Tehe this guy is awesome ^^ I just ramble to him randomly sometimes about nothing and oddly he puts up with it :P Except he is mean to me :( And he picks on me lol i am not a retard! But i love him anyway lol he's an awesome friend when he's not being mean to me ^^ And he likes CoD and Assassins Creed which are the best games ever XD
Rose! rose rose lol Rose is hilariouuuss I guarentee that when i talk to Rose i will have a laughing fit. some of the things she comes out with so suit her they wouldnt sound right if someone else said it XD And she wouldnt be Rose if she didnt say something rude or funny XD
Like giving presents and she gave me a spatula lol And my mentorship forums are never quiet with Rose around :P They are full of funny responses and things that shes said. Lol love ya Rose im glad ya my friend XD
Lillian! This girl is awesome, she makes me laugh quite alot coz she can be so funny ^^ I'm glad that shes my friend. I always talk to her in the forums because she will talk to you no matter what and shes so friendly ^^ She also cares a lot and is a very sweet and loving person ^^
Winter is so sweet shes friendly and she talks to me each time she comes online. She can be so funny sometimes and she cares about alot of people. I am always in her pub in the forums talking to her and the others and im glad shes on of my friends on here.
Deadly is like a big sister to me and i love her like a sister because shes so awesome and shes the best lol. shes caring sweet and funny and she protects me and looks after me and she never fails to make me laugh i think Deadly is an awesome person and an awesome friend :)
She made me a protection tag for me when i was blessedemo and i still have it and its so pretty!!! ^^