LauraNightingale's Journal

LauraNightingale's Journal


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How I Began

03:58 May 08 2013
Times Read: 351

I was only 6 when I realized that I wasn't like the rest. I was more attuned to the rest of nature and the supernatural than most. It scared me, and there were many nights when I would cry myself to sleep. I didn't know what to do, and that frightened me, I never have liked not knowing. As I grew older and started telling my parents more and more about why I was always crying at night, the more and more they said it would go away. Boy were they wrong... This is a story of how I have encountered many things in my life that NO ONE should have to encounter at such a young age. Please note that I HAVE NOT always lived in Oklahoma, that is only my current location. I WILL NOT reveal where I used to live as it is none of your business.

Day 1 of my journal of supernatural events. August 5, 2003 1 am -

I was awoken to a strange noise coming from down the hall, at first I am afraid to go and see what it was, but curiosity got the best of me... I wish that I hadn't gotten up... I walked down the hall and saw what appeared to be a man standing in front of our front door. What I wasn't expecting was how demonic his aura felt, and when he turned around, I immediately knew why I had such a bad feeling about getting out of bed. He looked like he should be in the scariest of scary movies, if they would even accept that much blood and gore... I screamed as the demonic male came running towards me, he had in his hands a bloody dagger, covered in the blood of our neighbors cat. My parents couldn't figure out what I was screaming about UNTIL I got cut, and I was bleeding pretty bad... I was terrified that it would go after them, and they couldn't even see the damn thing... I can't... no I won't say anymore on this night... I'm scared... It hurts to remember all of what happened tonight... I don't want to relive it...

Day 2 August 8, 2003 Noon -

I haven't written in here for a few days, my parents have started to teach me some protection spells... So I've been busy. I got to use my first protection spell today against a angry spirit... I'm not taking any chances anymore...

Day 3 September 1, 2003 Midnight

I was awoken to moans and groans of what seemed to be a shadow outside of my room, good thing I had placed a ward on my room. Good to know that it is working... I'm getting tired of all of these demons and stuff, I don't like being scared... To top it off, now I have started seeing skulls in my windows at night... I don't like this eerie feeling, something bad is going to happen, I just know it... I and my family are going to celebrate 9-11 with a small banquet dinner for the lost souls and as a remembrance of those who died...

Day 4 September 11, 2003

It is 9-11 and today is the day that we hold our first banquet dinner and our local community center. Mom is going crazy just try to get the last minute details perfect. Dad said that I should expect to see a lot of activity today from both the living and the dead... I don't like seeing the dead... I just hope it's the good spirits today...

Day 6

This is the last time I will write in this journal... They say that if I don't stop writing in here then they are going to send me to a mental asylum... I am not crazy!?!?! Am I? I don't think I am... Stupid teachers...

After I finished writing in my journal, I began to keep my thoughts buried in my drawings and my songs... No one ever knew I could sing because I never sang around them. I was much to shy for that... After that I started to drift away from being in a social life, I started to become depressed by all of the sad spirits I started to see after my family and I had been relocated... I never did like moving, but it always gave me a "legitimate" reason for being sad for awhile. I don't like to do much of anything anymore except for swimming and running... I bet the only reason I love running so much is because, well that's all I have been doing my whole life. Running away from everything that frightens me...

Basically the rest of this story goes like this:

Get put into a foster home, and relocated several times

Meet with parents 2 times a month until I was 13, I returned home permanently

Moved to Oklahoma

Started a new life

Awakened - As what is completely unknown to me as of now -

Graduating in two years

Engaged on October 18, 2012 - to my GF -

Got a boyfriend while still engaged to my GF, with permission of course, in April of 2013

Hoping getting married in about 6 years or less - Marriage after college is what is planned as of now -



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