Ok So My Son Alex Who Will Be 8 In March Has ADHD , The Past Couple Years Have Been So Hard , But I Keep My Head High And Keep Going , Does Anyone Else Here On VR Have Children With ADHD OR ADD?
Have You Ever Loved Or Cared For Someone So Much It Hurt , To Look Into They're Eyes And See They're Smile Just Melted Your Heart , Made Butterflies In The Pit Of Your Stomach , To Feel They're Touch While Being Held Or Made Love To And Feel The Kiss On Your Fore Head While Laying Your Head On His Chest Made Your Knees Weak And Tingles Up And Down Your Spine , To See Him In So Much Pain Tears Your Heart Apart , To Know That Everything Would Be Alright And They Would Never Let Anything Ever Happen To You , A Shoulder To Cry On And Someone To Pick You Up If You Fall, Someone To Tell All Your Problems To And That Person Knows All Your Flaws And They Still Love Or Care For You No Matter What . To Know That You Would Give Anything And Everything In Your Power To Make Them Happy And Safe & To Know That You Would Kill Or Be Killed To Save The Life Of The Other Now Thats It Right There Either You Call It Love Or Caring For The Other Its The Best Feeling In The World And You Dont Find It Very Often , So When You Do Grab It With All Your Might And Never Let Go!
Life is a journey. Everything in it is a process , Beginning middle and end.
Life is motion. Without movement and progression , there is no life.
You cant let the world change you , You have to change your world.
When life gives you lemons dont let it turn you sour ... make Lemonade.
Live one day at a time.
Live and let live meaning.. you mind your own buisness and I'll mind mine
In other words were always heading somewhere and we should always enjoy the journey, We struggle so hard trying to get to the next place that we feel we need to be, that we fail to enjoy where we are.
Our society has fallen into the trap of beleiving that quanity is greater then quality, there is an abundance of everything and there are more unhappy people then ever before.
Learn to enjoy not only your work and your accomplishments but the ride to work in the morning, dont get frustrated over the traffic and have your mind on what you need to do when you arrive that you fail to enjoy the trip. Learn to enjoy every aspect of your life, enjoy your home, your friends and your family when you have something take the time to enjoy them.
Many people stay trapped in the past , there is only one thing to do about the past that is to FORGET IT! We all make mistakes We learn form them and move on dont dwell on it dont get upset and waste precious time , it will make you miserable. No One is Perfect and that is a lesson alot of people have not learned.
Sometimes our desires torment us and keep us from enjoying life,do not let desire dominate you , you should have control not let it control you.
Laughter not only makes the journey endurable it also keeps us healthy, Worry and anxiety cause stress which eat away at our health, the root cause of manys sickness is stress.
Let nature take its course
We never learn patience without something to be patient about, patience is something that has to be worked into us it just doesnt appear from nowhere. Dont let people get under your skin and make you miserable , its fun to them to make people miserable because they have no life of their own.
21:08 Feb 03 2011
Full sympathies for you hun. I have a friend whose son has Asbergers. He is a beautiful boy, but has always been difficult in so many ways, and they have had to completely change their lifestyle for him. She's taken him off wheat and gluten, and it made a huge difference.
My son has shown signs of it over the years, but was never diagnosed or treated, because he functions within the parametres of what is 'normal', like there is such a thing ;)
13:06 Feb 10 2011
Yes my son, who also is an Alex is ADHD. There are so many harsh drugs they have for them, my suggest try some valarianroot - you can but it in capsule form. It works great.
12:14 Feb 11 2011
awww hugs, I am here if you want to talk.
15:45 Feb 04 2014
Thank You All