Leelou's Journal

Leelou's Journal


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1 entry this month


a story I'm writing

14:49 Feb 25 2009
Times Read: 545


Zipping lights all around me and R&B music playing in the car. Slowly drifting in and out as I try to stay awake. I was moving to some place far away and I didn’t even care enough to remember the town’s name.

All I knew was that I was going to start a new life, going to be at a new school, and have to meet new friends-again. It gets a little tiring when you’re parents have a job that requires us to move around-everywhere!

I hated it, every 4 to 8 months we were moving because my parents are scientist. Yet they spoil me because I’m an only child, but money can’t buy friends. Not even a million.

When we arrived at the house it was early, maybe 6:15 because it was still dark. Next Monday I’ll be starting school at Westronbrook Middle School. Today I was only Thursday and my parents have lots to do. Unpack, help me set my room, enroll me in school, and of course set up their lab equipment. Also they have to get new driver’s licenses. They have about 16 of them and two from other countries.

I was happy and grateful that we moved around a lot cause that meant I know I could start fresh.

The house was quite astonishing; it was a two story English tutor. It had a huge window in the living room that I adored. My room was fantastic, huge closet, very spacious, and had two windows. It was perfect. Everything I dreamed of. Of course my parents would get me decorations.

We got out the car and walked inside. Dad had put up some of the stuff we look around. The kitchen was nice too.

“Hey mom, how long are we going to be staying here?” I asked as I yelled from the kitchen

‘Quite some time Dani,” she yelled back

She called me that when she was busy and sometimes if she was frustrated. My real name is Danielle.

I went into the living room and sat down in the middle of the floor. I looked up at mom and asked, “How long?” .

“Maybe….. a year or two.” she replied.

“Whoa…. That’s a pretty long time.” I said sarcastically.

“Hey Danielle, how about we take you out Saturday to go shopping?” she asked me


I walked upstairs to my room and sat down in the empty space and just pondered. We Never stayed in one place for a long time. This would be a change!

I imagined the friends and people I’ll meet. I even get nervous thinking about school. I wonder if they’ll like me.

Saturday came by just as fast as our packing and leaving, so quickly. So I heard my mom call upstairs to me, to come down. I was ready. I wore a midnight black ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ t-shirt with a blue and black stripped long sleeve shirt underneath, with blue jeans and me Evanescence Jacket.

I grabbed my purse and left. I heard mom walk out the door and followed right after her. Dad was in the driver’s seat while mom had just shut the door to the passenger’s side. So I quickly got in the back seat of my Dad’s sapphire 2007 XB. We went to a store called Bennet Mart. It had everything to clothes, food, electronics, a book store, McDonalds, nail salon, eye care, and a hair cuttery. I found the aisle with posters and found some cute ones. I picked out two of the joker from ‘The Dark Night’.

I found mom in the clothes aisle and she picked up a few pairs of shirts. I look at them and they were adorable and a few pairs of jeans for me.

As we were heading for the line to check out. I was watching this boy, sort of cute, walk by. He stared at me in an odd way. Then he walked in front of us to thus brunette haired woman who was about 5’ 7”.

Must have been his mother, but he didn’t look much older than me. I was watching him carefully, he seemed jittery and he had a scar of a cross on his left palm. He tried to hide it but he didn’t do a good job at it. I wondered what the scar was for.

I heard the woman say to him,” Steve, do you want any candy or snacks while we’re here?”

‘No…… on second thought. I would like some Doritos and……. A Rojo. Thanks mom!” he said thankfully.

So she grabbed the items he requested and put them into her cart.

His name was Steve, but he didn’t look like a Steve. His hair was a beautiful frost blonde and short, with heavy fierce teal eyes, pale skin with cute rouge cheeks and his style was almost like mine but he had a touch of purity and innocence in his clothing, white!

The woman paid for her items and left. Before they walked out, Steve gave one glance back at me.

