My name is Amber for all of you who wish to know.
I wanted to explain to you all why I'd like to be a vampire.
It started with me realizing that my whole life is in fear.
My mom is a city person and is always telling me things that are non sense.
My mom is an over protective person and is always telling things to scare me and never do new things.
She tells me things like," imagine that if you bought a boat and you drift too far out and can't get back to dock because of the current. It's only one mistake away." if I was thinking about buying a boat in the future.
She is constantly always saying things like that and I stay inside a lot and I want to try new things and expriment.
As a vampire I wouldn't live in fear of anything or anyone, I'd live according to me. I would live every day as if I was to die.
The most reason I want to become a vampire is to show others that vampires are real and there is nothing to fear- that we don't kill people and the that all the vampire myths are not real.
I don't want to leave my house to be afraid of my own shadow yet of anything else.
My motto is fear nothing and live to please.