Lovely soul that she is,
watching the years go by,
sitting there happily.
Lovely soul! Loving, & caring for her own..
Loving those around her, caring for them deeply..
Never letting them go, always & forever..
Lovely soul..
Beauiful & strong, she has courage & moves on.
Though life throws her lemons,
she makes lemonade.
Never giving in,
showing her strength,
and showing hope.
Lovely soul! Loving, & caring for her own..
Loving those around her, caring for them deeply..
Never letting them go, always & forever..
Lovely soul..
She goes through a hard life,
like those that came before.
But never showing hatred,
only love.
She is happy with the simplest things,
for they make things brighter.
Lovely soul! Loving, & caring for her own..
Loving those around her, caring for them deeply..
Never letting them go, always & forever..
Lovely soul..
Showing the way,
she is the guide.
With a gentle hand she leads the way,
teaching right from wrong we don't lose our sense of direction.
She's always been there..
Lovely soul! Loving, & caring for her own..
Loving those around her, caring for them deeply..
Never letting them go, always & forever..
Lovely soul..
12:13 Oct 27 2010
Very nice :)
22:32 Oct 28 2010
Thanks Draky. =)