Then to focus back on mom and the things in the carriage, I started putting the items on the conveyor belt and was thinking would I ever see Steve again.

Dad was waiting for us in the car and had brought some things for himself.

As we went I noticed a house with lots of flower outside of it, on the porch and saw inside lots of people were wearing black…….. Mourners.

I wondered who had died and wish I could be there too. I knew they most likely wasn’t going through a good time.

Dad pulled into the driveway and turned off the car. We all grabbed bags and headed inside.

The smell of the house was strong of fresh paint. Well of course it’s been three days of living in the house, So I ran upstairs to my room and found some nails and a hammer and put poster’s on the wall. I got a canopy to put over my bed and decorations.

Dad had come up to put up my canopy, he was tall enough.

“What would you like for dinner?” he asked

I replied, “ I don’t know.”

“ How about Chinese?” said guessingly” or French?”

“French?” I said surprised

“ Yea, they have this French restaurant. I could order to go.” he suggested.

We only had food from France only once and I got this dish of snails with vinegar, onions, peppers and a baked croissant. It was great but I’d like to try something different.

I know it may sound disgusting but it was actually good. It reminded me of octopus, chewy and bouncy. Sushi, that sounds like a good dinner.

“Actually, dad. I’d like a platter of sushi, if that’s ok?” I asked.

“What kind?” he asked knowing the usual anwser.

“Oh the usual.” I replied


So he left, leaving me to my room alone, thoughts in privacy.

Dad came back and we ate and the sushi was great. Actually it was the first time we’d eaten together as a family in a while.

The sushi was fish, immitaion crab meat, and cream cheese. It was excellent! I thanked them for dinner and said, “Good night” and headed upstairs for bed.

As I got ready for bed, it felt as if someone was watching me, somewhere, I could feel it. It sent shivers up my spine like someone was playing a xylophone, I liked it!

Sunday went by pretty fast and there was nothing to do except listen to music.


The alarm to my stereo went off beginning with,” Good morning, it’s 7:30.”

I really didn’t want to get my ass out of bed but I wanted to got to school. What the hell is the name is Westronbrook anyway? I know I’d soon be part of it.

So I got dressed, brushed my teeth, washed my face, put on deodorant and thing like that. I picked out my clothes from the night before. I wore dark blue jeans, a purple and blue My Chemical Romance shirt and my jacket. I only grabbed a pack of paper and put a pencil behind my ear. I wore my hair out and curly and applied dark make-up.

I could have taken the bus but my mom gave me a ride to school.

I got to school early and there were kids walking about, talking with each other, laughing, and smoking in the bathrooms.

I could tell you that this was my kind of place. It was neat, clean, professional but the kids put on masks of sympathy and intelligence but they acted like hell broke out on steroids when the teachers were not around.

I mean of course there were some goody-two-shoes in the school and some preps. I remember I ran into this preppy girl in the bathroom. She was putting on lipstick , she didn’t do a good job putting it on. I wanted to laugh, she looked like a fucking transvestite.

“What are you doing in here?” she inquired.

“Using the bathroom.” I spelled out.

“ Well, no one uses the bathroom while I’m in her!” she screamed

“ I didn’t see a sign on the door with your name on it, you can’t even put lipstick on right, bitch!” I taunted

“Who brought you back from hell?” she said laughing.

“Your ugly ass face.” I spat back and she ran out the bathroom crying.

That’d teach her to mess with me, but the bell rang to get to class. I already got my schedule and I had Mr., Dalton for English and walked inside the classroom and sat down. Mr., Dalton was going over roll and saw a new name he didn’t recognize, Daniella Lovesuhn. I knew he’d call my name and right at the moment I didn’t want. I saw Steve walk in and froze.

“Danielle Lovesuhn.”

I walked up and watched Steve make it slowly to his seat. I looked at the class and some people were laughing. I didn’t care, there was nothing to laugh at. Then I looked at Steve and my heart melted like butter over a heater.

