today i just dont give a flying fuck or rats crap about anything. Not perfect and we all have an off day and today is mine and no one else can have my day of i just dont give a shit. wait till tomorrow for it to be your turn!
Ok firstly im not an over protective parent but giving a child and his class mates a detention cause he cold not get a girl to dance with him and then also have to write out an apology letter to the gym teacher is a bit extreme is it not?
My son was asked by his teacher along with the rest of the boys to ask a girl in his year to be his dancing partner. Its a tradition that most schools still do which is i guess ok. How ever when the girls said no not only to my son but some other boys as well the teacher gave his class the ultimatum of getting into partners or have detention instead. So my son tried and failed along with other boys whilst some of the girls sucked it up and said yes to some of the boys. So my son along with the others who now dont have dancing partner have been penalised because the girls said no. Plus on top of that because the activity was taking place in gym hall it was kindly given up by the gym teacher but because the majority of time was wasted on by a bunch of girls who dont want to hold hands with a boy for what ever reason, they all had to write an apology letter to her. Ironically though and my reason for this little rant is that at the begining of this term all parents were for warned that the detention system would come in affect if a pupil swore, was caught fighting or had negative attitude. So am confused as to how he got his very first detention????