Sup all the people who must have nothing else to do. Not that im saying to stop reading this. But i do ask, if you read this, leave a comment, its been waaaayy to long since ive had someone comment on my journal. Oh im going to start a story on a dream i had last nite. and yes if you dont like it and think it sounds like a million other stories i dont care. ive read others on heres stories and they're all dark and mysterious. well this isnt one of those. ever since i started going out with my bf ive not been depressed at all. Ive actually been the happiest i ever have
I had sooo much fun trick-or-treating last night! I went dressed in this sexy Chinese looking dress, and went with my sis, and six of her high-school friends. We had a blast! It would of been better if my bf had been there but he lives 5 hours away....but he's moving down here shortly