LordAriel's Journal

LordAriel's Journal


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72 entries this month


21:46 Feb 28 2018
Times Read: 1,343

Blutengel "You Walk Away
To a special ronin princess.



01:29 Mar 01 2018

I love this song. Spoke to me even though I know it probably was for someone else. Thanks for posting.


a true vampyre

18:09 Feb 28 2018
Times Read: 1,357

A true evolved Vampyre loves herself/himself. They not only survive, but thrive through this life like a boss.




The MoRii

17:40 Feb 27 2018
Times Read: 1,369

The advanced vampires (the MoRii) are great thinkers. There a lot like Plato.
taken from the Vampyre Magick, The Grimoire of the Living Vampire – Father Sebastiaan




Reconciliation spell

17:01 Feb 26 2018
Times Read: 1,386

Reconciliation Spell with Figural Candles - Hoodoo How To with Madame Pamita




Be positive

16:17 Feb 26 2018
Times Read: 1,390

" The MoRoii is a fully mature Vampyre as they embrace Life in a consciously positive manner largely unknown to the mortal-minded. " Vampyre Magick The Grimoire of the Living Vampire Father Sebastiaan




The MoRoii

16:15 Feb 25 2018
Times Read: 1,403

"The MoRoii have gained experience with lucid dreaming, astral projection (also known as Flight) dreamingwalking, Apotheosis , Predatory Spirituality, and the advanced Art of Vampyrism.
Taken from Vampyre Magick The Grimoire of the Living Vampire.




Light Bearer

16:34 Feb 24 2018
Times Read: 1,424

"The Luciferian Vampyre, from the Vampyre perspective, identifies with perspective of knowledge or illumination, and they thus are called "Illuminati" within the family. Symobolically embracing the spiritual current of the morning star, or Venus. Which is known as Lucifer the light Bearer, amongst the theme attributed to this paradigm, which mimic the pursuit of the light, are high levels of self-discipline, predatory pursuit of knowledge, and spiritual excellence." Vampyre Magick The Grimoire of the Living Vampire" Father Sebastiaan




The knight

23:48 Feb 23 2018
Times Read: 1,444

"The knight does not simply go out declare himself as such; this veil must be lived through action and upholdingimg the Vampyre Virtues."
Vampyre Magick The Grimoire of the Living Vampire
Father Sebastiaan



09:29 Feb 24 2018

Qu'est-ce qu'il ya



16:58 Feb 23 2018
Times Read: 1,457

Be An Action Hero: The Philosophy of Bruce Lee | Bruce Lee's daughter Shannon Lee | TEDxLimassol
Bruce Lee in my opinion is a Great Mradu(Warrior)
RIP Bruce Lee





19:53 Feb 22 2018
Times Read: 1,465

" Only the truly Awakened amongst us who embrace their hertiage will immortality of the self"

Vampyre Sanguinomicon
The lexicon
of the living Vampire




Father Vincent and Jade

18:42 Feb 22 2018
Times Read: 1,468

Father Vincent and Jade on The Vampyre Lounge show




Vintage Vampyre Lounge: Riesa

18:27 Feb 22 2018
Times Read: 1,471

Vintage Vampyre Lounge: Riesa




Vampyre Sanguinomicon

17:19 Feb 21 2018
Times Read: 1,478

"This physical or solid world is merely an illusion covering multiple subtle layers of reality."
Vampyre Sanguinomicon The Lexicon of The living Vampire- Father Sebastiaan




17:18 Feb 20 2018
Times Read: 1,493

A trinity( in Vampyric terms not in Christian terms) has three different aspects: kitra(weaver/councilor), Mrardu(guardian/warrior) and Ramkht (Priest/inspirator)

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.




17:10 Feb 19 2018
Times Read: 1,511

"Ours is a journey toward understanding, and our charge is knowledge and wisdom ." The psychic vampire codex, A manual of Magick and energy work.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.




less then human

16:36 Feb 18 2018
Times Read: 1,525

3D Animated Short Film - LESS THAN HUMAN - by The Animation Workshop - Zombie fil

A real human living vampire is sincerely, focus and dedicated.





16:34 Feb 17 2018
Times Read: 1,547

CGI Animated Short Film HD: "Reflexion Short Film" by Planktoon

"The Strigoi Vii is in love with life and sees the beauty in all things. the only true enemy of the Strigoi Vii is the absolute death of the self, or one's personality." Vampyre Sanguinomicon, The Lexicon of the Living Vampire. Father Sebastiaan




Dancing through life

17:32 Feb 16 2018
Times Read: 1,576

"The Vampyre dances through life, never taking slights and offences personally, and is adaptable in their ways. "
Vampyre Sanguinomicon The lexicon of the living Father- Father Sebastiaan

The Ronettes - Be My Baby (Dirty Dancing) (1987)




22:40 Feb 15 2018
Times Read: 1,593

Brian Adams (Everything I Do) I Do It For You, shows romance, chivalry and honor.
Very important qualities to have has a vampire.



07:05 Feb 16 2018

I have always loved that song.


The psychic Vampire

17:20 Feb 15 2018
Times Read: 1,603

"labeling ourselves and finding names and embody our most important qualities is a process psychologists Carl Jung called individuation. Essentially, it is the process of finding and defining our own identity, and it typically begins in adolescence. " The psychic Vampire Codex, A manual of Magick and Energy Work. Michelle A. Belanger




being civil

17:37 Feb 14 2018
Times Read: 1,622

"Even, if we dislike an individual, we will be civil in their presences and politely avoid future contact unless they serve a positive purpose in our lives." Vampyre Sanguinomicon the lexicon of the living vampire -Father Sebastiaan





20:55 Feb 13 2018
Times Read: 1,639

"Do not harm others unless in defense, don't steal from or cheat others, seek excellence in yourself while helping those around you" Vampyre Magick, The Grimoire of the Living Vampire- Father Sebastiaan.




Father Sebastiaan vblog

16:39 Feb 13 2018
Times Read: 1,642

Father Sebastiaan's Vampire VLOG #45 - Nightside Festival in the Paris Catacombs 2013 Flashback




why we love vampires

12:54 Feb 13 2018
Times Read: 1,653

Why We Love Vampires: The Psychology Behind the Obsession
By Dr. Belisa Vranich

Charming, elegant, and downright sexy, vampires have been the monster-of-choice for... well, ever. In looking at the psychology of vampires, these are the top ten reasons they are so fascinating:

1.Vampires are loners, but not lonely. Often people feel alienated, feel special, different, misunderstood at some point in their lives. This is a feeling a child as well as an adolescent can experience: Will you be accepted or rejected by the group or team? Who wants to be your friend? Or it can happen in adulthood: Who likes you in the office? Do you keep to yourself because your sense of humor seems different? Yes, vampires are loners (until the more recent popular media), but they are perfectly comfortable with their solitary existence. We wish we could be as self-reliant and autonomous. We envy that ability not to want either a sidekick (like Batman’s Robin, Don Quixote’s Sancho, or Oscar’s Felix) or group of friends.

2.Vampires are minimalists. They don’t rely on gadgets. They don’t need James Bond cars that drive on land and swim in water. They don’t need shot guns, Glocks or bombs. They are never encumbered by gear, paraphernalia, futuristic outfits or first-aid kits. Vampires never run out of gas or bullets or bungee chord. One would imagine that once the dramatic bullfighter flair of the cape surrounds the vampire, inside it must be much like a “snuggie” and feel like a safe cocoon.

3.Vampires are slick and cool looking. All of us have at some point tried on or pretended to wear a cape. Whether it was a pillowcase you tucked in your t-shirt as a kid, a huge, shiny black cape you had for Halloween or the hooded army surplus rain slicker that felt like Platoon meets Lestat. Capes make you feel cool. Vampires don’t worry about style, they are classic. They wear basic colors that never go out of fashion. In fact, you never see them dressed up or down. Never in summer wear or winter gear. They are never overdressed for an event or underdressed for the soiree.

4.Vampires have fangs. It was Freud who explained our oral tendencies to us. People who fixate in the oral stage may turn to alcoholism or overeating. And then there are people who are aggressive in how they talk — they have sharp tongues, they make biting comments. In projective drawing techniques (psychological personality assessment tests) sharp teeth connote someone who is angry or makes hurtful comments. Biting someone in a fight is considered the most primitive type of aggression: Think of Tyson biting Holyfield’s ear. Mouths and teeth can obviously also be sensual: Think of love bites, necking or hickies. Fangs for us are fascinating — we think of the teeth of sharks, of lions... of animals that kill and eat flesh. On a vampire, fangs are particularly interesting because they aren’t visible, even when he is talking. But once you see the fangs they invoke awe and serve as a distinct contrast to his fastidious exterior.

