Well, today is September 15th, of 2013. I'd like to make an observation on car crashes. I was in one two days ago. Yes, it was on Friday the 13th, of September 2013. I just wanted to post how I felt before and after it happened. Yes, I'm alright and so is the other driver that I "T-Boned" into. Anyways...here goes. I was driving home from work. And a little ways up the road a truck pulled out at the last second in front of me. I can't really explain it but I didn't feel fear. But instead I felt a sadness, if that could make sense. It's weird...I felt the initial impact of my front end crushing inwards. The only real thought going through my mind was "Oh my god...I'm sorry grandma.." The car was a gift from my grandmother, and I suppose I felt sad because well....she bought it for me because my old truck was falling apart at the time and I needed a vehicle before then. I was going the speed limit of 35MPH. If the other driver had just waited 5 more seconds, the crash would never have happened. I'm glad nobody was killed. The other driver got out without any scratches that I am aware of. My arm got banged up from the driver's side air bag. I also sustained bruises on my chest from the air bag and seat belt. I think I closed my eyes just as I had felt that initial contact with the other vehicle. I say that because the next thing I remember is opening them, and smelling smoke. I still didn't feel fear. More like...my brain had gone into overdrive and I was thinking rather then feeling. I might have been in shock, but not really sure. I know my eyes drifted from the driver's side air bag to the upper right hand corner to look at the windshield. It was cracked a little bit. Then when it registered that I did smell smoke, I guess instinct took over then because I reached for the keys and turned the engines off. If the engine was even working, I didn't know. I remember clicking the release button of the seat belt and opening the door quickly to get out of the car. I felt searing hot pain in both my arms and another pain in my chest. The seat belt and the air bag had stopped me from being flung into the windshield. But at the same time that's what caused my injuries. I went down to sit at the sidewalk and looked at my car and saw liquid running from underneath my car. I felt a little bit of panic because I thought the car was going to blow up. I thought it was gasoline at the time. Yet I felt no need to move. It wasn't until later I was told the liquid was radiator fluids. Guess that is why I felt no rush to move. Guess that is why the vehicle didn't blow up everywhere. I wasn't really afraid, maybe panicked a little but not really afraid. Guess it is different from person to person as far as reactions go. Well, I'll end this observation on car crashes. For now.