Damn him. He thinks he gets the last laugh, little does he know, I do. *Laughs* I will fuck him in much the way he wished to fuck me. I will ruin the bastard, with every ounce of my being I will. I am done playing his little games.
On a different note... My grandfather went into the hospital last night, had a heart attack while there, I worry about him, but know he has had a long and happy life, and will die when it is his time. I love my grandfather, he is one of the neatest and most respectable men I know, other than my father, whom I named my daughter after.
Why does the ex have to be so... stressful? I mean think about it, you live in bliss for so long, then BAM! they become an ex lover. Suddenly, they are your worst enemy, caddy and selfish, insulting and hateful and hurtful. Or conniving. Not only do I have to deal with one, but two of them. I have one who decided to call me up and say I had been cheating on him this whole time, when I hadn't! I swore up and down I would not do it and I didn't. I even blocked who he said Iwas cheating on him with so there would be no question, it wasn't until we were split up that I even started talking to this guy again. The first ex, my ex husband, did somethign horrible. He was two hours late coming home with my child, then had the gall to not only turn off his cell, butby the time I found them he went "uhh.. well... uhh" asshole.
Well wow. It has been one interesting adventure so far. I have begun my training to become a certified nurses assistant. Never before have I felt so proud of something I have done. Never. It is wonderful.! I finally feel as if I am doing what I was meant to do all along. I love it!!!!! I just got back from my cpr class, I passed, straight up, one hundred percent. I am finally feeling pride in myself, and worthiness. I guess that this is what my life has been missing. This.. purpose. Now I have to decide if I am going to do further training to become a nurse full and fledged, or if CNA is as far as I want to go. Sometimes I think I should stick with CNAing, because at least then I can spend more time with my patients, whereas a nurse cannot. However, I also like the fact that Nursing pays more and has more responsibilities.
Today I got into my first run in with an old person. She had dementia and thought I was out to mug her I guess. The minute I tried to take her sweater off to change her she decked me, then again and again. She knocked the wind out of me, hit me in the face, and then held my hands so tight I had to scream for help. Finally, after five others came to my aid, we got her changed. It is amazing the strength of some people!