I'm thinking a chia pudding. Easy enough, right?
This guy was going on about humans being the dominant species and how animals' lives are inferior to humans...
I told him to go punch a grizzly to prove his dominance.
good one.
I wonder how that guy feels about women. There's interesting theories on superiority complexes, humans vs animals and then gender.
As in, if a man thinks animals are his for the taking, his for use, put on this earth to satisfy his tastes/desires/for his entertainment... would very easily translate to women, too.
Female grizzlies are much worse. Especially if they have babies. They'll fight the males.
Sorry, when I read the post I thought of women, haha.
Not to take completely off track, but that's what intersectionality is about - the idea that ignoring others suffering while fighting for another is not effective - for example - being a vegan and fighting for the end of ideas like "Man is better than animal" won't work if you still are a sexist butt. Or fighting against racism and segregation... isn't effective if you're a sexist butt. And fighting animal liberation isn't helpful if you're sexist/don't care about feminism OR racism.
Like all are forms of oppression and suffering and all are interconnected in the idea of superiority and "betterness".
Sorry, this is so far off track. Sorry. D:
I saw some Eurasian Brown bears once. They were fucking cuties. And I've seen polar bears. And a black bear?
I love bears ♥_♥
Ugh. I'm bad at expressing myself.
I was trying to make a joke. I agree with you, if he feels like that about animals he probably doesn't look too highly on women.