5.Vampires are smart. They possess the combined abilities of telepathy and telekinesis, communicating, reading thoughts and moving objects with the mind. According to Anne Rice‘s description of vampires, “A vampire of sufficient power or age may also unwillingly ‘hear’ the thoughts of all the humans within range of this power, leading to an old vampire saying: ‘If you do not learn to silence the voices, they will drive you mad.’” This blurring of psychological boundaries is intriguing. Psychological literature is full of descriptions and research about “merging” with another, and obviously the vampire’s attention to other’s voices seems similar to psychotic auditory hallucinations.

6.Vampires are powerful. They are powerful in an understated way, without the bulging muscles of a superhero or a WWE wrestler. They might be mistaken or underestimated given their lean musculature, whereas in physical strength they are anything but. Vampires can heal quickly, move faster than the human eye can see, have very keen senses. Vampires are the perfect triathlon extreme athletes.

7.Vampires are fearless. They do not experience the top human fears: death, heights, blood. Whether you believe vampires were created as a humanoid mutation in order to cull the herd, or that they are an offshoot of human evolution, they have a high tolerance 
for the elements. They are survivalists, enduring all kinds of natural disasters and persecutions.

8.Vampires only care about themselves. This ability to be purely and unabashedly selfish has a peculiar fascination.

9.Vampires are sensitive. Rice’s vampires are all excessively emotional, sensitive and sensual — easy prey to intense suffering and aesthetic passions. Twilight‘s vampires, too.

10. Vampires are the archetype of bad, bad boys. If you had to choose a monster “type,” you’d have to choose between the untamed brutish King Kong type — misunderstood, muscular, who probably spends way too much time at the gym and not enough time expanding his vocabulary — and Frankenstein, who would be that mate we tried to build ourselves, our vision of a combination of the best traits of a few lovers. Though alien monsters might whisk us away as we fantasize, they are mostly sterile or austere or are downright scary — Star Trek’s repulsive, too tanned Ferengis come to mind, their sexual pleasure derived from the stroking of their large ears, their froggy voices and oral hygiene-challenged mouths are more than off-putting to your average human. Zombies and mummies were never sexy — eroding bodies or unfurling bandages are absolutely the opposite of “hot” (even though zombie movies often had some sexy female actresses). And while Hugh Jackman has given the werewolf-like character of X-Men a breath of life and chance at the title, Wolverine, the sexy monster of all time continues to be the vampire — the quintessential bad boy who reeks of danger, and is very, very naughty.




Mary Jane

21:17 Feb 12 2018
Times Read: 1,680

We may have our disagreements in our communities, But we all can agree that Mary Jane is our beloved Queen. Mary Jane like a kitra. She passes the love to everyone in the community.
Makes us fell alright.




Mary Jane

20:43 Feb 12 2018
Times Read: 1,690

We all need some sweet Mary Jane
When life is a pain
With all the stress it keeps me sane
roll it up, she will take you on a new level
Make Daddy Quite Happy
We all need her, she will bring us together has a community
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Here is the community I belong too cats

Cannabis Community An't going lie
Friends of the Animal Community
New Haven Youth & Family Services
Community Knights
Vampyric Community





20:18 Feb 12 2018
Times Read: 1,691

Community, Equity, and Diversity




Michelle Belanger

16:28 Feb 12 2018
Times Read: 1,696

Michelle Belanger
Published on Jul 8, 2011
Twenty years in the vampire underground or, Why does a nice person like you call themselves a vampire? Michelle explains her earliest associations with the vampire identity, her research into occult notions of psychic vampires, and the initial reactions of Wiccans, Pagans, and other occultists to the idea of real vampires.





02:44 Feb 12 2018
Times Read: 1,716

Titles within the Sabretooth Clan and Vampire Subculture




13:13 Feb 10 2018
Times Read: 1,725

Bruce Lee A Warriors (Mradu) Journey 李小龙




21:41 Feb 09 2018
Times Read: 1,734

3D Animated Short Film "A VERY LITTLE WARRIOR(Mradu) ". Cute CGI Animation Cartoon for kids by Endre Barath




18:51 Feb 09 2018
Times Read: 1,747

The Wisdom Of Bruce Lee "To Learn To Die, Is To Be Liberated From It"

This is good example of one of the black veils.




Psychic vampire Energy Technique

18:20 Feb 09 2018
Times Read: 1,749

Psychic Vampire Energy Technique




Bruce Lee

05:43 Feb 09 2018
Times Read: 1,774

The Wisdom - Bruce Lee
A true Mradu (m’ra-doo)




05:38 Feb 09 2018
Times Read: 1,777

Bruce Lee on the paradox between self-improvement and self-acceptance





05:04 Feb 09 2018
Times Read: 1,788

Anonymous - Message for all of Humanity

Anonymous has some qualities of the Mradu (m’ra-doo)(warrior), He has knowledge and seeks out justice.
We must be the change we wish to see in the world. Mahatma Gandhi.




17:44 Feb 08 2018
Times Read: 1,803

"Every community has its visionaries , personalities, and leaders." The psychic Vampire Codex by Michelle belanger

The real vampire community is a diverse collection of individuals, each of whom identify with the vampire in a different way. Michelle discusses the many different types of vampires one can find in this diverse community: psychic vampires, sanguine vampires, lifestylers, and everything else in between.




The Art of Vampyrian

23:59 Feb 07 2018
Times Read: 1,841

"Strigoi vii, as a collective of individuals and a family, are bound by an unbreakable spiritual and metaphysical bond"

Vampyre Sanguinomicon, The Lexicon of the living Vampire.
Author Father Sebastiaan

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.




Criss Angel

17:23 Feb 07 2018
Times Read: 1,854

Criss Angel's voodoo doll magic trick.




sabertooth clan

17:18 Feb 07 2018
Times Read: 1,857

Sabertooth clan



03:20 Feb 08 2018

there ya go..lol



00:28 Feb 07 2018
Times Read: 1,872

Kitra is a vampyric term for companion , advisor, and watcher. For example, Like your bff.



02:30 Feb 07 2018



02:13 Feb 06 2018
Times Read: 1,890

Honour, Self-Discipline, and Kung Fu
This is a great video for any Mradu




Shaolin kung fu part 1

01:41 Feb 06 2018
Times Read: 1,893

Here is a video of Shaolin kung fu.




How to defend yourself against a bully

01:26 Feb 06 2018
Times Read: 1,894

How to defend yourself against a bully





00:52 Feb 06 2018
Times Read: 1,899

self-sacrifice is mention in the code Mradu

the code of the Mradu is in the house of the dreaming




Demonstrate respect for all members of the community

00:35 Feb 06 2018
Times Read: 1,902

Demonstrate respect for all members of the Community taken from the code of Mradu

Learning from children shows humility. Humility is the code of Mradu




00:16 Feb 06 2018
Times Read: 1,903

Demonstrate and defend Truth and Honesty
Taken from the Code of the Mradu

copyrighted from the house of the dreaming





23:55 Feb 05 2018
Times Read: 1,907

Demonstrate and defend ethical behavior, taken from the code of the Mradu.




Humility in the Code of the Mradu

23:38 Feb 05 2018
Times Read: 1,910

humility is a very important character to have. It is mentioned in the Code of the Mradu
the code of the Mradu is from the house of the dreaming, a vampyric house or a society.





18:06 Feb 05 2018
Times Read: 1,928

What makes a good leader, this goes for Elders and Sires.
the word Elders is mentioned in the black veil.
To be an Elder take dedication, hard work and great deed.




Manners and being Polite

16:30 Feb 05 2018
Times Read: 1,936

Its important to have manners and politeness, it shows respect to others.
How you act and behave affects those around you. This is taught in the black veil has well in the behavior section.



21:27 Feb 05 2018

All goes back to respect... Respect for yourself and others


23:12 Feb 04 2018
Times Read: 1,948

honor is mentioned in the first version of the Veil, in the 1998-1999 edition of the Vampyre Almanac




22:40 Feb 04 2018
Times Read: 1,952

Hospitality, is mentioned in 1998-1999 version of the veil,inside the Vampyre Almanac.





17:04 Feb 04 2018
Times Read: 1,971


Reach out to others in your community. Exchange ideas, information, and support. Be hospitable to others, and appreciate hospitality when it is extended to you. Do not engage in illegal activity, for this can endanger us all.

Seek to nurture our community and support all those who do the same.

written by Father Todd circa 1998 and revised by Michelle Belanger in 2000 & 2002





00:05 Feb 04 2018
Times Read: 1,991

Give respect to those who have earned it. Anyone can claim a title, but a true leader will prove him or herself through dedication, hard work, and great deeds. Even so, leaders should be guides and not dictators. Look to them as examples, but always decide for yourself what you must do.

Respect the person, not the position, and understand that your choices are always your own.

written by Father Todd circa 1998 and revised by Michelle Belanger in 2000 & 2002

A copy of the most current Black Veil (BV v 2.0) appears in the back of The Psychic Vampire Codex: A Manual of Magick and Energy Work by Michelle Belanger as well as in the 2007 release, Vampires: In Thier Own Words.




