Coldness running in my blood, by that to which I knew I was
Holding on to what I thaught,was imputence that could be faught, leaving all the warmth I saught
Holding back this strong temptation, fighting hard the cruel intenetions.
How I wish that you were here to whisper sweetly in my ear, that I have nothing now to fear.
Falling back to darkest corners, drifting now to toxic waters, grasping falsely chosen daughters
It lead to just the worst of thins, a creature wearing soaring wings
Humans kow what is not said, I am now the new undead, now the plague must soo be spread
Of all the ways to meet a love, a place where darkness lies above
The stranger waitng in my path, will show me what I thaught Id never have
I long to to be within your arms, the ones you fill with so much charm
And once I feel your heat with mine, the love we have will never unwine
So I bid you now adue, until our love is proven true.
Blesed Be