There are quite a few bath houses and hot springs near where I live. I have not been to either of them before, but they are looking really good right now.
I'm not much of a bath person. I get bored easily just sitting there. I have a small tub now though so there isn't much room to stretch move around in.
Hot spring though... I could go for that.
Rough weekend. Oh well. Everyone survived it.
I did get to watch Age of Ultron. I liked it. I'm not a fan of the superhero genre, but I actually really liked it. I really loved the Ultron/Vision dynamic.
I'm a little disappointed that I don't know which side I would choose.
I don't believe in jinxes, but I still don't tempt/challenge fate. I mean really... it can always get worse.
Not that I think the universe has anything to prove by this, but today is certainly not one of my "Come at me, bro" days.
Kind of an interesting day. A lot of memories. I got to talk to someone who was a big part of my life when it was at its craziest. He isn't doing well. He never was.