Self Control

15:57 Feb 03 2018
Times Read: 1,997

Do not allow your darkness to consume you. You are more than just your hunger, and you can exercise conscious control. Do not be reckless. Always act with a mind toward safety. Never feed because you think this makes you powerful; feed because this is what you must do.

Be true to your nature, but never use it as an excuse to endanger those around you.

written by Father Todd circa 1998 and revised by Michelle Belanger in 2000 & 2002

A copy of the most current Black Veil (BV v 2.0) appears in the back of The Psychic Vampire Codex: A Manual of Magick and Energy Work by Michelle Belanger as well as in the 2007 release, Vampires: In Thier Own Words.




Black veil

07:00 Feb 03 2018
Times Read: 2,032

The Black Veil


Respect yourself and present yourself so that others also respect you. Take care in revealing your nature. Explain what you are, not to shock, but to teach and to inform. Do not flaunt what you are, and know that whether you want them to or not, your actions will reflect upon the rest of the community.

Share your nature only with those with the wisdom to understand and accept it, and learn to recognize these people.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.


Among us, there are many different practices and many points of view. No single one of us has all the answers to who and what we are. Respect each person’s individual choices and beliefs. Learn about them and share what you know. Our diversity is our strength, and we should not allow misunderstanding to weaken our community.

Find the path that is right for you and uphold this freedom for others.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.


Do not allow your darkness to consume you. You are more than just your hunger, and you can exercise conscious control. Do not be reckless. Always act with a mind toward safety. Never feed because you think this makes you powerful; feed because this is what you must do.

Be true to your nature, but never use it as an excuse to endanger those around you.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.


Give respect to those who have earned it. Anyone can claim a title, but a true leader will prove him or herself through dedication, hard work, and great deeds. Even so, leaders should be guides and not dictators. Look to them as examples, but always decide for yourself what you must do.

Respect the person, not the position, and understand that your choices are always your own.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.


Know that there are repercussions to every action, and that you alone are responsible for your decisions. Educate yourself about risky behaviors, then always act with wisdom and common sense. Do not allow others to abuse you, but also, do not selfishly abuse.

Respect the rights of others and treat them as you would be treated.


Feeding should occur between consenting adults. Allow donors to make an informed decision before they give of themselves to you. Do not take rapaciously from others, but seek to have an exchange that is pleasant and beneficial for all.

Respect the life that you feed upon and do not abuse those who provide for you.


Reach out to others in your community. Exchange ideas, information, and support. Be hospitable to others, and appreciate hospitality when it is extended to you. Do not engage in illegal activity, for this can endanger us all.

Seek to nurture our community and support all those who do the same.

written by Father Todd circa 1998 and revised by Michelle Belanger in 2000 & 2002




Childe meaning

02:21 Feb 03 2018
Times Read: 2,039

A childe is used to refer to a vampire in relation to their Sire, the vampire who embraced them. It can also be used to suggest that someone is behaving foolishly or is inexperienced.

The plural of childe is childer. In Vampire: The Masquerade, a vampire's childer can be collectively referred to as its progeny, its brood, or (in older editions) its get.




what makes a good teacher(SIRE)

23:25 Feb 02 2018
Times Read: 2,045

This video explains how to make teaching (Sire) fun.
Sire is a vampyric term for Parent or Teachers .





22:55 Feb 02 2018
Times Read: 2,048

Sire - Coming from the game Vampire the Masquerade, this term means “maker”, “parent” or “mentor” within the Vampire Community. Often looked down upon by serious vampires but is becoming more and more commonly used

This is a hollywood version example of sire.




Vampyric Groups, Associatation & Societies

20:34 Feb 02 2018
Times Read: 2,071

Groups, Associations & Societies

Temple House Sahjaza ©® was established in 1976. We are the first Vampyre/Witch House & Temple. Welcome seekers, family and friends!!
We are open and not affiliated with any one thing or organization. We have our personal and House abbonships that are honored.

Temple House Sahjaza ©® was established in 1976. We are the first Vampyre/Witch House & Temple. Welcome seekers, family and friends!!

Welcome family, friends and seekers. Temple House Sahjaza bids you welcome!

Come, share, learn, laugh, hunt and gather information, creativity and knowledge. We are an all-inclusive all faith spiritual House. We honor all traditions. Hail Sahjaza!

Temple House Sahjaza, formerly known as House Sahjaza, is one of the longest consecutively running private organizations of vampyric witches and pagans within the modern new age and occult underground. Having initial seeds for the Sahjaza current first planted in the late 1970's, the founding membership, united under the vision and leadership of High Priestess Goddess Rosemary, established the Z/n Society (1985-1995) that has since evolved into House Sahjaza (1998) and most recently transformed into the collective it is today. From the earliest days, Sahjaza has grown to include active members world-wide while still maintaining a continual presence in its birth home of New York City.

As creator, spiritual mother and teacher, Goddess Rosemary leads this matriarchal coven through numerous outlets of personal and mutual growth. Temple House Sahjaza is not a religion but a philosophy of spiritually based living that allows for individual expression of belief while maintaining a common moral and ethical code.

Together, the members of Sahjaza make up a family of artists, poets, writers, dancers, performers and other creative types who have chosen to dedicate themselves to the advancement of their individual selves while furthering a mutual ground through which such growth may take place.

The Sahjaza seek a balance of dayside and nightside in all aspects of life. They are spiritually intuitive beings that exist between the physical and metaphysical worlds, thus providing magickal, divinatory, psychic, healing and empathic abilities as well as a great artistic and energetic support system to the whole gambit of the arts and to those they meet. The Sahjaza are an elite following that places value in quality over quantity.

It is by doing, experience, that knowledge is gained: active change, not mundane attachment. Most of their teachings are private and remain a mystery .
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

We are a collective of individuals: a collection of dreams and dreamers. We embrace Vampyres, Therians, Otherkin and wielders of Magick and Mysticism.



Founded on November 17, 2000

We are a collective of individuals: a collection of dreams and dreamers. The diversity of our views is our strength. We come together to learn the truths of our existence and of the universe that we live in.

We share the same Dream: the dream of family, the dream of diversity accepted, the dream of a transcendental nation, and the dream of life eternal.

We believe that truth comes from understanding. The truth is our sword and our shield. We believe in being true to our own selves and that this truth will set us free.

We believe dreams become reality for those who chose to make it so. We have chosen to live out our dreams and make them real. We live in a world of dreams and a world of dreams lives within us.

Our Dreams have born us our Household and our Household is our Dreams.

Send Message


We are a collective of individuals: a collection of dreams and dreamers. We embrace Vampyres, Therians, Otherkin and wielders of Magick and Mysticism.

The House of The Dreaming is a group particularly chosen individuals who share a common philosophy: "One Honor, One Family, One Dream".

General Information
The Household of our Family is comprised of Elders, Calmae, Initiates, Black Swans, and Dedicants, that form an Inner and Outher Circle. Membership shall only be allowed for reasonably mature adults (18+), as advised by our experience of the applicants and with due consideration for any applicable local laws.

Our household welcomes those who wish to be our donors and friends to participate in our Outer Circle of Dream Seekers; but if you are interested in becoming more involved with our events, parlors, study, or programs of ascension, we invite you to let us know.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

The Court of Lazarus is the Original Salon Noir: a haven for dark ideas, performances and rituals combined with a classic Goth lounge night and dark cocktail party – and some surprises are always thrown in.


Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
A Safe Haven for New Jersey’s Nightkind Community

The Iron Garden is a New Jersey based organization providing a safe haven for gathering, socialization, education, promotion of the arts, charity-work and fun for the New Jersey Nightkind Community. The Iron Garden is comprised of mature, discrete, intelligent, like-minded folk.



The Iron Garden is a New Jersey based organization providing a safe haven for gathering, socialization, education, promotion of the arts, charity-work and fun for the New Jersey Nightkind Community. The Iron Garden is comprised of mature, discrete, intelligent, like-minded folk.

The Iron Garden welcomes Houses, Covens, Dens and Ronin Independents who are Pagan, Vampires, Witches, Therians, Otherkin, Black Swans, Life-stylers, Poets and Scholars alike. We ask that our members be over the age of 21, dress appropriately and maintain proper conduct.

The Iron Garden is a safe haven and neutral ground for fun, pleasure, entertainment, socialization, creative expression, interpersonal growth and networking. Please leave your negativity and hostility outside.
Attendees are required to dress semi-formally or creatively (no jeans, t-shirts, or sneakers). The Iron Garden attendees are required to demonstrate respect and fraternity toward all others in attendance.

Our gathering is a sacred space. Please refer to the Seven Gates.

The Iron Garden monthly gatherings are held at a private room Downstairs at QXT’s Night Club at 428 Mulberry Street in Newark, NJ. All are welcome to attend, unless the gathering is noted as a Private or an otherwise Closed or Membership Only event. Gatherings will be held monthly on the Last Friday of each month at 9PM unless otherwise noted.