I introduced myself and sat down. Mr. Dalton assigned me my new books. Then I got a not that said,

“Danielle, what’s up? You want to hang out at lunch, who do you have 3rd?”

I looked at my schedule and replied,

“ Mr. Evan-Science. Is this Steve? “

I sent the note back and it returned to once it came.

I got it back seven minutes laterand opened it and read it silently.

“We have the same class. So do you? How did you know it was me?”

“ I’m not sure but I remember you form the Bennet Mart!”

The bell rang and class was let out and I had cooking next.

It was the same deal but after sitting down I got a note that said, “You’re dead!”

“What? Who is this?” I wrote back while looking around.

Then we got out of our seat and I saw who it was but couldn’t believe I had a class with the bitch.

“Hey preppy girl, I heard you wanted to kick my ass, that true?” I said hastily.

“ Yea, and I’ll say out loud. You don’t know what you’ve got coming to you!” she whispered.

‘Oooooooh, I’m scared!” I replied shaking falsely.

“Then let’s do this, at lunch!” she exclaimed

“ You’re going to be one dead bitch once I’m done with you.”

So as the time started counting down to the end of class, I got nervous but my excitement was on fire. I never fought before but I was happy.

Class ended and I got a a little burn from Bianca (she purposely burned me with a metal spatula). I was so ready to kick her ass. If only I had someone with me.

I got to Mr. Evan’s class on time and the bell then rang for us to go to lunch.

Steve walked a different way. I was confused I thought he wanted to hang out at lunch. Any way I had a bitch to get straight.

‘You looking for me?” I heard someone say from behind with a low voice. I turned around and it was Bianca.

“ So the jackass decides that it wants to play.” I said turning around.

WHAM! I got punched in the nose and it hurt like hell. Then she tripped me. I saw someone and heard someone yell,”Get up!” and felt a hand helping me to my feet.

It was a girl. She was pretty and I fantasized her style but my mom would never let me dress like that. She had a punk/emo look, has blonde hair with dripping stylish caramel highligts. I couldn’t see her eyes cause she has these dark very dark sunglasses. She wore a black shirt, dark jean pants and also had a lip ring.

‘Do you know that if you punch someone underneath the chin with lots of pressure, you K.O. them?” she said in a sweet low spine-chilling voice.

“No that’s interesting.” I replied with curiosity. “You don’t say.”

“Yea, how about me and you try it our on this bitch.” she said overjoyed.

So me and this punk/emo girl pushed Bianca to the ground and picked her up and counted on a 1-2-3 and hit her full speed underneath the chin and she was flat on the ground. Asleep . We both laughed.

“So what’s you’re name?” I asked and sighed

“Cassie.” she replied proudly.

“That’s nice!” I said. “ I thik you dropped your stuff over there.” Pointing to a thick notebook.

“ Oh Yeah! I almost forgot. That was close. I never leave it out of my siht.” she stumbled over her words.

‘ So what’s your na……..” being interrupted.

Someone covered my eyes and smelled like a cigarette and smalled and puff of smoke. Who ever it was they was smoking a cigarette.

“Darren?……” He took his hands off my eyes. Steve.

“What did you call me that?“ Steve asked annoyed.

“ I don’t know.” I explained

Then Steve dragged in a breath of his cigarette and looked at me slyly.

“ Don’t ever call me that, ever! You got that!” he pronounced angrily

“ You see, Darren is a old friend of Steve’s that died almost three weeks ago” Cassie told me.

“was…. A friend!” Steve exclaimed shouting,

“ I’m sorry.” I said.

“ Well, about two months ago Steve was sick and in the Hospital. He was at Darren’s.” Cassie quoted from memory.

“You see. Danielle. I got better and they say I was on the bronk of death.” he told me breathing a puff of smoke on my face.

Then Steve whispered in my ear,” Darren told me the nigh he was supposed to me dead that he traded his life for mine.” sucked in the last of his cigarette and ficked it, “ that he had went to Mr. Crepsley. A stubborn vampire for the remedy to the poison from the spider Madame Octa that bit me. Mr. Crepsley knew he’d be back and wanted him and not me.”

