I joined a gym.
Yes. Finally. I'm the LAST person on earth that would say, I'm a gym rat, but it happened. Maybe the planets alligned or something, I don't know.
Ready for this? I got a personal trainer and we are weight training. Yup. Shit you not. Once or twice a week, I actually got my trainers trainer. I actually surprised him the other day. My former trainer stands next to him and whispers "Watch this." I pressed 60lbs with one of those chest machines. She leaned to him and said "Told ya" he said "God Damn you're Strong!" He was really surprised. It seems I'm starting out where some women want to be, go figure. We haven't event gotten into strength testing my legs yet.
So what's the point? Well, I'm overweight, no surprise there, but secretly.....deep down......I want to look good on stage next year at Nocturne. No, I'm not gonna wear skin tight pleather, but I want to maybe, maybe turn a head or two. *smile.
My Beloved Daniel is proud of me, and he takes care of me with my aches and pains a few days after the workouts. Oh yeah, there's pain. LOL No joke of that.
So I'll write later.