Schedule for The Iron Garden:

9:00PM - Doors Open

9:15PM - Conclave (Thematic discussion group)

10:00PM - Presentations / Performances
10:30PM - Announcements

10:45PM - Ceremony (Spell, Meditation or Working)
11PM - DJs, dancing & fun!


Skylands-Gateway Halo News & Events Group
Iron Garden Citizens’ Group on FaceBook
Interested parties are encouraged to like, subscribe, follow and read the notices posted to The Iron Garden Page and subscribe to our YouTube Channel.
Members or Citizens are encouraged to join the FB Citizen Group and respond to official survey queries/polls. It is the Citizens’ responsibility to be informed by attending our gatherings and frequently reviewing our website & networking groups in order to stay up-to-date on recent Iron Garden developments and calendar events.

Through majority vote our Members, also known as Citizens, hold the right to help build the Iron Garden by accepting or declining Iron Garden matters regarding: Acts, Organization, Framework, Guilds, Projects, Charities, Open or Private Outings, Gatherings, Events, Expenditures, etc...

To be considered a citizen of The Iron Garden, you must have a vested interest in the growth and wellbeing of our court, have attended our monthly gatherings at least three times, and be a New Jersey Denizen (either live or work in NJ). Honorary Citizenship may be conferred to a Non-Denizen of Jersey who has attended our monthly gatherings at least 4 times.

Citizenship will enable you to vote, form and/or represent your Nightkind Family, attend Citizens’ only functions, participate in our Citizens’ FB Group, and be able to participate in the Iron Garden with a more official capacity. Citizenship is a privilege as much as a responsibility; All Citizens must publicly sign, pledging to respect and uphold the Acts, Framework, Organization and The Seven Gates of the Iron Garden. To that end, all those interested in Citizenship with the Iron Garden are welcome to request and review a copy of the Scrolls, which delineate the Acts, Organization and Framework of the Iron Garden. Our Scrolls are a living document that grows with our tenure and Citizenship. When you become an official Citizen, having taken the Citizenship Oath, you will be issued an official hardcopy version of the Scrolls that you may keep. Our Citizens are our future.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.




for bully

17:09 Feb 02 2018
Times Read: 2,080

TIRED OF BEING BULLIED OR YOUR JOB BEING THREATENED BY A GROUP OF COWORKERS. STOP THEM IN THEIR TRACKS ASAP! A stronger freezer spell that that either stop or slow them down. Stop being the victim and take control.




10:21 Feb 02 2018
Times Read: 2,106

Putting your vampyric life together
Or “How to be a whole, happy, well-adjusted vampyre”

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.


Lady CG of Smoke and Mirrors

Real vampires love Vampire Rave. So you’ve discovered you’re a vampyre, and right now it feels like it sucks to be you. Every older vampyre like myself, still remembers what it felt like to be the “newly awakened”, and you’re right… it can suck. You’re hungry, you’re depressed, and you want to rebel against your parents and the world in general. (And it’s not a feeling restricted ONLY to youth… we older folks just rebel against different things, since our parents shouldn’t be the problem once we get out on our own). You don’t’ fit in with most circles of normal peers, light hurts your eyes, people say you’re weird…. You feel like a complete outcast, or maybe you just feel like you don’t fit in anywhere…. Life hurts. A lot, and frequently.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave. I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t’ have to be like that. I’m here to tell you… it gets better.
It’s really a matter of pulling it all together.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave. If you’ve been a vampyre for any length of time you already know what it takes to just survive. You’ve probably learned that donors are tough to find, but there are feeding alternatives. You’ve most likely come to realize (since you’re reading this) that you are incredibly unlike others around you, but you are NOT alone. You’ve faced the fact that your family and friends may never understand what you are, but you’ve likely learned that discretion is the better part of valor… and you can KIND of appear to at LEAST not stand out ALL the time…. and thanks to boards like ours, you don’t’ have to be alone. It’s a good start.
But it’s not enough to SURVIVE… Vampyres CAN thrive!

Real vampires love Vampire Rave. Yes… it can be tough to be a vampyre… or Therian, or any kind of otherkin. But what you learn, as you get older, is that each species has gifts that were given to us to make our lives easier, and keep us on top things.
Let’s start with feeding….
Yes we need to feed. It’s a fact. If you call yourself a vampyre and you DON’T need to feed in some way or another, then you’re fooling yourself… you’re NOT a vampyre, if you do not need to feed. And needing to feed starts to feel like the be all and end all that your life revolves around… where will I find my next donor? What if I can’t find a donor? We all know there are alternatives. We mix our fruity sweet red wine (3 parts) to fresh or frozen blood (one part) and drink our bloodwine to keep us sane… We drag our steaks over the grill just long enough to warm the blood inside, and gulp them down 3 times a week if necessary. It’ll get you through the night, though we all know it’s not what we crave. Donors! Ah Sweet donors. But they are few and far between, and competition for the ones available, can be disconcerting…. We all know the problems.
One of the things I’ve learned is that to stay fed, one should be prepared to rely on ALL the above AND a bit of psi vamping.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave. Being a well-adjusted vamp relies on a steady supply of food… which for us, means blood / energy. A mature vampyre realizes that it’s just not always possible to have a donor, but that doesn’t’ mean we can go without feeding when one isn’t’ available. My advice is to learn what works for you and be diligent about using your back up methods. An unfed vamp is a sick vamp, and usually an unstable one. Don’t do it to yourself… feed frequently and realize… people cannot go without food… and YOU cannot go without blood / energy. Don’t try. It’s the equivalent of a human starving themselves. “But I crave blood from a DONOR… NOT animal blood!” I hear it ALL the time. Yes. I know. I understand…. but you need to feed even when you don’t’ have a donor. Maturity is realizing that feeding is inevitable and other sources of food HAVE to be in your back up plan. You don’t like animal blood? Too bad. Quit bitching and starve quietly. Blood is available, even if you don’t’ like the source. It’s like a starving human refusing to eat cause he / she doesn’t’ like what’s on their plate.
That said… nature has given us certain advantages with which to attract a donor…

“Venus flytrap syndrome”

Real vampires love Vampire Rave. We are the bright and the enigmatic… we are the “beautiful people”. Vampyric charm is a gift, a rather effective one, at that.
Vampyres are some of the most charming people on the planet, when we are not feeling sorry for our lot in life. We can smile and the masses fall at our feet. The opposite sex or the same sex… whatever you’re into. If you turn a well-tuned vamp charm on your intended donor / mate/ victim/ friends the effect can be amazing.
“Well yes, CG…. I know I can turn on the charm and get my own way… but is it ethical?” I can only speak for myself here… but I’m of the opinion that we have our gifts for a reason. Why throw away our most effective coping mechanism, based on ethics? And what’s wrong with using charm to get what we want, anyway? I mean… whose stupid idea is THAT? I believe it’s much better to attract your flies with honey than to repel them with vinegar and starve.
Besides…. honing this skill makes life SO much easier! Pay attention. Don’t be afraid to turn on the charm. Vampiric charm can be overwhelming… so you’ll need to experiment. It’s one of the best tools in our arsenal. But it’s NOT the only one.
Energy manipulation is another gift that helps make our lives easier.
If you’re a vampyre, and you haven’t’ tried out your magickal abilities, then you are missing out on one of the truly rewarding gifts of being a vampyre. We have amazing abilities to work ‘magick’. Like all abilities, it’s a gift that needs to be honed to a skill, but it’s a skill that comes easily to us.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave. Don’t overlook it. For those who are skeptical of all magical working I have this to say:
Magick is not what people once thought it to be. It doesn’t’ have ANYTHING to do with being good or evil or even religion, any more than a mathematical calculation does. Magick is NOT religion. It is Science. And, as such is governed by laws and principals… cause and effect. It’s the art of manipulating energy. Period. You can prove it too yourself easily: Buy or borrow a “plasma ball”. Sit in front of it, a foot or two away. Concentrate on building a colored energy ball in your hands, rather like picturing yourself building a snowball only you’re building it out of energy. Picture the energy flowing from your hands and becoming a solid ball between your palms. Picture the colors swirling in the ball. When you feel the ball is solid, throw it at the plasma ball. The plasma ball reacts to energy. If you do it right (might take a try or two, but it’s easy to master…) the plasma ball will react, even when the energy ball is thrown from across the room.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave. It’s a gift, folks. Magick is a skill worth having. It can make your like SO much easier in ways I can’t begin to describe in this short article.
Like magick, intuition is also our friend. Vampiric intuition is among the best I know of… excepting, perhaps, some types of therians, who seem to be especially instinctive in a very real and very feral way. Use it. Learn to rely on it. It can and will save you, if you ever need it to. As vamps we are aware that there are more things out there, than those who live the more mundane world will EVER realize! Vampiric intuition is another developable skill. As you get older and more practiced you’ll learn to throw out your intuition like a net. It can tell you if other vampyres are around, if there are people in your vicinity that would make donors, if there is danger nearby. It will help you get that job you want (combined with vamp charm), or pick up the object of your present interest at a bar. So learn to meditate and learn to use this gift to best advantage! After all… there comes a time when we come to realize that as vampyres, we have a LOT more control of our lives and surroundings, then most of us realize and once we stop fighting our nature and learn to integrate it into our lives we can live very satisfying and fruitful existences…

Real vampires love Vampire Rave. But… that’s the problem, isn’t it? That tendency of ours to fight our nature.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave. Ok… so we’re night people and we’re often forced into a diurnal existence…. There comes a time when we can stop fighting what we are and order our lives to our liking. We all grow up and leave home (hopefully). Once that happens you have, essentially, the ability to control your own destiny. Hate the light? Get a night job. Don’t’ say “I can’t!” you can. Anyone can! You just have to stop telling yourself you can’t. You don’t want to keep your vamp life a secret? Find a mate you can confide in. “But my lover wouldn’t’ understand!” then find another lover. You have ALL the skills necessary to change anything about your life you don’t’ like. Use charm, use magick, use intuition…. MAKE your like be what you want it to be. You just need to realize that YOU CAN!

