A wonderful magic spell loaded with power and potential for new beginnings. This spell is excellent for reinforcing new beginnings (for example: a new job, a new home, a new love, etc.) It's great for getting things off to a good start.
You will need:
A small quantity of seeds (any seeds will do, flower, vegetable, fruit, etc)
A small garden spade for digging a small hole
A beeswax candle
A dried leaf from any plant
A coarsely ground eggshell
A piece of paper (notebook or typing paper is fine)
A short length of natural twine)
This spell is best when worked in the morning, at sunrise or shortly thereafter.
Light your beeswax candle and place it on a flat surface, such as a table top. Lay the piece of paper on the table. Place the seeds, the leaf and the ground eggshell in the center of the paper.
Speak these words aloud:
Life and death,
Start to end,
New beginnings, be a friend,
Bring good fortune,
Now to me,
For that which is and that to be.
Fold the seeds, leaf and eggshell in the paper, forming a small packet. Tie the packet securely with the twine. Extinguish the candle.
Find a quiet place in the yard or garden and with your garden spade, dig a small hole, roughly ten inches deep. Place the packet in the hole. Cover the packet with dirt and fill the hole. Do not remove the packet from the ground.