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Sanguine Ankh Consecration

16:23 May 24 2009
Times Read: 709

Most vampire houses have a specific ankh that symbolizes the House and its ideals. For many vampires, whether they belong to a House or not, their ankh represents their dedication to pursuing their identity as a vampire, with all that this entails. When a new ankh is obtained, it should be consecrated before putting it on, so you reflect upon all that it means to you. If you have an altar, keep the ankh on the altar overnight. Then, after night has fallen the next day, take up the ankh and say these words:

This is the symbol of life.

It is the symbol of my ancient heritage,

A heritage I now proudly proclaim.

Life sustains me and makes me strong:

Every breath and every sweet drop of blood

Is a celebration of what I am.

Let this ankh be my constant reminder

As I wear it each night above my heart

Of the life that is so very precious

And the darkness that encircles my soul.

Kiss the ankh and place it over your heart. As an alternate Sanguine rite, you can draw a drop of blood from your finger and consecrate the ankh with this blood before saying the prayer. It’s a good idea to reconsecrate your ankh on a yearly basis, to remind yourself of what it means to wear this symbol




Vampyric Terms

14:50 May 16 2009
Times Read: 724


Adra: a vampyric sponsor or mentor.

Ardetha (are-death-aa): someone who is made a vampyre through a ritual or ceremony.

Ancients: Refers to the ancient deities and mythical/spiritual personas such as Lilith, Set, The Ancient Vampiric Gods, Caine, Kali, etc.

Awakening: The physical and mental changes involved when one's vampirism begins to manifest itself, if one is a latent vampire.

Beast: The primal, animalistic, bestial nature of a frustrated or desperate vampire. It's destructive and cold, and if you don't control it, then you will be under its control.

Beacon: A particular feeling or energy signature generated by vampyres in general, but latent or potential vampyres in particular. The beacon seems to exist to attract other vampyres to the potential so that they may instigate the awakening process.

Black Swan: A non-Vampyre lover or friend who does not feel the draw to become sanguine, but who is nevertheless favorably inclined towards Vampyres. They may or may not frequent vampyre nightclubs and usually understand the Vampyre-fetish lifestyle.

Black Veil: 13 tenets of common sense, ettiquite and responsibility used by many households within the vampyre community.

Blood Bond: a rite, ritual or ceremony marking a commitment to a coven or an individual. It is also a term to reflect a vampyre marriage.

Blood Drinker: Anyone who drinks blood, regardless of motivation.

Blood Fetishist: Someone who is erotically attracted to the sight, taste or smell of blood; they generally have no physical need to consume it, and will usually be happy with small amounts.

Blood Junkie: A derogatory term for someone who experiences the physical need to consume blood, a sanguinarianBloodletting: The act of cutting the physical flesh to extract blood. This is commonly used for blood play, fetishism and feeding.

Bloodplay: Similar to bloodletting, bloodplay is the act of using blood in sexual or fetish situations. Bloodplay can also refer to the integration blood and bloodletting in ritual.

Cainus Lupus: a term for tribal or shamanistic members of the Sanguinarium who related to wolves. Commonly related to werevoles.

Caste/path: one of three roles (guardian, priest & companion) used in many Sanguinarium households started by the Kheperian Order.

Calmae (cal-may): a term refering to an initiate and formal member of a Sanguinarium household or court, who is familiar with the Scroll of Elorath and abides by the tenets/traditions of a household and the Black Veil.

Chi: Chi is the Chinese term for life energy. It is also often referred to as pranic energy or life force. Chi is the bio-electrical energy which runs our bodies on a subtle level. Energy vampires and many psi-vamps believe that they can manipulate chi and feed upon it to sate their hungers. To a certain extent, blood vampires also feed upon chi, for a great deal of this subtle energy is believed to be concentrated into the blood.

Clinical vampirism: A psychological condition, also referred to as Renfield's Syndrome, in which the afflicted person experiences a psychological urge to drink blood. This urge is often satisfied with their own blood, and sufferers of Renfield's Syndrome typically bear slashes from razors and knives up and down their arms from where they have drawn blood from themselves. This condition is similar to a new pathology, known as SMS, or Self-Mutilation Syndrome, which is becoming alarmingly common in American youths.

Clutch: a small group of vampyres, who are apart of a larger household, usually 3-13 members who gather for socialization, ritual, initiation and training.

Coming out of the Coffin: a term for going public about one's vampyrism.

Court: a geographicly based formal Quabal and organization with their own ceremonies, traditions, hierarchy and memberships.

