Ah sweet December how you tease me and make my life hellish for the next 31 days.
Now all i will hear from my youngest is.............."Is it Christmas? We got Christmas in how many days? Nearly the end of 2014 and soon to be 2015. We get turkey in December and veggies and MINCE PIES."
Whilst i would be throwing myself into the whole thing it can be so overwhelming for an Autistic person even if they making conversation about it the whole process can be extremely upsetting for them.
Its not as if i can avoid it through school or the outside in general advertising it. Television of course advertises Christmas way back at the beginning of November and sometimes beyond to the middle of October. I can assure you no amount of preparation for this ever makes it any easier ever.
This month shall be a ~just roll with it Rose and hope its not as bad as 2009 or 2006~ fingers crossed for a good ending as always.