I had a dream about ex coming here to visit me. It was weird I actually haven't dreamt of him in years. He still hasn't spoken a word to me not since our last fight. I hope that wherever he is he is safe and happy. I feel like the years have really changed me. I'm not sure it's a good thing but I'm trying to adapt. I entered Mr am mind freaked him out and pissed him off. I was a little surprised on how easily I was able to enter. All of a sudden I'm this monster. Most days it's a struggle to not give in to that side of me that thrives on destruction and chaos. I finally forgave sob1 for all the physical pain he put me through and trying to kill me. I thought I could forgive sob2 for what he did but that's not coming as easily. I would rather deal with being left for dead then what he put me through. I can only hope Irma takes him out. He's back to his old bag of tricks trying to hurt me in every way possible . I keep trying to remain positive thinking its all gotta turn around from here.