Coven: Covens are groups of individuals and organizations who embellish the vampyre/vampire lifestyle; who band together under a specific theme, set of ideals, traditions, common Sigil, havens, membership requirements, hierarchy and rites.


Dayside: the mundane life we must all lead, paying taxes, mundane family relations, rent, dayjob, etc.

Dhampyri: someone who was born a vampyre or awakened before puberty.

Donor: Someone who gives/shares their blood or energy consentually.

Elder: A prominent member of the Vampyre community who is honored and respected for their experience, accomplishments and devotion, a teacher. Elders are often those individuals who have helped establish a community.

Embrace: The act of turning one into a vampire by the giving of one's blood to another.

Energy signature: Term used to indicate the unique energy-pattern, feeling, or vibes that each individual has. Vampyres are believed to have a particular energy signature that can be recognized by those familiar with it. In this way, others skilled in magick and psychic practices may identify us for what we are.

Energy Vampire: An individual who has a need to feed upon the life force of others. Most energy vampyres feed upon chi or psychic energy and avoid drinking blood.

Family Dentist or Fangsmith: a term refering to someone who makes dental quality fangs.

Feeding: The act of consuming pranic energy (blood) or psychic energy (emotional and elemental energy)

Fledgling: a newly awakened, unintiated and unexperienced vampyre.

Fruitbat: a nutty or insane vamp.

Gaja (ga-jaa): a fashion vampire, one who does not embrace the Strigoi Vii philosophy and is only focused on the aesthetic aspects of the vampyre scene.

Golden Circle: The people around a small coven or circle, which include black swans, vampyres, kitra, etc.

Grimoire (grim-wor): a journal and book of lessions and notes each Sahjaza initiate should keep on their advancement of study and involvement within the family.

Haematodipsia: A strong form of haematophilia.

Haematomania: A strong psychological craving for blood.

Haematophilia: An erotic attraction to the taste, sight (or smell) of blood.

Haven: a vampyre gathering place. Most often a gothic nightclub, bar or coffee house.

Household: a generic term for a family or organization within the Sanguinarium community.

Human: Term used for the purposes of distinguishing those who are not vampire. (this term is misleading because it implies that vampires are not human.)

The Hunger: The desire to feed, also identified as the Thirst. The Hunger is both a psychological and physical sensation. Physically, it manifests as an intense hunger or thirst - but not for physical food or drink.

Hunter: Someone that hunts, stalks, threatens, or does harm (whether it be physical, psychical, psychological, or emotional) to someone because s/he is a vampire, or because the hunter believes them to be so. Blade applies to seriously unbalanced individuals who really are on some sort of holy hate crusade and intend to follow through with violence or action.


Im Kheperu: The ritual of transformation used by some to induct a new member into the vampyre community. Im Kheperu also denotes the holy day, concurrent with the Pagan festival Samhain, when this rite is most often performed. As a festival, Im Kheperu ushers in the Dark Side of the Year, a time when our powers wax greatly and our sense of our natures is heightened significantly.

Im Sekhemu: The double-power. This also denotes the holy day, concurrent with the Pagan festival Beltane, when the last peak in power is celebrated before the coming of the Light Side of the Year. During the Im Sekhemu, which properly lasts over a span of days leading up to Beltane, everything about us is heightened to an almost excruciating degree. We feel the last swansong of power just before the Dark Year fades, and at the same time we experience the greatest hunger as that power heightens all of our sensations. Sekhemu can also refer to the driving sensation brought about by this peak in hunger and power.Kali: a blood-thirsty goddess from India who has been chosen by some to be a goddess of vampirism.

Kithal: Someone who has been initiated into one or more covens.

Kitra (key-traa): in the vampyric caste system this is an initiated member who functions as a donor, advisor, companion, watcher and altar to focus and balance energy during rituals. A mix of vampyre and donor.

Klavasi (latent vampyre): someone who has awakened after puberty. Invisable: someone kicked out of a household for violating the traditions, black veil or rules of that family. They are stripped of any titles, initiations and completely ignored.

Latent vampire (ardetha): Someone who is already naturally a vampire, but whose vampiric tendencies have not yet manifested.

Leech: 1.) A small, bloodsucking worm; 2.) An incredibly rude and derogatory (well, at least disrespectful...) term to call someone who is a vampyre.

Lilitu / Lilian: Also the Children of Lilith. This is an order or movement within the vampyre community which promotes the idea that Lilith was the spiritual forebear of vampyres.

The Long Night: Name for the festival celebrated on the Winter Solstice. This night is the peak of the Darkside of the year, and many households and covens gather together to celebrate the longest night. This is a festival of community where everyone relaxes and socializes. It is also the traditional night to recognize new members of the community or to perform rites of passage, such as raising someone from Calmae to Elder.

