ingredients:myrtle tree,jasmine blossoms,pink or red candles:
Dear friends.
We have gathered here tonight on this blessed occasion to celebrate a verry special relationship,the union between our sisters LadyMorgaine and Lady Rayven.
I am honered to be the one to call the Goddess of Love to our table,Aphorodite,and offer her whine from our cups and the bread and seafood from our plates and ask her to bless LadyMorgaine and Lady Rayven so that they may continue in happiness and understanding and good luck.
High Priestess"I understand that it is traditional to take a branch of myrtle and bring it to this gathering to represent the tree of life and the blessings of life.
Please now present this myrtle to each other, aswe witness and bless it for you.
I Rayven choose you Morgaine because I love are the blue in my sky,the laughter in my heart peace within my inner soul!
will you take me as ure partner/ your eternal soulmate ? in this life and all others to come?
I Morgaine .choose you Rayven because I love you..youve taught me how to love in this life and in others before this one youve protected me and loved me when noone else could..
ingrediants:white cloth,water bowl,white or yellow candles:
hello Kimmy,Dracster,Grandmother and Daddy...
this is your girlfriend,wife,daughter and granddaughter talking.Happy Samhain!,happy halloween!I honer you my girl friend, my husband, my fauther and my grand mother !
Because of what you were, is who I am today!!!
And all that you could give me . I thank you for my life and your unconditional love and devotion and ask you for more protection on the streets, in my home,and within myself so that I may reject negative ideals and will not internatize opposition lest in the holy beauty of the Goddess; rejoice in your nearness to the source of life;all life.
Extend your powers like the wings of a Rayven over us,your family;those of us you left behind!
and we shall honer you and remember you with love on this night every year....
blessed be!
Holy Mother,I give thee my heart,mind and soul.My only desire is to serve thy teachings.I beg of thee for thy strength to continue your teachings. Alow me the ability to take the knowledge of the Gods and Goddesses from the universe and alow it to flow from my mind into my inner soul and heart!
i am a true pagan..wiccan,stregerian...
Avalon overtakes my dreams and thoughts!
please alow me to go home again!
Awaken your teachings within my mind,body,and soul!
Let all that was foregotten be awaken once more!!!
So mote it be!
blessed be!
Holy Mother, I wanted to praise thee for protecting and healing my High Queen Babs. You watched over your daughter during her surgery. please continue to guide and heal her so that she may continue your blessed teachings to us ,your children.
Thank you for your many blessings!
Please continue to awaken your wisdom and teachings within my mind and soul so that I may continue to be more like thee.
Im honered that ye have chosen me to one of your daughters,a priestess of Avalon!
Blessed Be!
in love and blood
Lady Rayven