My mother commented today that by pursuing my chosen career path I was denying who I really am.
I tend to disagree, but I wonder on another level if perhaps she sees something I do not.
Or maybe she is just being worrisome and over-protective as she has been for the majority of my life. She's often been rather stifling to live with. While I understand her motives, I do not always appreciate them.
Inspiration is such a fickle thing that you'll often find to be missing completely when you most desire it. Often we humans look to others to find a source for it. I do not, rather I look for it within myself. I was once inspired by many people I admired and looked up to, but as I grew older I realised that I had been viewing those people through a child's eyes and that they weren't as I thought. Instead of inspiration, I found disappointment. Now I look only to myself, striving to be someone I can be proud of.