Sometimes the ones we love get hurt. Not in body but in heart. Even if we try to make them feel better sometimes we make it worse.
I have been in that place. The place where other would feel hurt and sad. I know the feeling is bitter and you might think that everyone betraied you. You wont believe what the ones you used to love would say. But if you dont think you will believe in the words just look at the eyes. They never lie. They are the mirror to the heart and soul.
Never in a million i would hurt the ones i love. The feeling of me hurting the others would be unberable.
Dear sweet cupcake believe my words and heart saying that you are my precious rose. I love you with my heart.
Sometimes im not good in words cause they came out weird but i want you to trust me that when i say i love you and always will love you and never would ever hurt you is true.
12:21 Feb 17 2011
Your words came out just right Lili. I think cubby will understand once she reads them too. I love her with all my heart too and I hate to see either of you hurting over this. I am hoping that at least you and her can get back what you had. *hugs*
12:23 Feb 17 2011
The Words are well and i also believe you and Cubby need mending time..Because a Hurt Cubby means a pissed off Dan..
15:51 Feb 17 2011
Hun, Somethings just take time but both have to want it to be mended not just one , but If they choose to be closed to you and your heart its not your fault and you need to move on.
16:14 Feb 17 2011
I hope the hurt stops and the love comes back for you both. Time is a great healer :)
17:07 Feb 17 2011
~hugs sis tight~ I'm here for you sis morning noon and night =^_^=
06:37 Feb 18 2011
Lilian, You know I love you girl always and forever. You have been my sis for many years and that has not changed ever!!! Love you so much! I am here for you and you if you need to talk do not hesitate. Sorry I had to leave for class the other day. I felt you needed me and I had to leave. I thought of you all day for a reason. You are my sis and I love ya *hugs
05:46 Jul 23 2012
I love your entry. It was if you went into my head and took my thoughts.
20:29 Nov 13 2015
Hopefully, things have worked out and the worst thing in life is when we cannot take the pain away from those we love, leaving us feeling totally helpless.~Mina
06:08 Jun 11 2016
Loving someone too much is as painful as letting them go. The wounds never fully heal and are so easily opened.