~All the same~
They want me to be one of them.
They want me to be something I'm not.
They try to change me.
They try to mold me into a perfect person.
They try to make me just like them.
They try to turn me into someone that has no opinions.
Someone who will stay in line.
Someone who will follow the crowd.
That is something I will never do.
I will never fall in line.
I will never become one of them.
I will never chage to fit with them.
~Feelings & Thoughts~
My soul is burning in a sea of despire.
My thoughts have never been fair.
My heart has no forgiveness.
I no longing know the feeling of a lovers warm soft kisses.
My eyes burn with hate.
It was like my heart was torn out of my body and used as bait.
My heart was nothing,but a fool in the horrored game.
Love and hate in the end it's all the same.
I might be Smiling
But inside I'm Dying.
I might be Smiling
But inside I'm Crying.
I cut my Vain
I can't Feel the Pain.
I watch in Vain
I cant feel a thing .
Yeah i'm Smiling
But I'm inside i'm Dying.
~No One Cares~
No One Cares
So I guess I'll Just Go
I'll Go Into The Darkness
With Nothing But Some Candles of Black
And A Knife In Hand
No One Cares I guess I'll Just go
Away Forever
Because No One Cares
So No One will Nodose
The Missing Persons Sign
By their Front Door
I guess I'll Just Go
Because No One Seems to Care
I Light the Candles
I Take The Knife's Sharpened blade and pull it slowly up my arm
And Watch the Blood Slowy Run down my Arm
And Hit the Ground
I Pray Of not being ForGotten
But i know i always be nothing but
A Missing Person No One Knows is Missing
I dont even know if i am a Missing Person
If No One Misses Me
One Cares So I guess I'll Just Go and Kill myself
its not like anyone knows i'm gone
Does if make a Difference If i kill myself
I dont know because No One Seems To Care
So I guess I dont care Either
So I guess I'll Just go
Beacause I dont Care anymore
And No Seems to Care Either
So This Is Good-Bye
I'll See you in another life and then Maybe
You Will Care
Sence you dont seem to care In this life
Good-Bye Good-bye
My Dearest Friend Hope you know I am Missing
Because No One Esle seems to know
Ravens Are Flying
As I Am Crying
Ravens Are The Night
As I Loose My Sight
Ravens Are Fighting For Countless Lives
As I as I Take This last Dive
Ravens Are Of Black
As I say this last pack
Ravens Are Dying
As I am Sighing
Ravans Are Killing
As I Am Feeling
Ravens Are Giving to Countless souls
As I Lay Saying These last Vouls
Ravens Are giving Birth
As I Leave This Earth
Ravens Are Losing This Fight
As I Take This Knife
This Night
This life
This Sight
This Knife
This is It
I Am Fit
For This Night
I Take My Life
My Night
My Life
My Sight
My Knife
Roses are Burning
For Their Yearing
Roses Turn Black
For This Is Fact
Roses Die Here
For Their Fear
Roses are Ash
For The Rest Are Stashed
Roses are Bleeding
For The Rest are Feeding
Roses are Crying
For The Rest Keep Fighting
Roses winning
For This is fitting
Roses are Killing
As The Rest Hit Ceilling
Sorry We Lost Everything.
You Act Like it's All My Fault.
I Cant Take it Anymore.
All You Wanna Do Is Fight.
You Say You Love Me,But You Never Truely mean it.
You Have Killed Me Inside Out.
Leaving me alone to face this horrored world.
To Fight My Own Demons,and slay my own Dragons and,not once did I cry
For I was scared it ment i was to weak and i had to have my daddy fight my fights and slay my dragons.
Now Because Of You I'm lost forever keeping feelings inside and locking them away from the world.
For I Thought it ment i was to weak when i called my daddy's name and when i cried.
People Tried To Help,But I just pushed them away,and acted out to hide from them all.
Fighting my fights and losing most with myself.
I'm killing me.
I'm lost to the World,and not a Soul Know's I feel The Way I Do.
For I Keep things the way they are.
So I don't have to think at all.