This is the URL to the small site of my poetry I have recently started to build:
It looks rough around the edges definitely now. I will be learning in my spare time how to design it well, and adding poems, and (hopefully), improving it.
Some people wouldn't reveal their website until they were satisfied that it looked fairly good, but my attitude is that life is so short and precarious, I could die tomorrow, (although I'm fairly healthy at the moment), and then none of my poems would ever be out there in the cybersphere.
I also added a poem yesterday to the database here. It's called Just Sleeping.
So, I have been absent from Vampire Rave for about a week, due to so much busy life stuff in non cyber. But I love it here and can tell I'm going to haunt it.
I found Vampire Rave when I did a web search for free images for a new website I'm building for my poetry in my spare time. Years ago, I went through a spell of writing reams of poetry and verses, and many were about vampires and ghosts. A couple of weeks ago, I stumbled across these while searching through a drawer. A lot of them were published in the small press at about the times I wrote them, and some people liked them. I thought, why not put them up on a free website where people might enjoy them, instead of just keeping them mouldering away unseen on paper in a crate in the attic room. This site I'll be working on in my spare time. I've enjoyed reading members vampire themed poetry, and plan to submit a poem of my own to Vampire Rave soon.