2 entries this month
06:19 Jan 28 2009
Times Read: 729
Here is a hint to the masses of the DarkNetwork:
When you see someone get suspended for a specific word or idea, copying and pasting it to your journal, will get you suspended.
22:45 Jan 14 2009
Times Read: 768
I wanted to explain something. I have had comments, wondering why I don't seem too committed to loosing the weight. Let me explain to you why....
I have Multiple Sclerosis and Chronic Fatigue. If you aren't sure what Multiple Sclerosis is...its simply an autoimmune disease, that causes your body to attack the coverings on your nerves. Your nerves have a covering, similar to a electrical wire. Once that covering is damaged, it causes short circuits.
There are two types of nerves in your body. The sensory nerves that send messages from your body to your head, such as, when something is hot. The Motor nerves are sent from your head to your body, to respond to the stimuli.
So, generally. My body goes into spasms. Generally my symptoms are mild, as just feeling sore, like you do when you overuse a muscle, when working out. Some of the more severe one’s, are charley horse type feelings, in my back, legs, face, arms or hands. LordV has seen the whole body spasms that I go into, when I have multiple spasms at the same time.
Stretching often help the feeling of soreness and if I don't stretch, I will loose flexibility and the ability to walk adequately. The main thing to stretch is my legs and Achilles heel. As with the loss of flexibility of your ankle and foot, it makes walking hazardous.
As for working out, while dealing with this disease, you have to be careful. If you do too much, you are going to deal with the whole body spasms, the charlie horses and the pain. Do too little, its not effective.
Oh, just for shits and giggles, lets add in another problem that is part of MS. Uhthoff's sign. This part of MS, generally happens when the person gets overheated, or exerted. With the rise of the body heat, this kicks in and makes our MS symptoms worse. First thing that happens with me, is blurred and double vision, top to bottom, like if you were looking at car headlights, they are on top of one another.
Chronic Fatigue is just that. You know how tired you feel after going without sleep for a long period of time? That's me. Exertion can bring it on quicker.
So, now lets try to loose weight. My major problem is lack of activity. I use to be very active and now, for all the above reasons, I can't.
The thing that I have to balance this with, is after exertion...I tend to need to lay down, fairly quickly. Within 30 minutes of stopping the activity, I better be near a bed, or I will get viciously sick. Nausea and Fatigue is so debilitating that I often have trouble walking. Crawling is optional.
This is why I swim. It keeps my body temperature down, allows me to exert myself in relative safety. (Its hard to fall down and hurt yourself in a pool.) But it is at a pool, that is only 15 minutes away. Walking with Maddie is good, with familiar surroundings. But my fear, as it has happen before, is when the fatigue sets in, that I will be too far away from my house.
I am tempted to get a cross country skiing machine. It is not jarring, although it will bring my body temp up, as I start sweating....I can counter that with the room temp or spraying myself with water.
Anyways, to loose the weight, I am altering my eating style, by eating more protein than carbs. I am attempting to drink more water, eventually to reach 100 oz like it is recommended. The bottles I am drinking are 16oz bottles. I am up to 3 or 48 ozs a day. I am lifting weights every morning, with 5lb weights that I got for Christmas. I am trying to remember to stretch out every day so I don't loose my ability to walk.
I hope you all understand. When I told you that loosing weight is hard for me...this is what I meant. Add in the thyroid problem and loosing weight is almost impossible. But, I am going to try. I prefer your help and not your criticisms.
Great Sire (116)
Carpe Diem!
02:04 - November 27 2024
Sire (103)
way too quiet with the puppers not home. sigh.
02:02 - November 27 2024
Royal Sire (233)
Kinda here, kinda not. School Time!
01:53 - November 27 2024
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23:01 Jan 28 2009
*smiles* D'OH