My Lady i love thee with all my heart. I hold you close when darkness comes upon me, your warmth keeps me from the cold darkness. I adore you, crave you, long for that kiss from your welcoming lips. They invite me and i need no asking. I move forward and then my world is brought to life. I feel my heart beat for thy Lady. I love thee with all my heart. I hold you close when darkness comes upon me, your warmth keeps me from the cold darkness. I adore you, crave you long for that kiss from your welcoming lips, they invite me and i need no asking. I move forward and then my world is brought to life. I feel my heart beat for the first time, it pounds hard for you. I can never hide my feelings from you My Lady Darla i'll hold you close to my heart forever and hold me close to yours my light beckon of soul....
Deep in the stone heart of the forge,
fire leaps a dance to caress the sky.
A breath from the bellows
is the roar of the dragon.
Phoenix rises. Deep in the heart of my brother’s eyes
fire leaps a dance, to brush the back
of the spheres.
Phoenix rises, and dances at the third gate.
Cymbals; and the sulphurous smell of sweat.
Deep in the heart of his eyes
my brother’s dross is turned to gold;
veiled behind Ishtar’s gauze are his mysteries,
but I have pierced beyond. A breath from the bellows.
Phoenix rises, and my brother seeks the fire.
The veil is pierced; the philosopher’s stone is found,
and the third gate is breached.
The phoenix rises to dance
the music of the spheres. Deep in the heart
of the flames, the planets are still.
A breath from the bellows. The roar of the dragon
is my brother transformed
in phoenix flight. The veil is pierced.
We two are one
in the embrace of the gods.