I just wonder how much i can take, i cant sleep at nite i cant survive the days, i want life to end. i quit cutting and burning but its not enough. i seem to always help ppl so why can i never help my self? i just wish it'd end, all the pain and sufferin, u wanna no somethin fucked up? u attempted suicide for the first time when i was 6 now lets see how often tht happens, half the time i dont even have a reason i just do it. i learned to enjoy pain, i aint some weird fuck that likes like everything dealin with pain, and i could never kill anyone. but feeling a knife slide down my wrist just like makes me feel undescribable. My girl and me just broke up 6 months, and idk life just seems plain im tryin to get over her, i broke up with her so she can swim istead of drownin with me, my deppression hardly ever stops im not sure if anyone knos what its like to feel this way. death seems so much easier then living, but i guess it happens i kno i have to stay strong but it just gets harder. i wish there was someway other then hurting myself or drugs to help. but i don't think there is, life is so fuckin hard sometimes, u just dont kno what to do at times. if anyone feels the same just message me, im here for anyone who needs help. even when you or i feel suicidal u have to cope with it u have to try and try. Life is bound to get betta eventually no matter what. pain doesnt last forev eventually another emotion will take its place... at least i hope so
People seem to go threw life completly oblivious to wats going on, You have America stripping away our freedoms slowly everyday. you have lovers cheating on one another and the constant fightin what is our world coming too? We kill eachother we follow some of the most ridiculas things, we have laws tht in danger us, if guns are illegal then what? oh only criminals will have guns smart, and we cant rebel against our gov if need be. im just not seeing the logic in these laws, they only restrict us from being who we are ment to be. Ppl think that the world will get better, can anyone honestly say tht? no cause it wont the new weapons create more deaths. There is no reason to make more advanced weapondry, like come on. war used to mean something killing something or one used to take some sort of skill. now we just pull a triger. Man kind will destroy itself, we are all going to die eventually i guess, but we could die of natural cause, i dont understan our world or the united states gov.
Smoking cigs are legal drinkin is legal so why not legalize weed wen its natuarally grown it was legal alot longer then it wasnt, then u say teens wil come more dependent on it. ya thats a load of shit, u'll take away the rebeling factor that most ppl pick up, im only one voice but just think about all this shit were feed. How many ppl died from pot 0! how many ppl die from smoking cigs1,205 a yr. so why the hell is tht legal? weed smokers will continue to smoke weed regardless, so why wont the gov legalize and make some profit.
I am so sick of little pricks trying to fuck with me then when i ask them to fight they turn into some lil pussy. its pathetic u got a problem with me say it to my fucking face. Ppl need to get a life and stop worrying about my fucking relationship, it might be the best but i think the girls amazing, i rly dont give two shits what other ppl think. Im so fucking sick of this world we live in its covered in curroption, ppl make illusions so that we think were safe, we have politicians that think there so fucking powerful and yet they fuck some hooker. is our orld rly this fucked up?? Hell u kno what i think? legalize all the drugs and dont let ppl use wellfair if they are a user. look at thatamazing idea, but america's so fucking politicly correct we wont do shit.