It appears that a journal is a way to get bonuses, so I have now started this one.
good for you.. no tell us what you did at the weekend???
I love it.
hmmm i think its something to do with leaving comment too isnt it? lol
cool journal :)
I will eventually write something better, once I think of it.
Looking forward to reading more here.
I enjoy writing about funny things that happened to me during the day, but then - I work with semi-stupid people (and I don't mean mentally challenged...I mean people who went to school and became doctors or lawyers, but yet can't grasp the concept of voicemail.)
Damn damn I wanted to be the first to leave a dirty comment..crap lol!
Damn, Luke, you've got it going here. Partay!
I keep reading your journal entry over and over, it resonates so deeply with me. I can only hope to emulate your sheer artistry and profoundness.
*blinks* many..ppls..
Yessssssssssssssssssssss I am fond of reading,
Once you write I will read it...
19:29 Jul 01 2009
Okay I've now befriended myself and added my own journal to my list of favorites. You are teaching me self-esteem, Luke. Should I stalk myself, too?