Hear the counsel of the Horned One, known by many names throughout the ages: Pan and Faunus, Herne and Bacchus, Cernunnos and Amon Ra; and Who is also the Sun Lord and the Green Man, the Wounded Healer and the Warrior King, the World's Lover and the Good Father.
I am the Lord of Life, the piper in the hills, the dancer in the meadows.
I am the sower of the seed, the lightning and the thunder, the rain on the fertile fields; I am the stag who lifts his horns in the moonlight, and who hunts at noon.
I hold the wisdom of beginnings and endings; the heat of desire that is the spark of life that is the fire of passion, that is the burning pyre of dreams fading to embers. And I am the interrupted torr, that ends and ever begins again. Mine is the flowering staff, and the wand of transformation, and the burnished lance that arcs across the sky and falls to earth.
You who seek Me, seek Me in vain between the covers of books or in the dusty temples hidden from the light. I am in the grapes ripening beneath the summer suns high glory. I will be with you. Together we will dance the round of freedom, sing the songs of joy, and lift the cup that brims with passion.
My generosity is boundless, and there is always room for you at my hearth. And yet, there is a price. Your infancy, your weakness, your doubt and despair must be rendered up at my altar of sacrifice; and in return I give you strength and fortitude, courage and the will to act.
For behold, when you act to defend your home and land and those you love, then am I with you. My shield is before you and my sword is in your hand, my strength is in your arm and my steel is in your heart.
And when you fall, as all must, look for me in the bleaching bones and the silent tomb, the jackal in the cemetery and the vulture watching from the leafless tree. Remember that I am the keeper of time and guide the world beyond. There I am the king on the ebony throne, the Lord of Death, and the great comforter. I give repose to the weary warrior who has fought the just battle; I give healing for wounded flesh and stricken heart; I give reunion with the lost ones you hold dear, and the mighty heroes of old.
I am life, I am death, and I am the dancer between the worlds. I am the honor in your soul, and the love in your heart, and the good work of your hands. I am with you now and shall be with you forever.
Listen to the words of the Dark God, who was of old called Iakchos, Donn, Anubis, Hades, Setesh, Hoder, & by many other names.
I am the shadow in the bright day; I am the reminder of mortality at the hieght of living. I am the neverending veil of Night where the Star Goddess dances. I am the Death that must be so that Life may continue, for behold, Life is immortal because the living must die.
I am the strength that protects, that limits; I am the power that says No, and No further, and That Is Enough. I am the things that cannot be spoken of, and I am the laughter at the edge of Death.
Come with me into the warm enfolding dark; feel my caresses in the hands, in the mouth, in the body of one you love, and be transformed.
Gather in the moonless night and speak in unknown tongues; the Dark Mother and I will listen. Sing to us and cry out, and the Power will be yours to wield.
Blow me a kiss when the sky is dark, and I will smile, but no kiss returns; for my kiss is the final one for all mortal flesh.