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My Random Thoughts :

02:33 Feb 05 2012
Times Read: 699

When a person is your Friend, they should not lie to you, say nasty words or be dishonest to you. Because this would make me not want to be their Friend. This is NOT a Friend in "My Book" and once they do say something like this to me or to any of my Friends, then I no longer consider them a Friend.

I won't Forgive Them and I don't care who it is. I Protect My True Friends 100% from liars, verbal insults all the way up to body harm and it doesn't matter if its males or females.

I know that Zila has never lied to me and I concider her one of my Best Friends.

Theres no such thing as Innocent anymore. when the whole world is guity of something.

like Sin for example.

Figting on the inet is a such waste of time and I don't have anytime for the kiddie games. they play. nor drama for that matter.

I saw some people today and I was speaking my mind and they all got mad at me. cause I knew they was lying through their teeth and than I replied back. Truth Hurts Doesn't It and

they did not say anything.

If anyone on this site needs someone to talk to about their problems or needing some advise or just to talk. then feel free to send me a message. cause I am a good listener and I'll try to help you out anyway I can.

Everybody has problems and it doesn't matter if its bi polar, your own, someone else, health, money and these are just some of the basic problems everyone has in their lives and if they say. they don't have any problems. then they are lying to you. but most importanly, they are lying to themselves. cause no one is perfect.

I should know, I came across some people who was this way and I told them. I only wished some people would take a look into the mirror and tell me.

what do you see?

And I know, Mirrors can be Misleading at times, but you got to look deep inside of yourself and once you do. then you can say. there is something wrong with me and only then. you can find out whats wrong with you and fix it. before its to late and don't let anyone tell you differently. cause if you put your mind to something. you can achieve great things.

My advice for relationship's is simple. take you're time and go slow. by starting off with being friends first and going from there. by living each day at a time. while living life to its fullest. but never rush into things. no matter how close you are to the person. you are dating. cause sometimes when you rush it. it doesn't last long and never say I love you, unless you mean it and the timing is right. when all and all you barely know the person and this will save you from the broken hearts and the pain.

Im one of those types of guys, who don't hide behind a bush and let others know my feelings. cause I don't play that kind of kiddie games with anybody. if I say something to someone. Im going to keep my word. cause thats the only thing a person has these days and if they can't keep their word. then they are nothing more but dirt. cause keeping someones word is like keeping their bond and it would say hella alot more to a person. if they keep their word. cause thats the only thing. we have anymore.

Just like if you lie to someone, then what does that make you and if theres a group of people. who is telling lies to one another and to other people. then that group wants to keep it alive. so they can feel better about themselves and some times. when the lie gets soo big. it gets over filling and it leaks out onto other people and everybody would be like huh?, what?

Then they would start putting pieces of a puzzle together after when they heard something entirely different from someone else and what is the people going to say about this group. when they find out the truth or when the pieces of a puzzle is together and it shows the truth. but atleast I can say. no group sounds like this on here. from what I can tell.

And I know why some people puts down other people for. so they can feel better about themselves.

"My Closing" :

So you see, Im only speaking what's on my mind and you must Respect. what I say to be true. not like some people that I have met throughout my life. cause most of them only lied to me and I know. how to divide Truthful from UnTruthful People.

Thank you for taking your time to read this. come again.



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