Mentor: The one who made you a vampire or awakened you and/or taught/guided you.

Mortal: Term used for the purposes of distinguishing those who are not vampire. (This term is, at best, misleading because it implies that vampires are "immortal".)

Mradu (mra-doo): an initated "knighted" and appointed guardian and protector in the vampyric caste system.

Mundane: Term used to distinguish those who are not vampires.

The Nephilim: A rather widespread belief within the vampiric community which asserts that vampyres are the inheritors of the Nephilim. The Nephilim are demi-human beings who were sired by angels, as told in Enoch I, a book that was dropped from the Bible in the early stages of its canonization.

Nightside: the primal nature, the AKA "the dragon" which includes the side of oneself which is awakened during ritual, sexual arousal, artistic creation,

Nomaj: A vampyre mystic, astrologer or user of sangomancy.

Of the Blood: A term sometimes used to refer to someone as being a vampire.

Pandemonium: a term for a generally unpleasant experience which includes but is not limited to an acute heightening of all of a vampyre's sensitivities, a change in the person's manner, alterations in breathing,pulse rate, and thought patterns, as their body gears up to go out and attempt to satisfy the thirst. This phenomenon is when the "beast" or "darkside" is very definitely felt as a real force within the vampyre's psyche and the vampyre's self-control totters on a razor-edge. This particular phenomenon is experienced by both sanguines and psi-vamps alike, and it serves as a distinguishing factor between those who are real vampyres and those who are simply blood fetishists.

Polyamory: Refers to multiperson committed relationships, which are not uncommon among households in the vampyre community.

Porphyria: An acute medical condition which has been postulated by some scholars to have inspired the vampire myths of the past. Sufferers of porphyria have pale, flaky skin and are very sensitive to sunlight. They are also severely anemic, and some sufferers of porphyria have been know to drink blood in an attempt to relieve the cravings brought about by anemia.

Poser: Someone pretending or claiming to be a vampire who is not, with the intent of deceiving others, by making false claims as to their powers, abilities,lifespan, etc.

Prana: Like Chi, Prana is life energy. Prana is a Hindu term, and it is strongly associated with the breath as well as the life. See also Chi and Psychic Energy

Pranic energy: Refers to blood and sexual energy.

Primus: A vampyre, almost always an elder, who founded or is the leader of a large family or coven of vampyres.

Psychic energy: Refers to emotional and elemental(energy of the earth), also the life-force that surrounds and is contained in living things.

Psychic Attack: A term used for an attack by an psi-vampire. Any uninvited draining of one's vital energy. One is said to have experienced a Psi-vamp attack when a psi-vampire has targeted and successfully fed from you, without your consent. Another view is that psychic vampire attacks ONLY take the form of such draining by the use of the psyche.

Psychic vampire: Someone who feeds from psychic energy, drains life-energy rather than blood from others. Technically speaking in some views, psychic vampire is a vampire who is psychic while a psi-vampire is a vampire who feeds on energy, preferably emotional energy.

Pranic (pran-ick): to feed from the aura and chakras of consenting donors.


Quabal (qua-ball): a gathering for socialization, ritual, initiations and education.

Ramkht (rom-ket): an ordained vampyric priest who acts as a ritual leader, creative director and catalyst.

Ravass Bhavatan (rav-ass bov-aton): a ceremony or ritual kick someone out of a household, making them invisable and stripping them of their titles.

Real Vampire: Someone who has a condition which includes but is not limited to a physical thirst and need for blood (which is non-erotic in nature; and in more significant quantity than is generally required or desired by other blood-drinkers), or psychic energy (real need exists for energy draining of others emotional energy and that of the earth.)

Real Vampire/RealVamp: A sanguine, psychic, or energy vampyre. A real vampyre has a particular condition which includes but is not limited to the following characteristics: a real need for blood or life energy; heightened sensitivities; light sensitivity; a largely nocturnal sleep cycle. The heightened sensitivities are believed by many to include a number of psychic abilities, such as empathy, astral projection, clairvoyance, and energy manipulation. The sensitivity to light and the nocturnal body cycle are not so limiting that a real vampyre cannot be up and out during the day, it is simply an effort for them to do so.

Renfield's Syndrome: is a psychological condition in which the sufferer has an affinity for drinking blood. Sufferers of Renfield's Syndrome typically bear slashes on their hands and arms where they have withdrawn quantities of their own blood to drink.

