People Hide. We hide, oh, how we hide ourselves--even from thoes closest to us. We're not even honest with those we love. More than two-thirds of us would not confess a one-night stand to our spouses. Most people say that they've hiddem their true feelings from a lover. The majority of us would not let our spouses or lovers question us if we were hooked up to a lie detector.
We say things that we don't mean, we socialize with people whom we don't like, and we dont't stand up for what we really believe. So an aweful lot of people say that they feel fake, phony, or hypocrite most of the time. That comes out to about 80 million phonies or hypocrites.
And that makes itasignificant partof ourculture-- a national facade that hides who we really are.
So, now I ask you, how many people really know who you are-- deep down, your ture self?