Our hearts,
forever remain unbeating yet I cannot admit
to all my faults ,
I reamain a woman still only till now
can I see you as an extention of
myself ever strong enough to last through wind of hurricane or death itself;
I will be there to love and
forever be loved in return to your heart forever my strength.
I love thee
let me count the ways upon the clouds of a
sunny day and the moon of a crystal clear
night so full of stars and the love we share in the midnight hour ,
come I will love you for you
and still give you all you need of
me without being selfish in any way
but with the love I give you isn't
meant to be shared with anyone else
and in time I will stay by your side;
for all you are
I will remain yours for all time eternally
without anyway to say no to you and
all your love.
I love I lose all the friends
whom ever once showed me respect and love
yet it isn't right,
Betrayal is all around me in many forms
Can I not overcome it in the end
our trust being ruined by your foolish
acts of ignorance I hate waiting for death to take me away from this world;
Time stands still for me and my beauty
is all that remains in the once
friendly and fun girl that used to be me although its not me anymore since darkness has ravaged my spirit and left me a desolate
island a wasteland full of lost dreams and broken hearts also plagued by
mistrust and murder
attempts upon this life of
mine own.
Sliver marks from
the past bleeds my soul's salvation
yet I cannot see,
all the pain thats now been inflicted upon
us unto the darkness true yet light and
darkness are still cut from the same
I will not allow the darkness to take over
who I am now yet I cannot
see what's right there plain as day in front of me.
Even now when I
do the right thing always no matter the
difficulty it may be ,
I offer my confession of all my
sins and all I have ever done wrong in this life I have lived so fully and completely too;
I mark myself in silver blood stains
that symbolize all I ever fought for
all I've ever tried for in this life of mine so fully completed in gods hands.
I am not
a fool I am a fighter
I care for others when they don't care about themselves,
Longing in my soul blood in my thirst
I wait for the dawn to be myself
yet I cannot ask these things to anyone;
is it so wrong to be different than anyone
Oh what do they really know its only truth
that we now see
that can really hurt us,
modesty is the real way to live
with all that I am
in this world;
I await the day when I 'll be reconized for all that I am to my friends and family.
God has given
me the gift of eternal love
and the gift of unconditional faith,
This is how I
had grown into a faithful woman;
I love and feel lessened by all that makes
me who I am.
Do not think me foolish
now because that way you'll lose
me forever,
life is not always fun and games
So I cherish all I have in my
life tonight;
I am god's creation made into the ultimate lady.