Ronin: a vampyre who is awakened and is not a member of a household. In the Japanese feudal system , ronin were Samurai who lacked allegiance to a particular house, but who were nonetheless honorable and skilled as samurai.

RPGer: Role-Player: One who engages in roleplaying games like VtM and others. Sometimes RPGers are also lifestylers, others distinguish between their 'human' life and their role and have nothing to do with Vampires.

Safari: A form of play-hunting when a vampyre or coven of vampyres goes out to find donors but not bring them home. Maybe a little nibbling, but never feeding.This was used in the late 1970s to teach fledglings how to hunt in discos.

Sanguinarium (sang-ween-are-ee-um): the vampire / vampyre network which abides by the Black Veil.

Sanguinarian :Someone who has a physical thirst, need, craving for blood (which is non-erotic in nature) in more significant quantity than is generally required or desired by other blood-drinkers).

Sanguine: A term which indicates a blood-drinking vampyre. Energy vampyres or psi-vamps, if they supplement their feeding with the active drinking of blood, are considered to be sanguines.

Seeker: Someone who is seeking after vampires, or knowledge of vampires, usually desiring to become one him/herself.

Setians: A belief within the vampyre community that links vampirism back to the Egyptian God Set.

Sexual Vampirism: A relatively rare variety of vampirism that feeds primarily from sexual energy.

Sigil: see households.

Sire: A very literary term often used by Ann Rice fans and few RPGers. Someone who is responsible for turning someone into a vampire.

Slayer: A person that makes public and obnoxious claims of killing people who are (or who the slayer thinks are) vampires.

SMS: A psychological condition which has apparently begun to grow among American youth. Sufferers of SMS, often known as cutters, feel the need to cut into their flesh and watch themselves bleed. Some sufferers of SMS also drink the blood drawn out this way, although this is not standard for the disease.

Source: Someone from whom a vampire will get blood.

Solitary: a vampyre who chooses not to be involved with a coven and has little if any interested in going out in the scene. See also Ronin.

Somnusium: to take a brake from the Sanguinarium, scene or the vampyre philosophy and lifestyle.

Starseed Vampires: a tradition or movement within the vampyre community which asserts the extra-terrestrial origins of the vampyre race.

Strigoi Vii: means "living vampire" in ancient Romanian and is used to refer to the philosophy used by the Sahjaza and the condition of being a vampyre.

Incubus / Succubus: A vampyre who feeds only while having sex or purely through sexual energy. In Medieval folklore, a Succubus was a female demon who appeared to people, often in dreams, and seduced them.


Thirst: The craving, need, desire, urge to drink blood, experienced as an intense thirst-sensation or withdrawal.

Turned: Refers to the "making" of a vampire, another role play term.

Twilight: to maintain a consistant balance between the Dayside and the Nightside.

Vampire: A much-disputed term with many meanings, depending upon who you're talking to. It can include psychic vampires, energy vampires, emotional vampires, sanguines, blood-fetishists, and the kind of vampire you find in fiction or on the Silver Screen. Here, it is used to encompass all of the above-listed groups into a general category, ie may refer to both real and non real vampires.

Vampire bait: A poser or wannabe who is just screaming for a vampire to come after them.

Vamping out: Experiencing an acute flare-up of the thirst, involves a change in the person's manner, breathing, pulse rate, thought patterns, etc.

Vampiric Community: The community of people who identify with or have been identified with the label "vampire".

Vampyre vs vampire: "Vampyre" is the older spelling of the word "vampire" used in the 17th & 18th centuries, thus "Vampyre" is used to refer to people who are really into the scene or lifestyle. The more modern "vampire" is most often used to refer to Hollywood, myth and fiction.

Vampyrecrafte: In general, this is the magick practiced by vampyres. Many vampyres are pagan and follow the old ways, and the ways of magick are an integral part of their beliefs. Most vampyres practice numerous techniques associated with energy manipulation. Many also practice some form of magick, most often ritual magick or chaos magick.

Vampyre lifestyler: Someone who incorporates fictional vampire imagery and trappings into his/her personal life, often cultivating a "Vampyric" physical appearance and forming alternative extended families and social structures modeled on the "covens" or "clans" of vampire fiction and role-playing games, and utilizing that terminology.

Wannabe: Derogatory term for someone who wants to become a vampire, usually with unrealistic expectations of what it would be like, and usually without consideration of such practical matters as how one would find sources.

White Swan: Someone who cannot tolerate the Vampyre lifestyle and proves antagonistic to the Scene. In general, White Swans are still a part of the Gothic or fetish scene, which often brings them into contact with the vampyre community despite their disgust of vampirism.



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