I could tell he was getting furious and stormed off. I walked and cassie folowed, she asked a few questions.

“ I can tell you the rest of the sorry, If you want to hear?“ she asked.

“Sure.” I said hopefully.

“ As for what Steve says , Darren became Mr. Crepsley’s assistant. In all he became a vampire, well half. Faked his death and Mr. Crepsley unduried him. Steve swears that he’s still alive and that he would hunt both of them down as soon as he gets stronger and older……….. But that the reason why he has that scar on his left palm. He said he cut himelf to remind him everyday of Darren and Mr. Crepsley. He started smokinh a couple of days ago. It clams his nerves and he doesn’t get as mad. He also dyed his hair.” she told me.

“Well that’s quite some story, but a vampires, you actually think I believe that crap!” I said squinching my face.

“Well, I do! I’ve read many books about them and saw a cartoon of Vur Horston. He’s creepy looking but is a cool character!” she told me.

“If you want I can bring a picture to you if you’d like?” she asked excitedly.

“ Sure.” I said sounding normal.

The bell rang for call and we had to go the opposite ways. So we said bye and left. She is the coolest friend I ever had and mom would freak. She hardly likes the way I dress. Imagine her meeting Cassie.

I went back to Mr. Evan’s class and introduced myself. Steve didn’t even talk to me. I thought that what I said got him extremely pissed.

So I wrote on a note to him saying sorry and passed it back. Mr. Evan’s caught him reading it and took it away and scowled him, I felt bad.

The next class was math Mr. Bell, I did the same thing, introduce myself. What I really wanted to do was tell all these teachers to fuck off. Math was easy and I loved it. That class seemed to fly.

Then we had Mrs. Groff for history and I realy didn’t like it. It was boring and dragged onand on. I couldn’t wait until school was over.

Death More or Less

The bell rang for school to end and I decided to walk home. It wasn’t that far, it’d take at least twenty minutes. I left that school and started my journey home.

“Hey wait up!” a voice yelled from behind me.

I froze rigt where I was thinking it’d be Bianca.

Actually they had dragged her to the nurses office and when she woke up, she’d tell tem what happened to her and who did it. I’d love to hear they story in her words but it was funny enough with Cassie and me.

Then Steve was right by my side. I guess he let everything slip by.

“ Sp you walk home?” he questioned.

“No not really. I could take the bus home but waling only take twenty minutes.” I replied.

“ I have a question?” he said. “ Whay did you call me Darren?”

“ I really don’t know. I guess you really don’t look like a Steve. I remember when I first saw you, I thougt you looked like a Darren or Loni.” I said sympathetically.

“Loni?” he said lookinh at me with a surprised look.

The we both laughed. We started walking and talked.

“Do you ever miss him?” I asked with courage.

“ You always mantion him, why?” he bounced back angrily.

“Sorry, but Cassie told me the rest of the story!” I told him.

“To tell you the honest truth,” he said taking out a cigarette,”No, I don’t. Well everyone thinks he’s dead. He’s alive, working for Mr. Crepsley.”

I snatched the cigarette from himand ran like hell. I wasn’t watching the road but someone in their mustang came spinning around a corner at full speed and I ran right in front of the car, didn’t have enough time to stop or move out the way but I felt a hand grab me and yank me back as far as they could.

I stumbled as I found my feet on the sidewalk, safely.

The person honcked tehri horn and yelled,” Stupid ass kids!”

I hollored back, “ Your ass shouldn’t be driving that fast!”

“And as for you, that what you get! You shouldn’t be stealing people’s cigarettes!” Steve said helping me up.

“Thanks, That would have been a bloody situation.” I replied sweetly. “And plus you’re too young.”

“The hell I ain’t.” he replied and took out a lighter and lit his cigarette.



14:04 Feb 26 2009

Very interesting!

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