the last few days have been tough. I want nothing but sleep and I cant stand ppl being around me and I don't want food. the funeral has been canceled. uncle is just letting her lay on a medal bed then shoved into a furnace. its disgraceful and horrible. she wouldn't want that for any of us. nothing really seems important anymore. just sleep.
had a play yesterday. I was the angel Gabriel. forced to wear wings that kept breaking. my friend decided to stay with me after I heard of my grandmothers passing. got his present too. this time its real. real diamonds. real silver. I told him to take it back. and get me a teddy bear or a movie. I cant get him anything expensive so I don't want him to. but he said he wont take it back so I'm forced to keeping it.
ok imma start with this: I am a firm believer of the supernatural and if you have a problem with it then mind your own business. do not txt me saying "vamps arnt real." its "vampires" or "vampyr" for one and two just leave me alone. ill believe what I want. do not try swaying me from my beliefs bc you will be rewarded with me blocking you. thanks random person for the rate of ten but I do not agree with you contradicting my beliefs. now with that said I feel better. negative, closed minded ppl give me head aches. thank you so much the ones that has been so supportive. I mean it. THANK YOU.
hey so ive been nothing but nice to everyone that has had contact with me on here so I do not understand something. Why are ppl constantly trying to flirt with me? I'm asexual and I am not advertising myself. I'm just here for education and friends like me or very nice ppl. if youre sexually attracted to me then please keep it to yourself. I will not let your hormones get in the way of my learning.
Speaking of learning my first semester is almost over!!!! il be out of French one and into French two and one college class will be done and over with!!!! being a jr is hard ;-; all well itll pay off in the long run! I apologize about the beginning of this journal its just something I needed to get off my chest. but thank you so much ill post more later I promise!!!!
Sadly, like any other online site, people will take kindness as flirting. Also some people do not understand "boundaries".
If someone becomes overbearing and will not stop after you ask them to, block them. Blocking will keep a person from contacting you and commenting on your journal entries.
And congratulations on moving on to French II.
after being around my fellow classmates I feel stronger. my horsed voice is louder, my cough is gone, and my migrains disappeared without a trace. I feel healed as if my sickness never happened. thanks friends (at my school). thank you for lending me the energy I need. (: oh and I wasn't lying when I had a lot of work. test after test. math isn't all that bad but college class is a pain. got to read the two books by Monday. -.- all well :) I can only be positive ig or it'll haunt me more lol
so not ready for school. at first I thought it would be good till I hear of all the work I must catch up on. I have to read two books by Monday, 3 hw packets on math, packets in French including a quiz, and practice songs for a performance on Tuesday. I don't even have my voice!!!! on top of that I'm weak at the moment -.- ugh wish me luck. imma need it.
I woke up to a very uncomfortable feeling. my head was pounding my heart was racing and I could barely breath. now note that I am a firm believer in the supernatural. I could feel sadness at the end of my bed (I call the entity by how I feel it). I couldn't recognize gender or age just that it was sad. I rose to see nothing. I'm a scardy cat when it comes to "ghosts" so I ran to the living room and grabbed my laptop. mom came to me and asked if that was me crying. I shook my head no and lied saying I was watching YouTube. this encounter scared me but makes me wonder...
I went to the docs and they couldn't explain what was wrong. they just gave me antibiotics and said "we will see what happens." I feel weak and low on energy. being away from people has effected me greatly. will arrive back in school Thursday though. ill be way better after then :)