Real vampires love Vampire Rave. As Vampyres we overlook / ignore/ get to lazy/ forget that we are given our gifts to compensate for the difficulty of being who we are. It’s not wrong to properly use our gifts to make us the healthy, happy, well-adjusted creatures we are capable of being. I know we tend to fall into depression and we have dark moods… but Vamps are among the most resilient people I know! We’re stronger physically than most normal humans… We’re attractive in ways other species would royally envy if they knew about it! We’re often physically attractive and tend to become more and more attractive as we get older. We have the ability to order our world around us to our liking using energy manipulation… In reality, we have it all going for us, once we accept our gifts and learn to take advantage of them.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave. So… next time the road to being an older vamp gets you down… next time 2nd stage changes become so painful that you don’t’ think you can bear another day of the physical discomforts, the next time you get depressed enough to want to commit suicide…

REMEMBER: You are in the process of developing into one of the most powerful and seductive creatures on our planet. And believe me…. the end justifies the means. Learn to use and enjoy the gifts that make being a vampyre one of the most exciting lives imaginable.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave. Vampyres were not meant to just “Survive”…. WE are capable of being able to really THRIVE!

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
Carpe Noctum!
Lady CG

Copyright 2003




Vampire Ball

02:40 Feb 02 2018
Times Read: 2,116

This video is about vampire ball 2017




Vampire World

02:37 Feb 02 2018
Times Read: 2,117

Vampire World #10 - Endless Night: Tampa Vampire Ball 2016 Recap
See this article on the Huffington Post - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/father-...

The spectacular Castle Ybor in Tampa was the setting for my second annual Endless Night: Tampa Vampire Ball February 27, which drew nearly 800 costumed guests for a night of revelry.

The Castle is located in the Ybor historic district, which is much akin to the French Quarter of New Orleans, but with a Cuban spirit instead of Haitian influence. Before the 1900s, the locals mostly referred to themselves as Cubans.

Castle Ybor has become one of the few permanent alternative clubs in the USA, besides the Lizard Lounge / Church in Dallas and Bar Sinister / Boarders in Los Angeles. The Castle was originally built as a Labor Union Temple in 1930 for cigar workers. After being closed for many years, the Castle reopened in 1992 as a haven for goths, steampunks, vampires, and the fetish community. It is a beautiful, castle-like building with increasable medieval and gothic décor, five different rooms including a main room, a salon, a Dungeon VIP room, a tower, and an outside courtyard.

According to legend, a ghost named Rex haunts the halls and likes to glide among elite members of the alternative scene. Dressed like a vampire, Rex is known for being a gentleman and seducing ladies.

The Castle holds special events throughout the year, such as the Steampunk Ball by Gen of the band Genitorturers; masquerade balls; a halfway to Halloween event; fetish balls.

The Endless Night is an international series of events tied to the Vampire World YouTube network and its fan base. Founded in 1996 at the legendary Limelight in New York City, Endless Night has evolved to include events in Berlin, Dallas, Paris, Amsterdam, and Los Angeles. The main event, the "Endless Night Festival," takes place in New Orleans at the House of Blues on Halloween weekend.

The format for an Endless Night is simple: have great music, pick an amazing venue, have a strict dress code and let the audience be the décor. Endless Night is best described by an anonymous guest as a "Venetian Masquerade Ball, mixed with a Vampire Court, topped off with the energy of a rock concert and the elegance of a burlesque cabaret." and was rated: "The #1 Halloween Party in the World for 2010."

The combination of the Endless Night Vampire World and the Castle made for a perfect atmosphere, and the ball was a smashing success. The nearly 800 guests managed to pass the gatekeeper Victor Magnus's strict dress code of Victorian, steampunk, classic vampire, medieval, Edwardian and formal attire.

The theme of the ball was "Secrets of the Crimson Rose," and guests were invited to discover the secrets with clues provided throughout the night. No one succeeded, so the secrets remain to be revealed on a future date.

Performances included vampiric and operatic vocalist Ariel de Ment, Moonhoar burlesque and bellydance, and a vampiric metal rock band called Shadow Reborn. DJs Xris SMack!, VChrist, Octo-Pussy and Matt V Christ rocked the night with video projections and capped off with the best-dressed contest. Winners received VIP tickets to the New Orleans Vampire Ball this Halloween.

We look forward to experiencing Castle Ybor again and bringing the vampires of the southeast back for the Endless Night: Vampire World Weekend on April 1, 2017. Perhaps we can do some ghost hunting and find our seductive ghost Rex.


Father Sebastiaan, Master Fangsmith : Sabretooth, Impresario : Endless Night and Vampire : Author.
Web: http://www.fathersebastiaan.com
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/fathersebastiaan
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/fathersebast...
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fathersebastiaan

Active Projects:
Endless Night Vampire Ball (Impresario) - http://www.endlessnight.com
Sabretooth Custom Fangs (master fangsmith) - http://www.sabretooth.com
Vampire World TV Series (Presenter) - http://www.vampireworld.tv
DarkParis Tours (Master Storyteller) - http://www.darkparis.com




Use poppet

16:11 Feb 01 2018
Times Read: 2,134

Doll Magick: Use dolls or poppets to create what you desire




10:36 Feb 01 2018
Times Read: 2,142

The Crux

Real-Life Vampires Exist, and Researchers Are Studying Them

By John Edgar Browning, Georgia Institute of Technology | March 26, 2015 12:43 pm

Vampires walk among us. But these people aren’t the stuff of nightmares – far from it actually. Just sit down for a drink with one of them and ask for yourself. That’s if you can find one. They aren’t necessarily looking to be found.

I’ve spent five years conducting ethnographic studies of the real vampires living in New Orleans and Buffalo. They are not easy to find, but when you do track them down, they can be quite friendly.

“Real vampires” is the collective term by which these people are known. They’re not “real” in the sense that they turn into bats and live forever but many do sport fangs and just as many live a primarily nocturnal existence. These are just some of the cultural markers real vampires adopt to express a shared (and, according to them, biological) essence – they need blood (human or animal) or psychic energy from donors in order to feel healthy.

Becoming a Vampire

Their self-described nature begins to manifest around or just after puberty. It derives, according to them, from the lack of subtle energies their bodies produce – energies other people take for granted. That’s the general consensus anyway. It’s a condition they claim to be unable to change. So, they embrace it.

The real vampire community, like the legendary figure it emulates, knows few national boundaries, from Russia and South Africa to England and the United States. Particularly in the internet age, vampires are often well attuned to community issues.

This is more true for some than others though. I found the vampires of Buffalo to be keen to keep up to date with the global community, while those in New Orleans were often more interested in the activities of their local vampire houses (an affiliated group of vampires usually led by a vampire elder who helps his or her house members to acclimate to their vampiric nature).

The Varied Vampire Community

Some houses, and indeed whole vampire communities, as in the case of New Orleans, will combine their efforts to organize charity events, like feeding (not feeding on) the homeless. However, despite their humanitarian efforts, real vampires don’t go around advertising who they are for fear of discrimination by people who simply don’t understand them.

We spoke to John Edgar Browning in this episode of “It’s Only Science.”

Some semblance of the real vampire community has existed since at least the early to mid-1970s, but my own dealings began in 2009 when I entered the New Orleans community clinging to my digital voice recorder.

I eventually met around 35 real vampires there, but the total number in New Orleans is easily double that. They ranged in age from 18 to 50 and represented both sexes equally. They practiced sanguinarian (blood) and psychic feeding – taking energy using, for example, the mind or hands.

