I got a pink one...
I'm really starting to like the colour pink a lot. I used to hate it, but now I want everything in pink. Okay...I'm sure I'd get sick of it if EVERYTHING was in pink.
How do you think an 11 year old feels when the only person that gave a shit about their well being, the person that took it upon themselves to not only raise them, but save them from foster care has died. Not only slowly but painfully in front of their eyes in only 3 months. I'll tell you...
She feels lost.
Yep fucking eye twitch. Hasn't done this since I was in high school. Yeah I know that was just last year, but I thought it had gone away. I don't like telling people what is bothering me...though I probably should. Something strong and deep must be bothering me pretty badly if it's twitching again. I admit I have been very stressed out, coupled with frustration it's just a ticking bomb...
So I guess either someone defuses it or it goes off, we'll see which happens first.
I dread sleeping now. My nightmares are starting to develop into night terrors. I woke up around 3:30 this morning hyperventilating, took me awhile to get back to sleep. I've grown used to the nightmares, but they are becoming overwhelming. Especially know that I'm on a regular sleep pattern. When I'm not I stay up until I'm too tired to dream, but I can't do that now....Hmm...maybe a dream catcher?