It's done. It's private now. I hope you all said your piece. Anything further can be sent to my inbox personally. I hope everyone learned something today.
It's Zombie Jesus Day, and I plan on celebrating by visiting Skyrim and maybe raising a few zombies of my own. Oh, and fighting the zombie dragons. I usually forget that part.
Heh. I really hope God has a sense of humour...
Well, you know it made my sister happy and that makes me happy. I believe things have a way of working themselves out.
Or maybe it's just the laziness talking. Lol
I still have not figured out how to express my feelings. It's just a lot easier to keep them to myself than trying to put them into words.
Probably a combination of fear, laziness, and the same old same old.
It's frustrating, but at the same time it's freeing. A lot of things are kept internal unless I'm certain it's ready. Usually they never are because I'm always doubting myself. That is a totally different problem.
:/ I type the way I speak and think, so forgive me if it's a bit halting.
I've become more vocal about my opinions lately. I'm sure it's only temporary and sooner or later I'll exhaust my social energy and retreat back into myself. Kind of the cycle I've always gone through. And for the most part I'm content with this.
02:49 Mar 31 2016
I....I didn't get a chance to say my piece. I demand a piece!
02:53 Mar 31 2016
Haha, there were a lot of pieces. Most of them, I don't think even fit.