Blood is generally described by my study participants as tasting metallic, or “coppery” but can also be influenced by the donor’s physiology, or even how well he or she is hydrated. Some psychic vampires use tantric feeding, that is through erotic or sexual encounters, while others use what could be described as astral feeding or feeding on another from afar. And others feed through emotion.

Afterwards, blood-drinking and psychic vampires feel energized or otherwise better than they would if they were to sustain themselves on regular food alone, like fruits, fish, and vegetables (which they eat too).

These vampires described themselves as atheistic, monotheistic or polytheistic. Some identified as heterosexual, some homosexual and some bisexual. Some were married, some were divorced and some were parents.

Unquestionably, I found the vampires I met to be competent and generally outwardly “normal” citizens. They performed blood-letting rituals safely and only with willing donors and participated regularly in medical exams that scarcely (if ever) indicated complications from their feeding practices.

Outside Mainstream Culture

What was perhaps most surprising about the vampires I met though was their marked lack of knowledge about vampires in popular culture. They seemed to know much less than you might expect – at least for vampires – about how their kind were depicted in books and films. By this I mean to say that the people I met with and interviewed hadn’t turned to drinking blood or taking psychic energy simply because they had read too many Anne Rice novels.

In fact, the real vampire community in general seems to have appropriated very few of the trappings mainstream culture attaches to creatures of the night. Many do dress in gothic clothes but certainly not all the time, and very, very few sleep in coffins. In fact, those vampire who do dress a certain way or wear fangs do so long after realizing their desire to take blood.

This is what might be called a “defiant culture.” Real vampires embrace their instinctual need to feed on blood or energy and use what mainstream culture sees as a negative, deviant figure like the vampire to achieve a sense of self-empowerment. They identify others with a similar need and have produced a community from that need.

But real vampires can also help us understand, and perhaps even shed, some of the ideological baggage each of us carries. They show us how repressive and oppressive categories can lead to marginalization. Through them, we see the dark side of ourselves.

More generally, this community shows that being different doesn’t have to force you onto the margins of society. Real vampires can and do exist in both “normal” society and their own communities, and that’s okay.




Sociological character of cult

09:55 Feb 01 2018
Times Read: 2,149


I noted previously that even though cults should be defined from a theological point of view, we can nevertheless gain valuable insights into certain aspects of the cultic mentality from sociology. . . .

[1] Authoritarian Leadership

Authoritarianism involves the acceptance of an authority figure who exercises excessive control on cult members. As prophet or founder, this leader’s word is considered ultimate and final. . . .

Often this authoritarianism involves legalistic submission to the rules and regulations of the group as established by the cult leader . Cult members are fully expected to submit, even if they do not agree with the requirements. Unquestioning obedience is compulsory.

[2] Exclusivism

Cults often believe that they alone have the truth. The cult views itself as the single means of salvation on earth; to leave the group is to endanger one’s soul. . . .

[3] Isolationism

The more extreme cults sometimes create fortified boundaries, often precipitating tragic endings (we have already mentioned the tragedies in Waco and Jonestown). Some cults require members to renounce and break off associations with parents and siblings. . . .

[4] Opposition to Independent Thinking

Some cultic groups discourage members from thinking independently. The “thinking,” as it were, has already been done for them by the cult leadership; the proper response is merely to submit. . . .

[5] Fear of Being “Disfellowshiped”

It is not uncommon in cults that people are urged to remain faithful to avoid being “disfellowshiped,” or disbarred excommunicated from the group.

[6] Threats

Finally, some cults use fear and intimidation to keep members in line. Members may be told that something awful will happen to them should they choose to leave the group..Such fear tactics are designed to induce submission. Even when people do muster enough courage to leave the group, they may endure psychological consequences and emotional baggage for years to come..




Dangers of cults

09:20 Feb 01 2018
Times Read: 2,151

The dangers of cults: Leah May Phillips from Pontycymer in Wales, who tried to commit suicide this year. One of Leah's friends, Natasha Randall, 17, was found hanged in her bedroom. Her death was one of seven suicides in the small town which sparked fears the hangings were linked to an internet cult

Stefan Molyneux, the founder of FDR, who attracts many people to his website through YouTube, tells me that he simply reminds people 'that our family relationships are voluntary and you should really work, if you're unhappy in these relationships, to improve the quality of those relationships  -  but to remember that they do remain voluntary.

'And that gives people the motivation, I think, to try to improve them. But if you can't improve them  -  and we can't change other people, as we all know  -  for sure you should have the option to disengage.'

Molyneux, a 42-year-old former actor and IT worker, assures me that what he calls deFOO is 'actually quite rare'.

And although he and his wife (both of whom have deFOOd) are expecting a baby in December, he says on the website: 'Deep down I do not believe there are any really good parents out there  -  the same way I do not believe there were any really good doctors in the 10th century.'

Molyneux, whose Canadian home also hosts member get-togethers, brings up the word 'cult' before I do.

'It's the furthest thing from a cult,' he laughs. 'First of all, I don't charge anything for what it is I do. And cults isolate people.

'What I'm talking about, what I strongly suggest to people, is that they should get closer to the people they're with.

'And, of course, cults don't suggest people go to therapy to deal with their issues.'

Critics  -  parents predominantly from the U.S. and Canada, where most members come from  -  say people do pay. There's a $10 (£6.40) monthly subscription fee and you get special levels of access, according to how much more you donate, with $500 buying you the status of 'Philosopher King'. They say deFOO proves FDR does isolate people  -  the only people members get closer to are each other.

Some FDR members have indisputably horrific childhood stories. Some say that were beaten, others that they were sexually abused. To cut off their parents may well be their only hope for happiness.

But if you consider people of Tom's age, who invariably feel their parents don't understand them and couple this with a youthful thirst for neat philosophical answers to life's problems, then you can see the attraction and dangers of FDR.

Nothing but silence

Tom won't talk to me when I track him down, so I try to get a sense of his story from the website-I'm particularly troubled by a live call-in show from April, one month before he left home, in which he aired his passionate views about animal rights, only to be convinced by Molyneux that he is the one being treated like an animal and abused by his father, and by Barbara because she is his mother and she didn't leave his father  -  and for even having Tom at all.

Now, let's be clear: Tom does say that he is frightened by his father's mood swings, which sometimes cause him to throw things or shout at the cat. But the conclusions Molyneux jumps to, his manipulation of the conversation, is chilling.

The parents who talk to me do not want their names printed, and Tom's ex-girlfriend's parents won't talk to me at all.

The advice from experts is that when a parent attacks or criticises a cult, it may drive their family member further away.

I discover this for myself when I see Molyneux in the chatroom telling Tom: 'She [Barbara] misses having a victim around and so she is using the media to victimise you . . .Totally evil.'

Barbara is unfazed, saying that things had already reached rock bottom the moment Tom left home. Her marriage has since broken down, and the only good thing that has come out of all this is her relationship with her son Nick.

'We used to talk in terms of "I've got post for you" or "Can I have some money?" Now we show affection and we're really talking,' she says.

Molyneux tells me that deFOO is not inevitably for ever, but most members seem to see it as absolute. In one of his podcasts, Molyneux says people who do return to their family risk being seen permanently as unstable.

Some people do manage to leave FDR, however, and I point out that Tom is only 18. Barbara takes a deep breath.

'Tom is very strong-willed, much like I am, and when we set our minds to something we can do it. He is capable of just not coming back.'

The only time she doubts this is in her dreams. 'Sometimes I dream that Tom is standing in front of me, smiling, and I feel happy and peaceful. But then I wake up.'

- The Guardian




Is it cult?

09:12 Feb 01 2018
Times Read: 2,153

Is it a Cult? The Top Ten Signs the ‘Group’ You’ve Joined is Not what It Seems

The leader and group are always correct and anything the leader does can be justified.

Questions, suggestions, or critical inquiry are forbidden.

Members incessantly scramble with cramped schedules and activities full of largely meaningless work based on the leader’s agenda

Followers are meant to believe that they are never good enough.

Required dependency upon the leader and group for even the most basic problem-solving.

Reporting on members for disobedient actions or thoughts is mandated and rewarded.

Monetary, sexual, or servile labor is expected to gain promotion.

The ‘outside’ world — often including family and friends — is presented as rife with impending catastrophe, evil, and temptations.

Recruitment of new members is designed to be purposefully upbeat and vague about the actual operations of the leader and group.

Former members are shunned and perceived as hostile.

Jayanti Tamm is the author of Cartwheels in a Sari: A Memoir of Growing Up Cult (Three Rivers Press). She is a Visiting Professor in the MFA Program at Queens College, CUNY.




Vampire Police improve

07:58 Feb 01 2018
Times Read: 2,169

Vampire Police Issue Improve
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
RVL: Welcome to RVL Lady Sylvere, it’s a pleasure to have you with us… for any of our readers who may not know you would you be kind enough to give us a quick rundown on your work within the modern Vampire culture?

