Lamadia79's Journal

Lamadia79's Journal


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The Cloak Part 3

02:29 Oct 01 2024
Times Read: 13

David walked into the old decaying house. Inside was just as cold as outside and dark and gloomy. The house was filled with odd antiquities and paintings of people from centuries ago. The house had a depressing feel to it and it wasn't making David feel any better. In spite of the house having a depressing feel the living room was rather grand with expensive black leather furniture and the latest modern appliances.
David sat down with Jason and the two began discussing the days events. David was remorseful about his fight with Molly. They had been friends for five years and never argued before. David felt that everyone was trying to crush his dreams rather than encourage him. Jason went on to explain that this often happens when people start to succeed and it causes friends and family to become jealous and cruel for fear of being left behind. David was becoming more distracted by how lavish the house was and how could Jason possibly afford all this he was only a couple of years older than himself. Jason revealed that the house belonged to Mr Sutherland and one of his business partners known as Mr Hammond originally came from Salford so it was brought as a holiday home for Mr Hammond and he allowed Jason to stay their whilst helping out with Davids play.
David confessed that he felt like he was going crazy and it had all began when he brought the cloak from the weird shop Mr Sutherland had sent him to. Jason laughed this confession off as just an over active imagination. It was at that point David took the cloak from its bag and screwed it up and threw it across the room. He announced he would never use it again and he asked to be shown to the bathroom as he wanted to wash his face. Jason showed him the way and invited David to spend the night and he would feel better after a good nights sleep. He agreed and went into the bathroom to wash. On his way out David took the opportunity to look over the kitchen when he noticed a newspaper on one of the counter's. It was a local paper and the front page had a photo of the costume shop where David had brought his cloak. The article read that the owner was found dead. The article went on to say that the owner had been dead for years but her body was perfectly preserved and the police were calling it a total mystery.
David rushed into the living room and showed Jason the article. David realised that the whole thing was a set up. The old woman from the shop was a vampire and she needed to pass the cloak on so she could die. The cloak passes on its blood lust to anyone who wears it and thats why he saw his reflection disappear and why he bit his leading lady.
Jason tried to assure David that it was just an old cloak and this was all madness. David grabbed the cloak and threatened to burn it. Jason stopped him and told him to put the cloak on and prove to himself that this was just in his imagination. David refused as he was afraid of what might happen. Jason insisted that David proved to himself that there was nothing to fear so he reluctantly put the cloak on. David stood and waited and even began feeling his teeth to see if he was growing fangs. He looked in a mirror at the far corner of the room a could see his reflection perfectly. Jason laughed as David stood looking foolish and as David removed the cloak to his horror the label under the collar read Property of Drama department. This was not his cloak and then Jason pulled out Davids cloak from behind the arm chair and began placing it on over his shoulders. David backed away in fear and began shouting “don't put it on or you will become a vampire” Jason smiled cruelly laughed and said “ become a vampire” oh David we loved your acting so much that we decided to make you one of us welcome to the family David. Jason lunged at David and knocked him to the floor. David struggled under Jason as he pushed Davids head to one side and sank his fangs into his neck and began sucking the life out of him. Davids screams echoed through the house until the house fell silent and was immersed in darkness.
Two whole days had passed since that night and Molly had become incredibly worried about David. She had called several times at his flat only to be told by his unfeeling parents that David must of runaway and would come home once he realised there was nowhere for him to go. Molly knew that David would never of abandoned his beloved play and given up his chances showing off his acting talents to the school. She began to worry that David might be hurt and in need of help so she reported him missing to the police. They promised they would do their best to find him but pretty much just sent her away saying he would go home when he was ready.
The evening grew darker and David returned home. His father demanded to know where he had been. David wrapped his cloak tightly around himself and refused to speak or even look at his father he just simply dropped his keys to the floor. The flat was filled with the shouting of both Davids parents as they demanded answers from David. He remained defiantly silent until his mother grabbed him and forced him to turn around. She could see how pale David had become and his eyes had turned red. Davids hands were ice cold and his mother immediately backed away from him. She asked what David had done to himself? Davids father began to accuse him of being on drugs. The mother became very afraid and said this is not drugs. The father went to hit David but he grabbed his arm and ripped it from his body. The mother screamed in horror as her husband fell to the floor screaming in agony. David showed his fangs and began a frenzied assault on bother his parent's. Ripping them apart and feasting on their blood. The other children witnessed their older brother’s attack and tried to lock themselves in one of the bedrooms. Once David had finished devouring his parents he moved on to the locked bedroom and forced the door open. He found the children huddled together in a corner crying and begging David not to hurt them. David slammed the door behind and spread out his cloak as lunged at the children and one by one sucked the life out of their tiny bodies.
The next morning the council estate was swarming with police. Molly ran down to Davids tower block only to he stopped by police officer's. Molly looked up at Davids flat and watched in horror as police officers brought out bodybags and brought them down to be loaded into waiting ambulance's. Other residents began talking about the scene of horror in the flat and the whole family had been slaughtered. Molly felt sure David had been killed as well and her eyes filled with tear's. Mollys mother called her home informing her the police wanted to talk to her about David.
Molly was shocked to hear that police believed David had murdered his family in a vampire style attack. Molly had to tell them about the play and his strange behaviour before he disappeared.
A month a had passed by since Davids family were killed. Mollys life had become unbearable as everyone knew how close Molly was to David so she became the target of bullies. The police had not located David and accusations that Molly knew where David was followed her everywhere she went. She was completely alone and devastated by these events. Molly left her flat and walked the estate alone. She was cold and alone in the dark. She made her way to the park and sat on a swing and cried for her lost friend. The wind picked up the dead leaves beneath her feet as she pushed her face into the chain. The air grew mysteriously colder and she could hear movement in the trees behind her. Molly lifted her head and looked up at the night sky and watched the stars twinkling brightly and lighting up the ground around her. Molly looked down at the ground and noticed a shadow blocking out the stars light. “I know its you David” Im not going to scream or attempt to run. If you are hungry its ok you have got my permission Im not going to fight you. David stood behind Molly and she could hear the sound of his cloak flapping in the wind. A pale hand ran down her check brushing away the tears. “Will you come with me Molly?”



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