My eldest and I spent some time this afternoon just alone and goofing around for the first half part at least.
We went to McDonalds which is not that often to be honest second time this year for me. Anyhow we ended up eating out as the seats were all taken up. So we stood outside and begun to tuck into the chips/fries. They were good and as usual my son has this curry dip sauce he eats with. Well he dipped about four chips in when a wasp decides its going to get a piece of the action. His quick thinking over throwing the dip to the ground with the wasp was a good idea till the sauce landed on his shoe. The wasp undeterred went for my sons shoe and dip. Sadly the wasp didn't survive as my sons stomping foot proved to be the end of what I found extremely funny. It didn't take long for a second wasp to make an appearance saw his buddy dead on the floor and launched into an attack on my son. Again I cannot stress how funny this was as it had only been 10 mins prior to eating that I to had the unfortunate pleasure of a wasp buzzing in my face and my son quoting to stop flapping and to leave them alone and that they would leave me alone.
After we had finished eating we went and done some birthday shopping for my youngest who turns 13 on Monday. We picked out clothing for him as with his Autism he has little interest in presents or toys. So clothing was the safest option and also required as well.
Just been told I shall be doing the wrapping which does not surprise me at all. So my plan over the weekend is to do this and get his birthday cake made and ready.
So it was an early start this morning.
Kids finally returned back to school in Scotland and I am sure their are many a parent who cracked open a bottle of Buck fast or for us late weights at that time of the morning a bottle of Irn Bru......My youngest has handled his first day back really well all things considered. He is still however doing only half days and so returned back at 1.00pm with a big grin across his face.
He seems to have enjoyed his morning at least and is certainly enjoying his afternoon as he has stolen back the T.V remote and told me to go off into the kitchen whilst he puts on The Big Bang Theory. I have no idea as to how he knew existed as it was never a program that was played in front of him. But he has over the last 7 weeks taken a shine to it and am certain it is part due to his Autism. Both myself and his brother are stunned at his choice of entertainment at times. This last weekend just gone we got to sit and enjoy an early 90's version of the Crystal Maze and well he had fun whilst I cringed and my eldest groaned.
So today is going okay so far.
This week ha been an electronic disaster for me. Towards the end of last week my laptop went on the blitz and needed to be repaired. Just got it back today thankfully in one piece and anything that I did loose well it is not of importance as I had backed up the things I really would have been worried about.
On Sunday my washing machine started smoking as in the circuit board was completely fried. This is the bit where I am kinda a bit annoyed as last week Scotland had a heat wave right up till Saturday when we got the tail end of hurricane burtha. So it was pishing it down with rain. No chance of a hand wash and drip dry at all. Called the landlord and it was sorted out by the Monday after with a replacement from goodness knows where but um yeah it works........Anyhow with the fact that the machine had needed a good clean and gotten around to it stuck a load in and it works great. Placed it in my tumble dryer as yep its still raining and my tumble dry that belongs to me not the landlord breaks as in the drum is not spinning and little heat coming from it. Oh the irony of it all.
So it is a case of holiday funds being used up for a new tumble dryer and then getting back to saving up. These things are sent to try me and my patience.
On a lighter note and a happier one it is only 6 days and counting till the kids return back to school after a seven weeks and two days off im ready for a little me time on Wednesday and then to gear myself up for physio on the Thursday.
-hugs you-
See? I told you that you'd get to the end of the break! lol
Almost there,Wench!
Lol I fear you may have missed calling me wench over the last week ;)
I thought things came back in 3's....I only counted 2. Uh oh. jk. ^_^
Did you miss count because of the ball of yarns you must be playing with all day cause your retired and all?
So the scottish weather is trying to live up to its name this weekend.
After a week of heat and more sticky heat it has decided to rain all morning. The snails are heaven sliding on out and soaking it up as my front door is littered in them.
Its nice to get away from the heat but it sure is playing havoc on my knees. I am achieving that walk of where all of your body is sober except for your knees and they are drunk. Its kinda funny but sore as hell at the same time. Physio will be on the agenda again in 20 days time which is a good thing but she is going to push me to my max and see what i can do. Screaming and Tequila shall be what i do at the end of that evening lol