LS: Thank you for the opportunity. While I’ve been aware of RVL for years, this is my first interview with you. It’s exciting.

For those who don’t know me, I’ve been involved in the vampire subculture, both online and offline, since 1994. Since 1998, I’ve run the Real-Vampires Community Alliance (RVCA), which is the oldest Internet-based support group for the vampire community, first as the Real-Vampires email list on Yahoo, and now as the RVCA group on Facebook. I’ve been a member of Voices of the Vampire Community (VVC) since 2006, I’ve done interviews for various media, including ABC’s 20/20 and a documentary for XYTV in the UK, and I spoke as an expert panelist at the American Criminal Justice Society’s 2008 conference. I could list more, but those are the highlights.

RVL: Can we begin by asking when did you first become aware of the posts that provided the link for the “Vampire Community Police” initiative?

LS: I first became aware of the group when a link to your first article about it was shared in Vampire Network News (VNN) on Facebook. Around the same time, a direct link to the group was posted by the group’s founder in Vampire Community News (VCN), also on Facebook.

RVL: What were your initial impressions of the matter?

LS: Honestly, my first reaction was a huge eye-roll. This sort of thing has been tried before and it never ends well.


RVL: What, in the main, was the general response and reception in the places you found it?

LS: The response in VCN was mostly to point and laugh, not going to lie. However, between the lulz and silly GIFs, there were good comments, questions, and even suggestions. In VNN, the response was more subdued, but no less critical.

RVL: What questions first came to your mind about it?

LS: The same questions that always come to mind when someone pulls this sort of stunt. In no particular order they include:

Who are these people?

What makes them think they’re qualified to police the vampire community?

What “rules” are they trying to enforce and how do they plan to do that over the Internet?

Who made up those rules in the first place?

Do these people realize what they’re proposing is impossible?

Don’t they understand that the vampire “community” is actually made of up of many communities, each with its own regional culture and standards?

Why do we have to go through this yet again?

RVL: What were some of the other more ‘serious’ questions that the postings gave rise to?

LS: All of the questions I listed were posed in some form by various community members. None of them were ever answered. In my case, I tried to go beyond those initial questions to see if this group had anything to offer that past attempts lacked. The short answer was “no” and, as I researched further, it became clear that this group was destined for epic failure.

After reading some of what the administrators of the group proposed to do, it became evident to me that they really hadn’t given much thought to creating an action plan. First, they proposed to collect screen captures of Facebook posts or private messages to use as “evidence” to determine if there had been some sort of misconduct. I’m not sure how they were planning to determine what constitutes misconduct since there are no formal laws for vampires, but this is a violation of Facebook’s Terms of Service. Specifically, Section 5 states, “If you collect information from users, you will: obtain their consent, make it clear you (and not Facebook) are the one collecting their information, and post a privacy policy explaining what information you collect and how you will use it.” (Emphasis is mine.)

In addition, they were calling themselves “police,” which could be construed as ‘impersonating a police officer’. That’s illegal and could result in fines or even time in prison. Both of these things told me they had no idea what they were doing and I said so quite bluntly in both VCN and VNN. I also requested the name and contact information of the attorney the group kept on retainer so I could verify it. I’m sure it will come as no surprise that none of them could provide such information. After I pointed out that calling themselves “police” was likely to get them into real legal trouble, they very quickly changed the name of the group to something about counseling.

This change led me to ask what qualifications they had to act as counselors. The founder of the group and some of the administrators claimed they intended to collect “evidence” and then turn it over to the leaders of Houses or Courts so the leaders could take action. That’s closer to what I would expect of a community advocate, so I asked whether any of them have any training or experience acting as community advocates, such as acting as a court-appointed special advocate for children or as a domestic violence or rape crisis advocate. Only two of the group’s administrators bothered to respond, neither of them were the group’s founder.

One administrator claimed to have a Bachelor’s degree in psychology and experience working with children as an advocate. In the US, the minimum requirements to act as a licensed counselor are a Master’s degree in social work or a PhD. in psychology. So where did she do her undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate studies? What were the subjects of her Master’s thesis and Doctoral dissertation? Where did she complete her internships and where is she licensed? This is all public information, so I’d like to verify it.

Another administrator claimed to be an ordained minister. I’m an ordained minister too. All it takes is a few minutes to fill out some online forms and you’re ordained. In no way does it qualify him to act as a counselor or community advocate. However, in the US, an ordained minister can act as a crisis intervention counselor if he has completed 275 hours of training or education in crisis intervention and then takes another specialized training course that grants a certificate. [See:American Institute of Health Care Professionals. If that’s the case, where did he receive training and where is his certificate held? Again, this should be public information if the person’s claims are legitimate.

These are the types of questions anyone who proposes to take this sort of action should be prepared to answer. The fact that they couldn’t or wouldn’t answer them in a public forum should raise an army of red flags for everyone. To make matters worse, not one of the administrators of that group has ever been recognized as a leader or mentor in the vampire community in the 20-something years I’ve been active. Why in the world should anyone trust them?

RVL: In your opinion, is something of this nature ever going to work, or find a home, in the modern living Vampire culture? Why do you think this is?

LS: Nothing like this is ever going to work, if for no other reason than the fact that the modern vampire culture is international and connected via the Internet. It’s difficult for real law enforcement officials to enforce laws on the Internet or across international borders, how would any group without public backing or formal training and credentials manage it? Even if it were possible, laws vary from one country to another and from one state or province to another. How is an informal, ad hoc group going to enforce.

RVL: What method, or methods, would you advocate in any attempt to eliminate or curtail the more, shall we say ‘destructive’ or ‘disruptive’ elements in the online world of the real Vampire culture?

LS: Start by growing a thick skin. There’s a tendency in the vampire culture to get “butthurt” over very small issues. If someone says something that upsets you, don’t respond immediately. I know this is harder than it sounds, but it’s the first step. Yes, words can hurt, but they’re just pixels on a screen. You can choose whether or not to read them and whether or not to respond. Go outside, read a book, play some video games; whatever it takes to get you away from the forum for a couple of hours and help you cool down.

When you come back, you can ignore the person’s post if it’s better for your emotional health. You don’t owe anyone a response. It might help to reread the post and see if there was something you misunderstood. Text is an expressionless medium that doesn’t convey tone of voice or facial expression, so it’s easy to take things in a way the writer didn’t intend. If it still seems worth a reply, at least you’ll be in a clearer state of mind.

If someone continually says things that are upsetting to you, there’s a wonderful little button labeled “Block” on Facebook and on most other forums as well. Make it your best friend. You also have the option of contacting the group administrator and requesting they take action if you think the person is far enough out of line.

If someone is harassing or threatening you, report them to the appropriate authorities, including law enforcement if necessary. There are resources available, use them.

RVL: Do you think that there needs to be some mechanism for being able to “deal with” blatant instances of unethical, immoral/amoral or criminal activities suspicions within the culture?

LS: We have real law enforcement officials to deal with criminal actions. Let them do their jobs. In the case of things that might be viewed as unethical or of questionable morality, that’s where we start running into the issue of cultural differences and personal ethics. We can’t run a blacklist of “bad” people because then there’s the risk of someone using it to make false claims to further a personal vendetta. Talk about a legal disaster waiting to happen.

What we can do is look out for each other. If you see something sketchy, say something. Learn the warning signs of abuse and cults and if you notice someone needs support, try to offer it. You don’t have to call yourself the “vampire police” to do that. You just have to be a decent human being.

RVL: Thank you very much for shedding some light on these events for us Lady Sylvere, we appreciate your time as, I’m sure, our readers will.

LS: Thank you again for the opportunity. I hope I can give some useful information to your readers.

——————————————————————————————————————–Observations and questions from long tenured and highly respected members of the modern Vampire culture should be accepted for what they are, a very real desire to stop people from creating problems that could lead to potentially disastrous consequences – for them. The folks who have been in the culture, both online and off, for a long time have seen all of this before, they know the damage that can be caused and the ramifications that such damage can engender. No one wants to see anyone get hurt. Yes, there will be those who have nothing but nonsensical, intimidating, sarcastic, self-serving and infantile comments to make… we need to look past, as Lady Sylvere put it, “the lulz and silly Gifs“, and take heed of the good advice that is between the b.s.

We are still hopeful of receiving response to our interview request with the head of the project, perhaps we may find something re-vamped and couched in a less severe manner will be coming forth.

Copyright RVL & Lady Sylvere Ap Leanan, 2018




Vampire police

00:16 Feb 01 2018
Times Read: 1,606

Vampire police issue...important

Presented by Tim...

Good morning ladies and gentlemen,
The noise, as it were, seems to have died down over the recent advent of a “Vampire Police” and we have yet to receive the interview responses that we are awaiting.

When we posted the follow up, on January 18th, to our initial report we noted that certain events had taken place and we posed certain questions regarding these events. Well, we have great pleasure in advising that a highly respected figure in the modern Vampire culture, an authority by virtue of tenure and a member of several notable cultural initiatives has approached us with a view to clarifying some of the reported events of the last couple of weeks.

