Rose Salt fizzies for bath
come to me Powder for shoes
Scroll to put what you want in a man
Candled craved and glittered on bottom to attract the mate you want put a heart on the candle craving wise..
Anointing oil for love
heart focus tool
Incense for love
Bath in the sea fizzies cleanse off any negativity. Place the candle on alter write your name on it. On scroll write what you want on the mate to look like be like and be in the relationship. Take the incense and burn them and then light candle and place the heart near it as a focusing tool, place the scroll underneath the heart. See and feel what you are wanting in your life for a mate.
The heart of the goddess speak to my heart to my mate’s heart
We shall be together and never a part
Our love will attract us and grow
I feel his love and I know
That he will come to me in the right time and place
Though I don’t know you now I will know your face!
Heart of the goddess fill me with love
Thank you for bringing to me someone I deserve from above
Thank you for making me feel the joy and love everyday
And helping me feel blessed in every way
Place the powder in the shoes you wear to attract the man of your dreams and know that you will have the love of your life.
Tools and ingredients
Two green candles
A bowl full of fresh leaves from four of the following plants: Marigold, Celery, Mint, Grass, Nasturtium, Parsley, Cress, and Comfrey.
Silver ribbon
Step 1. After collecting the tools and ingredients, prepare the space around the bathtub according to your own ritual, or by lightly sprinkling salt in a circle around it while speaking the following words: I consecrate this place/ for the Goddess within and without/ Only love and good can remain/ hate and evil are cast out.
Step 2. Light the candles and fill the bathtub.
Step 3. As the tub is filling, concentrate on that thing which is your goal. Visualize the steps necessary to achieve it.
Step 4. When the bath is ready, sprinkle the leaves throughout the tub.
Step 5. Get into the bath and inhale the steam as you speak the following words seven times: Blessed One within and without/ As green and strong these gentle herbs are/ let them draw to me favor and fortune/ In your wisdom show me/ how to achieve that which I desire.
Note. If you have a specific goal in mind, it is appropriate to add that to the end of this incantation. Whether you know your goal or if it is more general, it is very important to visualize the success you desire.
Step 6. Remain in the bath as long as you like, meditating on your desired goal. When you are finished, collect the wet leaves into the piece of cheesecloth and gather up the sides to make a bag. Tie it with the silver ribbon and hang it to dry.
Step 7. At night, when you sleep, place the bag under your pillow. As you sleep, repeat the incantation and visualize your success.
Money is one thing that people never seem to get enough of. But there are times in a person’s life where money is desperately needed and nowhere to be found. At times like these a spell to bring money can be very useful.
Remember when you use this spell that the powers of the Earth are subtle. Your money might not come to you in the way you expect. Rather than receiving a surprise refund from the bank or winning a prize, you might be offered a new opportunity to make money. Remember, it is your job to take up the opportunities you are given.
To Attract Money Spell
Tools and Ingredients
Alter or Sacred Space
Mortar and pestle
Small glass or bowl of water
One green candle
One gold candle
Orange oil
Dried allspice
Dried nutmeg
One almond
One silver dollar (or any silver coin)
A circle of green fabric
Thread in silver and gold
Step 1. After collecting the tools and ingredients, prepare your space according to your own ritual, or by lightly sprinkling salt in a circle around yourself while speaking the following words: I consecrate this place/ for the Goddess within and without/ Only love and good can remain/ hate and evil are cast out.
Step 2a. Put a few drops of orange oil on your hands and rub it into the green candle as you speak the following words: Money and good fortune/ I ask for only what I need.
Step 2b. Put a few drops of orange oil on your hands and rub it into the gold candle as you speak the following words: That my wishes be fulfilled/ That opportunity will arise.
Step 3. Light both candles.
Step 4. Using the mortar and pestle, grind the allspice, nutmeg and almond. Visualize the amount of money you need and put that energy into the elements you are grinding together.
Step 5. On top of the green fabric circle, place the silver dollar. Add the ground mixture on top of that, and gather up the sides of the fabric to form a bag.
Step 6. Using the silver and gold thread at the same time, tie the bag shut using seven knots and speak the following words: By the strength of the Elements and the wisdom of the Goddess/ I ask for that which I need.
Step 7. Breathe on the charm and speak the following words: With the Power of the Air/ blow good fortune into my life.
Step 8. Pass the charm quickly through the flame of both candles and speak the following words: With the Power of Fire/ kindle new opportunities.
Step 9. Sprinkle a few drops of water on the charm and speak the following words: With the Power of Water/ bring waves of good luck.
Step 10. Sprinkle the charm with salt and speak the following words: With the Power of the Earth/ grow the wealth that I need.
Step 11. Hold the finished charm in your hands and focus all of your energy on it and your desired goal while you speak the final incantation: If this be for the higher good of all/ As I will it, so it shall be!
Step 12. Keep the pouch with you, tied around your neck or waist, until your spell has accomplished its goal.