration cast doubt on that assertion, saying they had no recollection of any such order and describing the idea as absurd.

Trump’s own former national security adviser John Bolton said Trump’s claim was “complete fiction.”

Earlier this month, federal prosecutors indicted Trump on 37 felony counts in the case, accusing him of risking national security, mishandling classified information and obstructing government efforts to retrieve it.

A bombshell audio recording obtained by CNN this week also undermines Trump’s “standing order” defense. In the July 2021 clip, recorded at a meeting with book researchers at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, Trump is heard discussing “highly confidential” documents in his possession that he admits he did not declassify as president.

“See, as president I could have declassified it,” Trump says in the clip, after describing a document he said he obtained from the Defense Department. “Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret.”

Trump has since trotted out a new excuse: He wasn’t showing off any secret documents. It was golf course plans, he said, and his talk was just “bravado.”





FOX Settles Another Case For 12 Million

02:49 Jul 01 2023
Times Read: 362

Fox News settled a pair of explosive lawsuits from former producer Abby Grossberg for $12 million on Friday, putting to bed yet another legal headache for the conservative cable giant.

CNN’s Oliver Darcy first reported on June 15 that Grossberg and her lawyers were in the final stages of drawing up a settlement with Fox News. The settlement comes after Fox owners Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch have settled several other recent legal complaints, including the blockbuster defamation suit by Dominion Voting Systems.

“It has been the honor of my career to serve as Abby’s attorney over the past year – a more courageous and honest person, skilled and devoted journalist, and fierce advocate for justice I have never met,” Grossberg’s attorney, Parisis G. Filippatos, said in a statement. “I am certain that we will hear much from Abby in the future once she has taken some much-needed personal time to process the momentous events in her life over the past few years.”

Both of the former Fox News producer's cases against the right-wing network have now been discontinued with prejudice following Fox News’ payment to Grossberg.

The hostile work environment suit in the Southern District of New York was dismissed on Thursday. Grossberg’s complaint alleging Fox News coerced her into giving false testimony was voluntarily dismissed last month ahead of the settlement and was never re-filed.

“While I stand by my publicly filed claims and allegations, in light of today's settlement of $12 million, pursuant to which I have now withdrawn those claims, I am heartened that Fox News has taken me and my legal claims seriously,” Grossberg said in a statement after the settlement was reached. “I am hopeful, based on our discussions with Fox News today, that this resolution represents a positive step by the Network regarding its treatment of women and minorities in the workplace.”

She added that while she “will not comment further on my publicly filed disputes with Fox,” she “will continue to speak out on issues and causes that I believe in, including journalism, equality, dignity, and respect in the workplace.”

Grossberg, who served as a senior producer for Fox anchor Maria Bartiromo and ex-Fox News star Tucker Carlson, had accused the network of coercing her to give false and misleading testimony when she was deposed in Dominion’s billion-dollar lawsuit against Fox. The right-wing channel, meanwhile, repeatedly insisted that Grossberg’s complaint was “riddled with false allegations” and that their lawyers never acted improperly.

“We are pleased that we have been able to resolve this matter without further litigation,” Fox News said in a statement on Thursday.

“I stand by and defer to my publicly filed claims and allegations and any public statements I or my attorneys have made concerning my employment at Fox News,” Grossberg said on Friday about her employment at the network. “I will not make any further remarks concerning my employment at Fox News at this time and ask that you respect my decision.”

Ahead of the Dominion trial in April, which Fox quickly ended with a $787.5 million settlement, Grossberg ramped up her accusations against the network—while also sharing evidence that she claimed Fox tried to conceal. She additionally accused the network of retaliatory actions against her, as she was fired after launching her litigation.

Just before the trial got underway, Grossberg amended her lawsuit to add Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott to the list of names she said were complicit in pressuring her to lie in the Dominion case. She also claimed Fox lawyers deleted messages from her phone. Furthermore, the ex-Fox News producer came forward with audio recordings of Trump allies, such as Rudy Giuliani, telling Bartiromo and others that Team Trump had no actual evidence to back their claims of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election.

Grossberg’s allegations that Fox News failed to turn over evidence in the Dominion case drew the ire of the judge overseeing the trial, who scolded Fox’s lawyers and appointed a special master to probe whether Fox had followed the court’s orders. In the end, Fox Corp. chief Lachlan Murdoch suggested that the judge’s decisions related to Grossberg’s last-minute revelations made it extremely difficult for Fox to win the case, prompting the hefty settlement.

While Fox News has put the Dominion case behind it, the network is still facing a $2.7 billion lawsuit from Smartmatic, another voting software firm alleging Fox defamed it with their election lies. Grossberg has also been subpoenaed to testify in that case.

Besides her complaint alleging Fox News pressured her to lie in her deposition, Grossberg also filed a separate lawsuit in New York accusing the network of a toxic work environment. According to that suit, Grossberg was subjected to misogyny, antisemitism, and a generally intolerable workplace when she went to work on Carlson’s show.

The stunning allegations in that lawsuit claim that Carlson’s top producers Justin Wells and Alexander McCaskill were the ringleaders in the gross work behavior, adding that the pair also retaliated against her when she complained about the harassment. For example, Grossberg alleged that Wells asked her at one point, with McCaskill present, whether Bartiromo was “fucking” House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.





Jen Schools Boi Doocey of FOX

02:38 Jul 01 2023
Times Read: 363



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