A tall man about 6'5'' was rising from his bed ran his long fingers through his dark black hair. Ah, the party is tonight one must look their best when meeting the new whelps of the Coven. Edward, the head man Servant came in with the nights clothing, "my Lord, the night is young,maybe you will meet tour real mate," Raven sighed when Edward said the words 'real mate', "I don't wan a wife or mate.""My Lord you do not want to make the prince angry." "Edward, I wull not go and pick out a wife just because... My Lord the prince is coming up the drive....." A dark wood carriage was coming up the said road, a royal insignia was on the door. Out of the carriage The Prince, a man of a very tall stature was taking in the veiw of the cotage style mansion, the head guardsman standing next to him. "My Lord Raven is too young to be attending to choose a wife he is only 38 years of age" "Yes,I know that he is young, but he is a lord and all lords must chose a wife or a maiden to woo."
Raven had gotten dressed and was heading down to the dining salon, Jenny the cook of the house had made the lords favorite breakfast. The Prince and his gaurd appered in the dinning room, Raven saw the prince and laid his head own and groaned as if in pain. "My Lord, are you all right?" Sara asked placing his breakfast on the dining table. He rose his head as the prince and his gaurdsman came in. Straining himself out, he quickly assumed his royal standing stance.
"My Prince,what do you do here at my country house?"Raven asked nervously. The Prince rose a royal eye at his young lord's nervous question.
"young one, I know that you go not wish to entertain the local bounty of maidens, so I went and chose your mate for you." "WHAT, I have a mate???? GAAAAAAAAAA ""now,now, I kmow that a mate can be difficult,but your mate, she is very special to me. " Raven was shocked at what the prince had said, that his mate had been chosen and very special to the prince, Raven breathed hard and soft and asked the prince"My prince who is this young woman?" A beautiful woman with dark blond hair with sultry blue eyes came in with a beautiful pet wolf on a decorated leash.
"my lords, I hope I am on time." she replied shyly, he prince took Lady Sara's hand and laid a gentle hand upon her shoulder. " my lady. you are right on time as always."Prine Edward replied Lord Raven was standing by the large window thinking of what to do know tt his 'gift'
"my lady, I welcome you to whispering woods hall. my servants are at your beck and call " "do you mind my wolf being here?"two males borg turned their heads in unsuitable shock