It is with deepest thanks, and great honour, we are able to present an outline of the situation that unfolded by Lady Sylvere Ap Leanan.

RVL: Welcome to RVL Lady Sylvere, it’s a pleasure to have you with us… for any of our readers who may not know you would you be kind enough to give us a quick rundown on your work within the modern Vampire culture?

LS: Thank you for the opportunity. While I’ve been aware of RVL for years, this is my first interview with you. It’s exciting.

For those who don’t know me, I’ve been involved in the vampire subculture, both online and offline, since 1994. Since 1998, I’ve run the Real-Vampires Community Alliance (RVCA), which is the oldest Internet-based support group for the vampire community, first as the Real-Vampires email list on Yahoo, and now as the RVCA group on Facebook. I’ve been a member of Voices of the Vampire Community (VVC) since 2006, I’ve done interviews for various media, including ABC’s 20/20 and a documentary for XYTV in the UK, and I spoke as an expert panelist at the American Criminal Justice Society’s 2008 conference. I could list more, but those are the highlights.

RVL: Can we begin by asking when did you first become aware of the posts that provided the link for the “Vampire Community Police” initiative?

LS: I first became aware of the group when a link to your first article about it was shared in Vampire Network News (VNN) on Facebook. Around the same time, a direct link to the group was posted by the group’s founder in Vampire Community News (VCN), also on Facebook.

RVL: What were your initial impressions of the matter?

LS: Honestly, my first reaction was a huge eye-roll. This sort of thing has been tried before and it never ends well.


RVL: What, in the main, was the general response and reception in the places you found it?

LS: The response in VCN was mostly to point and laugh, not going to lie. However, between the lulz and silly GIFs, there were good comments, questions, and even suggestions. In VNN, the response was more subdued, but no less critical.

RVL: What questions first came to your mind about it?

LS: The same questions that always come to mind when someone pulls this sort of stunt. In no particular order they include:

Who are these people?

What makes them think they’re qualified to police the vampire community?

What “rules” are they trying to enforce and how do they plan to do that over the Internet?

Who made up those rules in the first place?

Do these people realize what they’re proposing is impossible?

Don’t they understand that the vampire “community” is actually made of up of many communities, each with its own regional culture and standards?

Why do we have to go through this yet again?

RVL: What were some of the other more ‘serious’ questions that the postings gave rise to?

LS: All of the questions I listed were posed in some form by various community members. None of them were ever answered. In my case, I tried to go beyond those initial questions to see if this group had anything to offer that past attempts lacked. The short answer was “no” and, as I researched further, it became clear that this group was destined for epic failure.

After reading some of what the administrators of the group proposed to do, it became evident to me that they really hadn’t given much thought to creating an action plan. First, they proposed to collect screen captures of Facebook posts or private messages to use as “evidence” to determine if there had been some sort of misconduct. I’m not sure how they were planning to determine what constitutes misconduct since there are no formal laws for vampires, but this is a violation of Facebook’s Terms of Service. Specifically, Section 5 states, “If you collect information from users, you will: obtain their consent, make it clear you (and not Facebook) are the one collecting their information, and post a privacy policy explaining what information you collect and how you will use it.” (Emphasis is mine.)

In addition, they were calling themselves “police,” which could be construed as ‘impersonating a police officer’. That’s illegal and could result in fines or even time in prison. Both of these things told me they had no idea what they were doing and I said so quite bluntly in both VCN and VNN. I also requested the name and contact information of the attorney the group kept on retainer so I could verify it. I’m sure it will come as no surprise that none of them could provide such information. After I pointed out that calling themselves “police” was likely to get them into real legal trouble, they very quickly changed the name of the group to something about counseling.

This change led me to ask what qualifications they had to act as counselors. The founder of the group and some of the administrators claimed they intended to collect “evidence” and then turn it over to the leaders of Houses or Courts so the leaders could take action. That’s closer to what I would expect of a community advocate, so I asked whether any of them have any training or experience acting as community advocates, such as acting as a court-appointed special advocate for children or as a domestic violence or rape crisis advocate. Only two of the group’s administrators bothered to respond, neither of them were the group’s founder.

One administrator claimed to have a Bachelor’s degree in psychology and experience working with children as an advocate. In the US, the minimum requirements to act as a licensed counselor are a Master’s degree in social work or a PhD. in psychology. So where did she do her undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate studies? What were the subjects of her Master’s thesis and Doctoral dissertation? Where did she complete her internships and where is she licensed? This is all public information, so I’d like to verify it.

Another administrator claimed to be an ordained minister. I’m an ordained minister too. All it takes is a few minutes to fill out some online forms and you’re ordained. In no way does it qualify him to act as a counselor or community advocate. However, in the US, an ordained minister can act as a crisis intervention counselor if he has completed 275 hours of training or education in crisis intervention and then takes another specialized training course that grants a certificate. [See:American Institute of Health Care Professionals. If that’s the case, where did he receive training and where is his certificate held? Again, this should be public information if the person’s claims are legitimate.

These are the types of questions anyone who proposes to take this sort of action should be prepared to answer. The fact that they couldn’t or wouldn’t answer them in a public forum should raise an army of red flags for everyone. To make matters worse, not one of the administrators of that group has ever been recognized as a leader or mentor in the vampire community in the 20-something years I’ve been active. Why in the world should anyone trust them?

RVL: In your opinion, is something of this nature ever going to work, or find a home, in the modern living Vampire culture? Why do you think this is?

LS: Nothing like this is ever going to work, if for no other reason than the fact that the modern vampire culture is international and connected via the Internet. It’s difficult for real law enforcement officials to enforce laws on the Internet or across international borders, how would any group without public backing or formal training and credentials manage it? Even if it were possible, laws vary from one country to another and from one state or province to another. How is an informal, ad hoc group going to enforce.

RVL: What method, or methods, would you advocate in any attempt to eliminate or curtail the more, shall we say ‘destructive’ or ‘disruptive’ elements in the online world of the real Vampire culture?

LS: Start by growing a thick skin. There’s a tendency in the vampire culture to get “butthurt” over very small issues. If someone says something that upsets you, don’t respond immediately. I know this is harder than it sounds, but it’s the first step. Yes, words can hurt, but they’re just pixels on a screen. You can choose whether or not to read them and whether or not to respond. Go outside, read a book, play some video games; whatever it takes to get you away from the forum for a couple of hours and help you cool down.

When you come back, you can ignore the person’s post if it’s better for your emotional health. You don’t owe anyone a response. It might help to reread the post and see if there was something you misunderstood. Text is an expressionless medium that doesn’t convey tone of voice or facial expression, so it’s easy to take things in a way the writer didn’t intend. If it still seems worth a reply, at least you’ll be in a clearer state of mind.

If someone continually says things that are upsetting to you, there’s a wonderful little button labeled “Block” on Facebook and on most other forums as well. Make it your best friend. You also have the option of contacting the group administrator and requesting they take action if you think the person is far enough out of line.

If someone is harassing or threatening you, report them to the appropriate authorities, including law enforcement if necessary. There are resources available, use them.

RVL: Do you think that there needs to be some mechanism for being able to “deal with” blatant instances of unethical, immoral/amoral or criminal activities suspicions within the culture?

LS: We have real law enforcement officials to deal with criminal actions. Let them do their jobs. In the case of things that might be viewed as unethical or of questionable morality, that’s where we start running into the issue of cultural differences and personal ethics. We can’t run a blacklist of “bad” people because then there’s the risk of someone using it to make false claims to further a personal vendetta. Talk about a legal disaster waiting to happen.

What we can do is look out for each other. If you see something sketchy, say something. Learn the warning signs of abuse and cults and if you notice someone needs support, try to offer it. You don’t have to call yourself the “vampire police” to do that. You just have to be a decent human being.

RVL: Thank you very much for shedding some light on these events for us Lady Sylvere, we appreciate your time as, I’m sure, our readers will.

LS: Thank you again for the opportunity. I hope I can give some useful information to your readers.

——————————————————————————————————————–Observations and questions from long tenured and highly respected members of the modern Vampire culture should be accepted for what they are, a very real desire to stop people from creating problems that could lead to potentially disastrous consequences – for them. The folks who have been in the culture, both online and off, for a long time have seen all of this before, they know the damage that can be caused and the ramifications that such damage can engender. No one wants to see anyone get hurt. Yes, there will be those who have nothing but nonsensical, intimidating, sarcastic, self-serving and infantile comments to make… we need to look past, as Lady Sylvere put it, “the lulz and silly Gifs“, and take heed of the good advice that is between the b.s.

We are still hopeful of receiving response to our interview request with the head of the project, perhaps we may find something re-vamped and couched in a less severe manner will be coming forth.

Copyright RVL & Lady Sylvere Ap Leanan, 2018



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